In case you missed Magnetic Feminism - Part 1 The Sun Is A Big Electron An electron is a particle wave duality that expresses quanta within an orbital. Quanta is sunlight and the orbital is the magnetic field. In physics, things are scalable. A flame at the end of a match stick is the same as a fire that covers a continent. To understand the frequencies emitted by the sun that plants eat and turn into sugars (aka photosynthesis), we must also understand the frequencies that electrons emit and that both have frequencies that convey information. The unique, dynamic, ever-changing child of electricity and magnetism (called nature or life) is the chaos in between the order that is pure light expression from both fractal levels (being the sun and the electron, the little sun). Climate changes all the time since the forces that create climate (electricity and magnetism) also change. Yes, our fake manmade electro-magnetic frequencies affect this. I repeatedly say Wifi is dangerous. They say NO real science and I say KNOW real science. Tech is a problem and those opposing climate change should oppose pollution (as I do) and learn about the forces that impact natural climate change and then learn how to change with them to survive. The earth's magnetism is in a natural decline cycle so I use a Magnetico to boost my magnetism as environmental magnetism declines. I have never heard anyone on either side of climate change talk about unidirectional magnetic decline that allows the light expression of the sun to compete with the earth and heat it up..... Everything is fractal (like a Russian doll scenario), so everything goes deeper. The actual gate to the quantum is covered by light. You could say that the tree of life is guarded by an angel with firey arrows. The inside of the sun is the window to the quantum but the same is true for the small suns called electrons within you. We see sun spots or a black hole sun. This newly expressed light gives birth to time. Sound and light are both frequencies or quanta (sunlight). All stars are gates to the quantum and all life is created by various speeds of light and the complexity is caused by frequency arrangement and calibration. The quantum gate first expresses a photon or ....let there be light. This sounds like a bang...a big one. This is the initial expression of light and the magnetism is established to allow the expression of that light in the form of an electron or a sun. When an electron takes its first steps away from the quantum and toward the material world it jumps in a container called hydrogen which is the first element on the periodic table and contains one electron only. From there it mixes with oxygen and creates the membrane that separates the quantum realm from the material one. This membrane is called water and it is an expression of magnetic conductive ether in chemical form. This is why water is so programable. Hydrogen only contains one electron. The frequency calibration of that electron is more volatile and allows for frequency to influence from the force we call "intention", which is like different frequency shades of paint allowing for these to mix, creating new colors. In this analogy the canvas is magnetism the paint is electric but the color of the paint is the frequency calibration. The subtleties of a skilled painter involve all these things but the feedback loop is of color combining with the visualization. Many talk about thoughts creating reality which is like talking about paintings. It is easy to talk about them, but how many who comment on paintings actually understand how to use the brush of intention with electric paint, combined with color frequencies and a magnetic canvas to create the world they live in like an artist paints a world within the boundaries of a canvas? I can write about these things because so many people in this art gallery called life see paintings everywhere and think that means they can paint. Truth is they cannot because learning to paint takes time, skill, discipline, and work. No one gets to cheat when it comes to reality creation. So they keep selling books like The Secret, telling half-truths because sure, your thoughts create reality, but if you don't know the specific directions to walk that path you cannot get to the destination of reality creation, even if you believe it exists. Unfortunately, some people start to learn to paint and the best they can do is paint stuff: cars and money. True reality painters reach into the quantum and pull out concepts that are far more powerful and significant than cars and money. Those that pull out darkness are ignorant to what it costs. Those that pull out light do it as an act of pure creativity, not to battle the dark as light once it fully removes dark from the canvas disappears as everything that is made perfect does. Our mother magnetism is so close to perfect most don't even know she is there. The unseen feminine that seems to get no recogntion but sets the stage for all of life is magnetism and needs to be understood and given the proper recognition that it deserves. If magnetism gets frustrated and starts to act like electric to get the attention it deserves then there is no balance and life will decline. The modern frustration the woman feel, I believe si being impacted by the frustration of the magnetic force that has to be understood and given its credit. I know that electric is bright and shinny and powerful but the subtle force of magnetism is what determines the strength of that charge expression. Every strong man needs the support of a strong woman and every strong woman needs a strong man for her potential to be displayed. this yin yang electro magnetic dance goes back and forth and the result is dynamic natural life...the result is us.
