More On What Is Coming4/30/2020 The light, viral expression and tech will effect food production. Viral expression will spike up high in the fall leading to meat plants getting shut down from "contamination" - we have already seen this Article - 900 Workers At Indiana Meat Plant Test Positive "As pork, beef and chicken plants are being forced to close, even for short periods of time, millions of pounds of meat will disappear from the supply chain," he said in a statement posted on the company's website Sunday. "As a result, there will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed." As they are the feed crop farms will have to destroy their crops, this is already happening. As meat availability declines the run on food will increase leading to a second disruption in the supply chain. We will also start to see import and export restrictions increase with the intention of keeping the virus from spreading. Very few people realize just how many products are imported especially from china. The economy has been negatively effected in a number of ways Too many to count or explain but the economy itself is like a tree with many branches and the truck of that tree is the currency itself which is been hit very hard as inflationary policy is on a massive swing upward with more on the way. My suggestion get assets that are geared toward survival (not sports cars ect) and don't be cash heavy as the value of this cash will erode quickly once the inflation starts to hit. If you have the ability to be debt structured this would be a wise move. Sounds strange but in an inflationary market debt is wiped away along with cash. Use debt to set yourself up with survival assets. As the effects truly show themselves come fall and winter you will start to see acts of desperation linked to the declining food supply. There will even be a shortage of people to work the various jobs required to make things happen. This food and money scarcity will inevitably result in acts of violence and burglary that will only be contributed to by the tech effects of the increased power grid. Increased wifi will make peoples actions and reactions even more volatile. This will cause a control system and martial law to be set up in order to protect people. Things Like Riot Control Acts and other legal acts that allow for extreme restriction under extreme circumstances. Large cities will be hardest hit small communities will grow food and exchange with each other to survive. This will be a regression into past barter systems as the dollar will collapse. So in some locations things will be pretty much the same. The restrictions will not be strictly enforced. These will be the fringe 20% the mainstream 80% in high population ares will be stuck. Many think that they will have the ability to leave and go to a more remote location later on. this is not the case. Flights will be restricted, boarders will be locked. Currently California is doing a beta test to see how people respond to not being able to go to beaches and parks. There will be economic bailout and assistance programs put in place at first. An example would be 6 months of 2 k a month for citizens in a low income bracket and business bail outs. Small businesses will suffer and the larger dependence on corporate structure will increase. The 2k will create a bump for a little while but will result in hyper inflation. This will cause the housing market to collapse and those with equity that they can't access will lose it. The elderly and senior citizens will be particularly hard hit as they will see saving evaporate. The younger generation that has gotten accustomed to certain comforts will have a difficult time and no one will be worried about what sign to put on a bathroom or any of the other problems people created when things were good. We will see some form of hyper inflation. essential commodities and products will show this. Essential product prices will increase and non essentials will decrease. This will allow the gov to deny inflation. They will say the price of food has gone up but the price of dvd players has gone way down so inflation is pretty low. This has always been the case as certain goods become obsolete while essentials rise. We have a had modest inflation but not it takes 2 working people per home instead of one. We will see alcohol consumption increase. Social isolation, stress and hardship of any kind will require people to numb themselves more and will lead to less critical thinking but more mental illness. The inability to sleep will also contribute to intoxicants along with sleep aids. Many people will believe that if things get bad they will simply be able to leave. As we can see in Gallup New Mexico. The outbreak has gotten high numbers there so all roads are shut down along with many other extreme restrictions. They have engaged The Riot Control Act. We will see this on a larger scale in New York City and LA in the fall. Leaving will not be an option then. Gallup NM Article This graph of the Spanish flu is a pretty accurate blueprint for the Corona virus in terms of trend. I believe we will see even more actual deaths than the Spanish flu produced once the technology roll outs are launched in the fall. The peaks and valleys will ultimately be very similar. Here is my predicted timeline: -Technology upgrades (5g, Starlink satellites, etc.) are being installed and and expanded now and will be activated in September/October 2020. The effects of this will hit 3-12 weeks later and ramp up from there. I would expect a substantial increase in the amount of viral expression in the winter of 2020. -The election in Novemeber will increase volatility as the two poles of the country are so divided that it doesn't matter who wins, the other side will rise up and some states will reject it. If trump wins again you will see New York and especially California take drastic measures to rebel and assert power. -Deaths in the winter will justify martial law and boarder shut downs, preventing people from getting out of the state they are in to avoid spreading. We have seen this already in New York. -The majority of deaths will happen between Halloween 2020 through April 2021, with a third wave the following fall/winter 2021 that will not be as bad. -This time next year we will have an "optional" vaccine with restricted travel and public interaction for those who opt out. Maybe not optional. Florida has already stated that it can require vaccination if it sees fit. "A spokesperson from the Florida Department of Health cited the statute when asked what factors would come into play the department's decided to order