Honor the mother, in a low magnetic field electric can't be expressed like a root packed plant. this ids when high charge people link up with low charge people just to syfen off the extra charge they can't express as it is more frustrating to have unexpressible energy then not enough. If you find yourself in co dependent relationships this may be may be neglecting the mother, the foundation, the field, the canvas of all things. The one that is taken for granted. The external force we all have to get to know in order to for us to be a parent to our own internal force. Thank you mother magnetism and thank you to the woman in our society that are strong enough to be the foundation. My own ability to truly express my spark is a direct reflection of the feminine element that supports that expression. We all need each in order to create the pain can't be the canvas and the canvas can't be the paint until the two forces merge and the painting is one.
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Magnetism is the feminine aspect. The mother; the field that electricity is expressed in. All life comes from the union between magnetism and electricity. Nature should not be referred to as the mother but as the child. Mother magnetism is the conductive field that electric expresses itself in and the result is nature, a dynamic, ever-changing, and growing child being taught how to behave by the two parental forces. As the two forces interact with each other through the magnetospheres and electric charge of plants, animals or planets and moons , they dance. See Blog Post Health - Mom & Dad Are Splitting Up Much like the patriarchal society we live in that often does not recognize or respect the feminine for what it is (the foundation of life), we neglect magnetism. Very few people know much about it. We refer to it every time we say EMF but what is magnetism really? A magnetic field its the orb or "egg" that contains pure conductivity. This is referred to as "ether" in some circles. This conductive space allows for the expression of electricity within it. Electricity shines bright and gets all the attention. Every painting starts with a canvas; the foundation of art. The canvas takes many forms but is always there before the art (the child), which is born from the combination of canvas and paint. The misunderstood aspect of magnetism is that it is fractal. The sun has a magnetosphere that is inside a magnetosphere from a larger fractal. This leads to the earth's magnetosphere, to your body's (aura) magnetosphere which leads to the magnetosphere of the the electrons that make up the material world. Each magnetosphere is within another and as these fields overlap the electricity expression potential increases. This means the strongest charge expression is coming from the lowest perceivable fractal level. This explains electrons which are commonly referred to within mitochondria ( which are the engines of the cell), but are not typically viewed as the particle wave dualities that they really are. Electrons are little suns that put off frequencies (aka light). They are tiny EMF devices. This is where life begins and what powers all life. This is what everyone in health should be focused on instead of nutrition, detoxification, alkalinity and all the rest of the things that come much later and function when properly powered by the electro-magnetic system that makes up our organs and senses. This is why I promote the Magnetico Sleep Pad which increases the magnetic field of the body thus increasing the charge (life) expression of the electric electrons that power the system. This field permeates the body. Anyone talking about energy, crystals, and lots of other new age type stuff, in my experience, is saying half truths at best and can seldom explain how these tools even work. Never allow someone to use a tool on you if they don't understand how it works. All the things we do that pull our focus to outer vs inner work are distractions. Don't get caught up in the shiny objects people wave around talking about program-ability. They are programmable from frequencies in the environment too and are a distraction at best. I'm referring to crystals, organite, and the like. Think of electric expressions such as lightning, the northern lights, neon lights. The combining of magnetic and electric for life to be expressed through the complexity of the arrangement of electrons and the frequencies emitted by them. The byproduct of electric and magnetic forces is called quanta (aka light frequencies...aka sunlight). The eye is one membrane that this quanta (light) goes in and out of to connect to itself. Everything with an electro-magnetic field has an effect on everything else with a magnetic field and potential spark (electric) expression. These are all feedback loops. You push out to ask the environment where you are and the environment pushes back with the answer. Then you ask again, this feedback loop conversation is going on all the time. These are the forces that are below our senses that are typically only referred to as feelings, a hunch, intuition and any number of other non-tangible knowings. This also explains dream states since magnetism changes at night because the magnetosphere that we are in is not competing with the suns rays for increased internal light expression, but that's another blog. Magnetism and electricity need each other and together they make frequencies and frequencies are what everything you know in the material world is made of.