vaccinations. "The state health officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health. ... During a public health emergency any order of the state health officer shall be immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under s. 381.0012," the spokesperson said in an email." From Article Here Article states that this is not a fact that Florida will as there is no vaccine but does establish that it can. I'm sure other states have similar abilities. -There will be financial payouts to the hall monitor types for reporting anyone who is not complying with enforced social distancing and other restrictions. Essentially snitch money for the public good. This will happen by June next year. -Expect a major economic restructure in a year and a half. The possible shift to a digital global or semi global currency. At the very least a conversion to fully digital currency. -We will see a an interesting shift toward states merging into cooperative regions. For example: California, Oregon, and Washington as a west coast alliance to try to pull/ control more resources from the government that will inevitably result in some type of US restructuring that will move up to the country level resulting in globalism over the next 10 years. -Starlink will become the control grid and those not conforming will be cut off from the tech supply and as we know addicts will do anything for the wifi drug they are hooked on. -Virtual reality will become more prevalent and tech will increase over time, furthering trans-humanism. Don't believe me? Here is an article on the future of flights. "He believes biometric screenings, like using facial recognition systems to ID and check in passengers, will cut down on unnecessary human interactions, speed up the airport process and reduce crowding." ..... Systems like Global Entry, which involve fingerprint identification, may pivot to retinal scans to reduce high-touch surfaces in airports. Although people have concerns about privacy, Kelly is of the opinion that protecting health should come first. “Privacy is out the window. The government knows what it wants about you,” he said. “The question now is, ‘Do we want to risk dying due to a virus over privacy concerns, or do we want to actually have efficient and safe airports?’” Don't loose hope. Those in small numbers that choose to opt out of the system without disrupting it will be allowed to do so. Much like the Amish have been allowed to hold onto their technology-free way of life, there will be some that regress into nature, simplicity, and self-sufficiency. They will not be very effected much like the Amish are unaffected by the the mainstream population. The people on the fringe 20% of the bell curve will be mocked by the 80% until they find themselves in a position that is more simple. This is a time when people will show their true colors. You will find out if those close to you are actually supportive and loving or if a claim of love and support is really rooted in neediness and manipulation. Anyone attached to a house, technology, environment, and in some cases even loved ones who live nearby will find that they will lose them as the health effects will be so vast. Prepare to lose whatever you cling to most now so that if it happens you are prepared. I always say: plan for the worst, hope for the best. I know I'm a broken record on this message, but get out of New York, California, and large cities. Make sacrifices to ween yourself away from technology. Trees and snow will be some of your greatest allies. If I took you back and broke down what has happened since 9/11, you would be amazed to realise just how normal and good things have continued to be. The world keeps turning and we all want some normal mixed into our crazy lives. If you are by yourself use this time to go inward. Meditate and calm the inner storm so the outer storm can die down as well. Get a cat or dog. An animal friend can be very helpful during these times. If you have a family you can still wake up and tell the people you love how special they are. Be silly and be grateful for what you have now. We have become so spoiled and it is time to get back to simplicity. The less attached you are to the old normal the more comfortable you will be in the new normal. The less you will suffer through these times of great change. Life can still be good. There is always a storm going on somewhere, even when the sun is shining on you. Enjoy what you have in each moment. Next Blog
Nobody Is In Control4/30/2020 “The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.” Alan Moore Many people would think based on all my claims about tech, 5G, and Elon Musk's Star Link satellites that I would fall into the realm of conspiracy theorist. Surprisingly, this is not the case. Alan Moore said it best in the above quote. Nobody Is In Control. There are seasons and cycles. There is only contrast in the universe. This is not good vs evil but instead a dance between expansion and contraction, and both are necessary for all existence. People are instruments of these two forces. If you are used to expansion then contraction is your "evil". If you are used to contraction then expansion is your "evil." The world we live in applies as much of an ethic to this back and forth process as you do breathing in and out. What is certain is that the inhale leads to the exhale and the exhale leads to the inhale, so go ahead and try to tell me which one is "good". Why is your "good" superior over another person's? Only the ego can justify why. Wisdom is the recognition of these two forces. We are headed into a shift; a contraction phase of the cycle. Don't waste your energy with fear or emotion. Action is the only solution. Don't spend your time screaming at the sun not to set, just put on a jacket when it does. I write blogs with this theme to remind you that you are not a victim but you are responsible for your own life. There is no us vs them, there is only cycles. It is somewhat comforting to think there's some group of people directing traffic. The truth is that the technology that is and will continue to cause so much pain and suffering is rooted in ignorance, not evil. Musk, Gates, and other tech giants know tech, which comes at the cost of knowing nature. If you know that, then you can do what's necessary to respond to their ignorance. If you submit to the cycle of seasons you will be okay. If you fight against them you will lose. Check your own illusory superiority. The only ego to be had is one that says "I know what time it is". Don't spend your energy arguing with people that refuse to accept that fall comes after summer. Next Blog3 Puzzle Pieces - Current Events4/28/2020 This is a graph of the deaths and the Spanish flu. I believe the use of radio for the first time in 1917 caused a shift in the EMF of the planet. The important thing to know in looking at this graph is the first spike was very small compared to the second. The flat line section after the first spike is this summer. The huge spike of deaths to come is in the fall going into winter. I hope you prepare for the 2020 fall and winter. As time goes on, I expect my blogs regarding Covid-19, 5G and other aspects will be validated. The graph helps us to see what is coming and how to react. I practice what I preach and I am very close to making my move. I am very excited as I had very specific things I looked for in the location and my home. At some point I will go over these things in greater detail. Here are 3 points to look at, I hope you can fit the pieces together. 