---------> On to part 2 Who am I......Now?4/22/2019 The Question - Who am I? is one that is rarely asked. In the same way that the question of what to eat should be determined by the where and the when (Food Talk 1) our brains are constantly reconstructing our working identity. Instead of asking Who am I? The better question is Who am I now? All nature can only be understood in terms of opposing cycles originating from the combination of the forces or magnetism and electricity. We humans are one form of natures expression. We can not separate the self from it self no matter how much try. At different times in my life I have been weak, I have been foolish, desperate , scared, addicted. So I ask not who am I but who am I now? Now I am the over comer of obstacles. The process of neurological change is one of incremental shifts over a gradual period of time as aggressive shifts tend to be traumas that the biology has to work very hard to adapt to fast. If it succeeds you will change fast but if you over whelm it you will fall back into the preconditioned pattern. I am constantly pushing the boundaries of change. At different times in my life I have believed what other have told me. Guard your thoughts. I will put it this way - If you have a child that lies to you do not call them a liar instead call them honest and then question why they are not acting in accordance with their identity as an honest person. This causes the question who am I, children are developing their identities so being called a liar can become entrenched in their identity and what do liars do?...they lie. If the child is called honest then the act of lying is in conflict to the identity as an honest person. What do honest people do? they tell the truth so being established as honest the act of lying becomes strange and unnecessary as opposed to a byproduct of an identification with lying. Now go back to your child hood. Who were you told that you were? How has that affected your development? If you want a person to act like a leader follow them, If you want a person to be strong give them opportunities to be strong, if you want your man to be a bad ass tell him he is a badass. If you call him weak he will be weak. The difference between a crazy person and a brilliant leader is the first follower who both shows the person that he is a leader simply by having a person follow him and also encourages others to follow. Be smart when yopu interact with others. Most people contain the potential to either be a person overcome by obstacles or an overcomer of obstacles. The obstacles don't change who you were doesn't change but the question who am I now? that answer can change. I was a victim now I am a victor and me being a victim was just motivation for me to learn how to be a victor. Suspend Your Disbelief. Then start to walk a new path. This new path takes time but it is far better to be a person building a new road than someone racing forward on a road that leads to shame and guilt which are the two most negative emotions. If you can overcome your own shame and guilt I belief that you can over come any other negative aspect of yourself. Maybe you were those things and now you are the one who has overcome those things. Maybe the story that is your life has the potential to be an amazing synergistic journey. Redefine your identity and your actions will follow. When you talk to other build trust and empower them to be the best versions of themselves. your communities ideas about themselves is made up of the identifications you give them. Take responsibility not just for yourself (which is a difficult task) but for those around you. Show them their potential instead of their failures. Give others the opportunity to be the best versions of themselves and they will both become better but also value you as person that brings others up. The more negativity you put on a person the less likely they are to become better so now you become a participant in their negative expression. Who am I now?
I am not who I was. Music - The Brain Dances With Sound4/21/2019 The world is made of light. Light is frequency. Time is frequency. Everything that exists is dancing. Going back and forth in cycles within cycles within cycles infinitely up and infinitely down but also infinitely out and infinitely in. It is fractal. This is why frequencies that are unnatural have such an affect on the subtle aspects of our lives. The tone of a voice. The sounds of nature heals us with balanced harmonies. Dissonant frequencies distort our brain's ability to think in flow. The more choppy a sound is, the less positive the biological affect. From my perspective the thing that makes a thing music instead of a sound is that music has variation and repetition. Sounds are isolated where music is a group of sounds that have gotten together and figured out how to play a game back and forth, up and down. Hide and seek. The brain wants to dance. It wants to resonate. We all do. Everything in nature is looking for something to sync up with. This is connection, this is love. I believe the love a of a mother and child is not just about the fact that the mother carried the baby. The baby gets its mitochondria from the mother and in turn the frequencies that are expressed through the electrons that are converted to denser states (through electron chain transfer in the mitochondria) have a syncing potential resonance with the mother if both tune into it. Frequencies expressed by the (electro-magnetic) electrons called quanta (sunlight) are how we live in harmony with one another. This is why all hate is dissonant and you can never use dissonance to be in harmony with another. Love your enemy type stuff going on. Music syncs with our neuro frequencies and is a powerful way for us to express dynamic emotions with far more aspects than just words. I myself was very into punk rock music when I was younger. I did not know much about the neurology that was syncing with dissonant frequencies, I just knew that I liked the music. I identified with it and the sadness in my life. Music is how I connect to my emotions. I toyed around with the idea of soundtrack therapy for a while a few years back. After working with at risk youth in a residential facility I thought it was so strange that the kids had no way to say with words how they felt about different traumas they had experienced, but listening to the music they liked so much was like having a window into their brain. In therapy it's often very difficult for people to talk about their trauma. My thought was to simply have a person play songs they were listening to at that time or to have them play songs that describe those times. I think soundtrack therapy could be developed into a true therapeutic model of treatment. I have a lot more thoughts on this and would love to develop them further. I am not a therapist so if anyone is interested in this, please reach out and we can develop it further. This potentially gives someone a much wider spectrum of frequencies to help a therapist's brain sync up with the client's emotion and experience. Music also reminds us that we are not alone in whatever emotion we are in. I don't like bright lights, being out at night, crouds of people or lots of stimuli. I also love going to shows. Strange, right? Not all shows, just shows by bands I like. It allows me to sync up and connect with the other people in that space. Anyone who has ever had an experience where a crowd becomes one (moving to the same beat or singing the same songs) knows it is powerful. It can also be destructive if the message and frequency is destructive. The word love is so overused and misunderstood, but love songs are wonderful tools to sync with frequencies. I'm old enough to remember making mix tapes for people. As I look for ways to express love I find myself listening to the songs that I absolutely hated as a single person. Why?
Frequency. I couldn't resonate with them at the time. Now I find myself listening to all kinds of stuff that people from the outside would think is so sappy but it makes me happy. Pay close attention to the songs people love, to what they sync with. It is a far better tell about who they currently are than their words. Also know that music frequency exchange creates a feedback loop. The more you listen to dissonant music, the more you will sync with it, the more you will listen to it and so on. So use music as a tool to intervene in your subconscious. By changing the music you can change the frequency inside your brain in the same way your brain can change the song playing on the radio outside you. The inside and outside are always affecting each other with frequencies of light and sound. When I worked at the facility with the guys they would get in trouble for listening to violent and disturbing music which they often longed for. I listened and knew they where consciously or sub-consciously telling me about their inner struggles. Pay attention to your own music choices and the choices of those you care about. Make your life soundtrack positive therapy. Use music to express yourself but also to understand others. We are getting worse and worse at direct communication so it is more important to pay attention to the indirect forces at play. If you are struggling to know yourself or others, what music do you/they listen to? What frequencies does your/their neurology sync up with? See & Hear Wifi To Make It Real4/19/2019 How do frequencies work? In this blog I have tried to shine a light on this issue. Wireless devices transmit a frequency into the air and the receiver picks up that frequency and allows the information to be re-expressed. Sounds great and this why all our "smart" tech is smart because it is all synced up together and talks to other "smart" tech. Whats the problem? Your brain and body are conductive, making you a receiver. You pick up all these frequencies and your body, which was the first smart device, talks to itself with frequency. The competing unnatural frequencies of tech communicate the wrong messages to the body and therefore disrupt its processes. These unnatural frequencies from wireless tech overlap creating a microwave oven. This dehydrates our cells, reducing the water that functions as the conductive battery for charge which powers the body. All your thoughts are electromagnetic and the more electromagnetic disturbances there are in your environment the more difficult it is to be clear, focused, calm, etc. Sleep is completely distorted by the frequencies and light put off by our tech. I could go on and on about the affects of Wifi but essentially all our biochemistry is affected. The more competing frequencies, the worse our health will be. Herein lies the issue. The more frequencies, the worse the effect. The closer you are to the transmitter of the frequency, the worse the effect. The further off the ground you are, the worse the effect. I recently had Brian Hoyer of Shielded Healing come out to my home for testing. He brought an impressive amount of equipment with him. I live in the outskirts of a small town in a residential neighborhood with lots of trees. His equipment revealed how real the effects of frequencies really are. Normally these effects are subtle and not witnessed by our 5 senses. He picked up the phones, the dirty electric in the walls, and a spike pulsing every 5-10 seconds from a receiver antennae on a city building nearby. The pine trees where able to absorb a lot of the negative frequency. He was even able to pick up my wireless mouse on my computer which I hadn't even thought about. Or brains are frequency devices. Brian was able to touch his equipment and pick up radio stations and all kinds of other frequencies with his body. We are exposed to this every moment of every day. So much of our society makes sense if you understand the affects of tech. Light is a visible frequency that also interacts with the body so if you're worried about Wifi you should also be concerned about fake light.
I will say hearing the dissonant frequencies and seeing the spikes was a bit traumatizing, but I have chosen knowledge as power over ignorance as bliss. The sleep environment is most important and a sleep canopy is coming soon. My magnetico sleep pad is also a big help. Another great hack is killing breakers at night which cuts down a lot of the dirty electricity running through the walls. Brain offers a number of tools to help with these issues but the best tools are simply shutting off the tech and getting hard-wired devices. If you are in a big city with 5G then you may have to be more drastic and move. If you are in an area like me then making the home a priority is key. We still pick up frequencies from our neighbor's smart meter, Wifi, ect. It is impossible in the modern world to avoid Wifi altogether and things will only get worse so investing in tools now is a wise move. Don't wait until signs of illness show and your health hits critical mass. Please feel free to connect with me if you have questions. This info is vague because every one's environment is different. If you are on the Central Coast of California, I do offer walk-throughs to help identify some of the basics. I also know Clint of is can help people get hardwired and set up locally as well. Take this seriously and realize that Wifi is far-reaching and goes through walls and beyond. The faster we adapt to the tech world the better we will be but like anything it comes at a price. Tech is convenient and deadly where nature can be inconvenient and life-giving. Time Goes By.....Fast4/15/2019 I've been pretty focused on the quantum as electro-magnetics powers the system and is so neglected in health. I do want to take a step back and discuss intermittent fasting (IF). Over the fall of 2018 I did a pretty extreme version of IF and cut my weight way down. I then cycled off as I was far too lean. It's now time to get back and find some balance. It is clear that the time component of eating is an important one. On I have some good tools for IF and even a printable 24 hour clock. I recently had a move and a lot of routine changes along with a back injury that really disrupted my workouts. Now its spring and I'm settled so it's time to get back into an appropriate routine. 6 Hours of eating 5 days a week, 1 day fully fasted and one day of full eating. Remember it takes 6 hours to get into a fasted state so eating 6 digesting 6 and then fasting 12 is a great situation. I have very different goals than I did in the fall as I'm not trying to cut down so much, so my full day fast may be every other week if I start to get too lean. My weight has been stable for the past month or two as I tend to eat well despite my injury. Feast and famine are so important for the body to have a chance to clean and repair while still taking in enough food to get all the things you need. Everything in nature goes in cycles so it is important to ask what time it is. In the winter I was eating very low carb. Now that spring is here I will eat more carbs but I will have my intermittent fasting in place to not allow for issues from carb consumption because I am a dry sponge when I eat them. Carbs around workouts seem to treat me well. I will say that my brain benefits from IF. I seem to focus more. I also am a thinker and sometimes my brain pulls when I'm super low carb. I believe the body and brain can clear out waste and function better when famine is incorporated into the diet. I also want to make sure that you and I, should you decide to toy around with this very beneficial and scientifically backed practice, make sure to pick functional windows. My situation is different than in the fall so I'm trying to build my windows into my life in a way that I can still enjoy eating with others. I also need to mention that activated charcoal has become my friend. I love that it works with charge and is not chemical but mechanistically takes positively charged toxins out. A great thing when your fasting and also an awesome tool before you go to sleep or right before bed. Our net negative charge is the starting point in health so removing the positively charged toxins from the body is a very good thing. Plus, if you start intermittent fasting chances are you'll loose weight and much of your stored toxins are found. Plus activated charcoal won't break your fast as it is not a caloric substance. Don't go crazy with this stuff but use it as a tool. I also am a big fan of sea salt when fasting as I find that my brain really keeps cranking when I have minerals at my disposal. This will also not break a fast and many times when a person first started to fast they think they are hungry but really need minerals. Water is a very important tool as well. Please never drink tap water. I am lucky enough to have access to RXH2O. I'll do another blog post on water but simply put, this is water that has the positive charge split off from it. Is exclusion zone water and is very unique. If you are in California or local to me drink this water!
The take away- build some IF into your life even if its one day a week. The hardest part is to start but like most things that require discipline the benefits are more than physical but also mental. And yes, food tastes better when you eat and you should still eat a lot of food in your eating window. Don't go crazy but you will be able to enjoy more food if you implement IF. What powers nature and you as a natural being? D/C aka direct current. D/C goes in one direction and applies to both uni-directional magnetism as explained with the Magnetico Sleep Pad Blog, but also with electricity. You are powered by electricity as electrons are electric and create ATP (chemical energy) after going through electron chain transfer in the mitochondria. The take away is electricity is important to understand if you want to be healthy. Your body uses direct current (D/C) and the devices we use that have a battery are also D/C as the battery connects the circuit and the current flows in one steady direction. However, all our wall plug (grid-tied) devices run on A/C current aka alternating current. A/C is shown in the pic below. The sideways S in between the + and the - is the spinning (alternating) part that goes back and forth. This back and forth is in conflict with our D/C bodies. It causes a much more chaotic charge and in turn creates more chaos in our bodies. A/C current distorts our bodies internal communication and causes anxiety at the core sub-atomic levels of our being. A/C lights also cause a flicker effect that our eye rarely sees but our brains struggle to process. If you have followed the blog you know I warn people about tech. My hope is that this explanation shows why we should be skeptical of all deceives plugged into a wall as 100% of them disrupt biology because biology is D/C and most tech is A/C. Be especially skeptical of "healing" devices plugged into a wall (meaning they're A/C) as this will conflict with your biology and distort any frequencies put out by the device. How did all of our tech end up A/C if it is in total opposition to human health? Let me start with a story. Let's rewind to my days as a young freshman at a college in Indiana. I was excited about my entrepreneurship class and wanted learn how to make money and be successful. My professor looked at us and said "to be an entrepreneur is to be a problem solver." He then said a name I had never heard that has now become a household name. Tesla. He told us about this amazing inventor that solved so many problems and was far ahead of his time. He told us how Tesla had battled the greedy Edison to create the base for our entire global economy. I was amazed and so happy to learn about this amazing man. Now, thanks to Elon Musk the name Tesla is more common. Whats the problem? My hero Tesla turned out to be a villain..... I totally bought into the idea that Tesla was one of the most brilliant people to have ever lived. I still think he was brilliant, but also destructive. Wikipedia Tesla. How a villain? If you understand that fake light and A/C current are biologically harmful and in virtually all tech then you understand that tech is harming everyone that uses it on some level. Tesla lit up the world's fair. Amazing, and also destroyed night with the creation. The world we live in lit up from space and the epidemic of insomnia was born. He fought for A/C and won and this is how A/C tech was born. It came from the mind of Tesla. People still love him because his story is one of an underdog. However, if you are now against 5G and understand that wireless tech is bad for us because we are conductive receivers of wireless frequencies that distort our biology and make us sick, then know that Tesla wanted wireless tech way back then. Free energy is great unless the energy conflicts with our bodies then the free energy might be very very bad. In 1887, Tesla developed an induction motor that ran on alternating current (AC), a power system format that was rapidly expanding in Europe and the United States because of its advantages in long-distance, high-voltage transmission. The motor used polyphase current, which generated a rotating magnetic field to turn the motor (a principle that Tesla claimed to have conceived in 1882). If you don't want a cell tower next to your house because of health effects have a look at Tesla's big wireless energy tower. In this picture you can see on the right how our biology is supposed to flow in a harmonic way on the left you see the dirty electricity generated from A/C power. This dissonant frequency disrupts our bodies. Did Tesla know what he was doing? I don't know. I do know that the inventor of the atomic bomb should have used more discretion right along with the inventor of A/C .
As wireless frequencies increase in number, the negative effects also increase. The less exposure to A/C, the better your health will be. Always remember that being likable is not an excuse for ignorant or evil behavior. I don't get political often as I tend to view our two-party system as a bit of a false dichotomy to give me the illusion of free will. But I once was at a party listening to a guy tell me all about how terrible one politician was for his war mongering. I agreed as I am generally against mass executions but them he started talking about how great the other person was. Ok I'll say it, he was bashing George Bush Jr and praising Obama. I simply asked him "Do you know who has dropped more bombs on people than anyone in human history?" At the time it was Obama. He very quickly told me yeah but I would like to hang out with Obama so I'm sure its ok........Charm is no excuse for bomb dropping in my opinion. This shows how our emotions so quickly offset our reason. His argument about Bush was valid in my view but he didn't hold his buddy Obama to the same standard. In this same way I think Edison was probably an idea stealing greedy asshole who just plain wasn't smart enough do as much damage as sweet Tesla. Back then Tesla was looked at as the hero and now Musk using his name is being looked at as a hero selling huge wifi devices on wheels all the while blaming cow farts for global warming. Just remember that wifi doesn't leave the ionosphere and a microwave oven is just overlapping frequencies (emf's). We need to learn way more about magnetism, electricity, and frequencies before we talk about climate change. Opinions without facts attached to them are foolishness. Alcohol In The Modern Age4/6/2019 ,The brain and heart are the most mitochondrialy dense parts of the body. Mitochondria are where electrons are converted in more complex material substances. In other words in the brain and the heart light is converted into you. These are the places in the body that are the most electro-magnetic as all light is electric. That being said, our hearts and minds (mitochondria) are under attach in a new way from competing frequencies. Wifi and blue light are both tech-based unnatural frequencies that disrupt the light frequencies expressed in the brain and heart. Simply put, unnatural frequencies reduce the amount of light you contain and reduce the function of the brain and heart. What does this light story have to do with Alcohol? Everything. Spirits Lurk In The Dark But Run From LightAlcohol stops the stopper of dopamine in the brain allowing dopamine to flow, and this is what makes you feel good. All the other affects are brain damage. Alcohol does not interact well with hydration. Water is created through the transfer of light (electrons) in the mitochondria to act as the conductive battery for charge within the cell. As alcohol disrupts these systems, charge (light/natural frequencies) decline and so does the function of the brain. The wifi and in some places 5G (up to 93 GH) is competing with our brain function. The alcohol has not changed but the environment of the brain exposed to the alcohol has. This means the affects of alcohol are far more damaging than they have been historically. Stress and sleeplessness are on the rise but so are mental/emotional disorders aka brain malfunctions. Alcohol (traditionally referred to as spirits) distorts our ability to function neurologically more than ever. Our brains, when functioning properly, can tell the difference between the material world and the conceptual world being the non-physical place where our ideas and imagination reside. As alcohol in the modern age is consumed new types of affects will take place as drinking is often described to as truth serum. The truth of a person's fears will become far more real to them. The line between drinkers and non-drinkers will get more clear as drinking in excess will cause so many new problems that many will get sober and others will fall deeper into addiction. The brain's ability to light up removes much of the dark thoughts and fears as it can tell what is a real threat or imaginary (hypothetical) one. The what if's are often what haunt people this may be what if a monster comes to get me or what if my partner cheats, what if we can't pay that bill or whatever makes you lay awake at night. Fears are powerful but not deadly unless you are fooled by them. Drunk people are easily fooled. "They can't kill you but they can convince you that they can kill you." Terence Mckenna The archetype of shining a light in the darkness and removing the shadows from the mind to be clear and see the truth from a lie. Alcohol and other substances that alter brain function including THC will start to result in hysteria, mania and paranoia in a new way. This is a result of tech's EMFs that are changing the brains ability to communicate with itself. The time for intoxication is over. We must protect our hearts and minds as suicide, mental illness, and any number of other brain issues are and will continue to rise. Be clear and boost your mitochondrial function (light expression) in any way you can. Article on the damaging Affects of Alcohol continuing even after the drinking has stopped. -----> Here Remember that inflammation is time chaos in the body and light cycles establish proper circadian clocks in the brain. Every time you here the word inflammation think light and time. When the brain looses track of time it looses the ability to distinguish reality from our fears. If you have ever seen a person having alcohol or drug related mental illness it is disturbing and not a fate I would wish on anyone. And yes, the effects of tech especially wifi can induce these states of mental illness through mitochondrial dysfunction even when not in the presence of negative substances like alcohol. I stopped drinking 11 years ago. I stopped because I lost track of reality. My fears began to engulf me. I am so glad to have had those horrible experiences that scared me sober back then as it was not a 5g world at the time. Get clear and deal with your fears proactively as the frequency environment changes the fears will come out one way or another. Young people are also very affected by all this as suicide rates rise. Light up your heart and mind. Darkness always runs from light and this blog is all about light retention and if you are paying attention it is also about light creation to affect not only yourself but those around you electro-magnetically. Shine bright friends, the world is changing and the outer light is setting as our inner light is rising but only for those looking in to see it and those will be able to harness its frequency (charge power). Look to it.
When you exercise you use a lot of energy. How does this result in increased energy? You are electro-magnetic. The word energy needs to be defined as electro-magnetic charge and not chemicals that induce an excitatory state in the body. The body so very intelligently has a system where motion is used to generate electromagnetic energy. This is called the Piezoelectric Effect. In the picture above you see how motion can be used to generate power outside the body. This is the same mechanism that the body uses internally but the light bulb is the brain. This motion based electro-magnetic charge increase is a feedback loop to the brain that then increases your biological charge. Exercise has far less to do with fat loss, muscle growth or chemical health. These are all things that result from increased charge in the body. The more charge (which is electro-magnetic aka light) in the body you have, the better all your biochemical functions will be. Exercise helps with sleep not just because you are tired from the work but because increased charge allows for the circadian (time clock) mechanisms in your body to engage the proper recovery frequencies (natural micro waves that communicate to your dividing cells). This happens as a result of increased charge that takes place while you sleep. Fitness people will tell you how important recovery is but do not often tell you the way your body knows how to recover in your sleep and how to engage hormones (like growth hormone) is completely contingent on the strength of your frequency that's dictated by charge. I can't help but suggest that anyone interested in increased recovery from exercise look into getting a Magnetico Sleep Pad. Magnetism changes at night as we sleep. This is a theory I have about how the earths magnetism at night is altered due to the lack of competition from the sun's magnetosphere during the day. The charge you generate through motion during the day is expressed at night in the magnetic field as you sleep, leading to recovery which allows for more charge generation during the day and so on. Nature has opposites, cycles, and feedback loops and is always powered electro-magnetically. This explanation of the Piezoelectric Effect seems to explain why sprints may generate more charge than distance running as there is a large amount of charge generated in a small period of time that is not off-set by increased wear and tear on the body. The more wear and tear the less the charge generated will be used for increased health and the more it will be used to repair the body. In the same way that negative thoughts make it more likely to have more negative thoughts or positive thoughts make it more likely to have positive ones, a low charge person in less likely to work-out which in turn will decrease their charge and thus the cycle continues. We have to intervene our negative trends and begin to increase charge in any number of ways. Increasing our energy margin will allow us to do more which will increase our charge more and so on. It is important to exercise in nature as the light, air, and lack of wifi (hopefully) will result in the optimization of the Piezoelectric Effect. In the past the classic physiques in body building where often built outside in the sun on the beach. Now the guys working out under blue light surrounded by wifi are having to take far more steroids and fake tans to try to masquerade as nature-made bodies. We are mobile devices. Our bio-tech is amazingly developed to make use of the behaviors that we evolved in to increase the power that we need assist in powering the system. Nature is the solution so get outdoors and move. It doesn't matter how.
If you increase your charge and set your circadian biology to nature all your bio-tech (your body and chemistry) will improve. Talk to your fitness trainers and gyms about the Piezoelectric Effect. If they don't know about it they should let you work out at charge (haha)! This is the real reason exercise matters. Electrons are quantum. They are not particles but instead are particle wave dualities that emit "quanta". This sounds complex but they way I explain and understand electrons is by looking at the sun which is a star. Stars are higher fractal electrons. Electrons are electric expressed in a magnetic field. The sun is a big electron (from our perspective) with a big magnetic field. Sunlight is quanta. Light is a frequency. The light emitted from the sun changes throughout the day meaning the frequencies (quanta) the sun emits are not fixed. In this same way our littles stars (electrons) emit frequencies that change and adapt. In this way electrons are not fixed particles that can be measured easily in the same way that the sun is always in flux. This theory has far reaching implications for the interactions of stars relative to frequency resonance but that is a different blog. Maybe not, as the story is the same for electrons with quantum entanglement. At different times we seem to connect or be drawn to certain people. This connection runs deeper than a surface level of intellectual or physical connection and involves what I would call electro-magnetic frequency resonance. If established it can result in quantum entanglement. Our brain and senses are made of subatomic particles and powered by electro-magnetic frequency orbs called electrons. In the same way a song is made of notes but notes are not made of songs our brain and five senses are made of these sub-atomic particles and so we can not use these senses to quantify quantum entanglement. We can't explain it with senses but we can feel it at our core. Because our electrons put out frequencies these frequencies, for better or worse, can sync up with other electrons and the people they create. We effect each other as we are quite literally made of little emf devices. We are are human frequency bio-tech. We put off frequencies and are affected by the frequencies of others. If you sync with the frequency of another you with harmonize with them. These frequencies then have feedback loops where one effects the other and vice versa. If this goes on long enough you will strengthen the connection so that distance is no longer a factor as quantum entanglement is established the two receiver/transmitters (people) begin to tune into each other over greater distances (like cell phones). This has great potential for true amplification and interaction but also explains why some people who initially establish a frequency resonance that is dissonant can't seem to break free from it over time even though the relationship may be dysfunctional. Our tech putting off unnatural frequencies makes it far more difficult to sync up with the positive harmonic frequencies of another person as our tech is fixed and dissonant. This is why people often have much greater connection in nature as nature's frequencies are harmonic and amplify our electron quanta strength. In other words, the sunlight we emit shines brighter. Remember that not all light is visible to the eye but it is all visible to the electrons trying to sync up. This is why intuition when properly calibrated is electro-magnetic frequency detection. Once again tech's EMFs remove the ability to tune into these subtle frequencies. You, if you tune into these subatomic particles, can become a participant in the frequencies you emit and tap into quantum entanglements that are tuned to you. This begins as soon as we are born because we get our mitochondria (where electron chain transfer takes place) from our mother. We begin to be tuned here. This is why the connection between a mother and child is often considered to be deeper than the father. It is not that the father has no affect and it is not just because the mother carried the child but because the potential frequency connection of mitochondrial quantum entanglement is so strong. This is also why being taken from a mother can be so devastating to a child on a deeper level than the conscious mind.
With all this said, the severing of quantum resonance can be the most difficult thing a person ever does. Many people never grow and retune to harmonic frequencies as we, in very real way, are loosing a part of our core self. The good news is you are gaining a much brighter light once this time of deep loneliness from non-resonance is experienced and processed. The take aways are to: -Tune into your deeper knowing as this is science even though it was only understood as woo or spiritual in the past. -Remove tech and wifi frequencies in your environment as much as possible. -Take responsibility for your role in the tuning of your little stars (electrons). -Be careful who you interact with as this is how you become imprinted with frequency, not just chemistry (meaning you can get quantum STD's from people). The electrons put off the same frequencies regardless of distance. If you manage to find a true quantum entanglement that leads you away from dissonance honor it as a very unique situation is what we would only be able describe as true love and can't be explained or understood but is felt at the core of us because frequency is what we are made of. Two then become one bright light. Health Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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