1. I woke up today to an article about 5G towers being destroyed by arsonists. This shows that people are getting affected and desperate. It is important to note I don't condone vandalism. It is important to observe how people react to the newest generations of tech. 5G Arsonists Article I also see the WHO claiming there are no known negative health effects from 5G. Many must get sick and even die before the real health effects become known. This is similar to how cigarettes were first claimed to be benign, even promoted by doctors for years until many got lung cancer and died. Then it became painfully obvious. There's no wisdom in it. It will be interesting to see how Americans respond when the towers are turned up tp 60 gHz and beyond. The infrastructure for such tech is being installed as we speak. 2. In my Blog Post - Human Apoptosis - I tried to explain that people with no past history of mental illness would begin killing themselves. This sad reality will become more and more true. I read the attached article this morning about an ER Doc who committed suicide. The sad reality is that doctors and nurses in hospitals will be the most effected by the environment. They are subjected to extreme levels of artificial light and massive amounts of tech. They work some of the longest hours and under the most stressful conditions. This is the perfect scenario for low charge illnesses, which lead to neurological malfunction. It will be interesting to see what happens to flights in the near future as well. 3. Things will never go back to the way they were. I chose to move to a cold region vs a hot region. Your body depends heavily on light to survive. That light must come from the sun (the outer light) or from your electrons (the inner lights) in your cells' the mitochondria. Heat and light are one and the same. When you are cold your body generates internal heat (light). This internal light is not compromised by competing non-native frequency in the same way external light from the sun is. Elon Musk's StarLink is in the process of launching up to 40, 000 satellites blanketing the earth in wifi. This will negatively effect light frequencies from the sun by emitting competing emf frequencies directly into the earth's atmosphere. Here is an Article on StarLink SpaceX To Test StarLink "Sun Visor" To Reduce Brightness This article states: Musk and others at SpaceX have previously discussed a sunshade that they compared to a patio umbrella that would deploy from a satellite, keeping the antennas in shadow. Musk, at the committee meeting, described a concept called VisorSat that would deploy panels, like sun visors mounted on a car windshield, to block the sun. “We have a radio-transparent foam that will deploy nearly upon the satellite being released, and it blocks the sun from reaching the antennas,” he said. “They’re sun visors, essentially: they flip out and block the sun and prevent reflections.” He predicted that the visors would have a “massive effect” on the brightness of the satellites. Cold adaptation is going to be key and the sunny weather in locations that have been popular in the past will not be nearly as healthy as they once were. A few hacks to prepare for Starlink -get cold adapted and get to snowy weather - water is a good emf blocker...snow is water -get a metal roof -get a bedroom in a basement -Along with my standard suggestions - Magnetico Sleep Pad, low population ect. I will continue to share things as this story unfolds. Next BlogEverything is inevitably right on schedule. There is a massive psychological shift when talking about what to close shifts to opening things back up. As predicted, Easter was the peak and now we begin the process of getting back to "normal," but the old normal is gone and the new normal will have conditions. I have already explained why the summer will cause viral expressions to decline. I am now seeing more and more articles mentioning this even though none of them understand sunlight as natural electro-magnetic frequency. As things begin to open up, the temptation will be to join the world in a massive exhale where everyone celebrates making it through these tough times. Only the wise will reject this temptation and realise that when the sun begins to set in the fall and the tech roll out is completed, there will be a massive upswing in viral expression leading to some very extreme measures. This is very clear to me. However, I'd like to take a look at why so many others will fall into the trap of unwarranted optimism. People have a desired outcome, one that always works in their favor. The greater the desire, the less able the mind is able to look at a thing, especially when the reality involves loss or sacrifice. This is standard human psychology. Everyone has a hope program to cope with the inevitable reality we all face. Some people default to the religious program where Jesus comes down to save them. Others dive into hedonism to distract themselves from reality. I prefer to plan for the worst and hope for the best. This allows me to maintain my hope program but to put it in its proper place, below reason. I am not pushing pessimism but I am saying there is strong evidence for why I believe that things will not get better once winter hits. I currently live in California where the temperatures are stable and the weather is good year round. Property values seem to only increase and improve over time. This caters to what I call the "psychology of abundance" here in California. The desirable coast and ideal weather create a money tree that produces fruit naturally without any competition or struggle. The problem becomes a conversation about how to split up all the money that grows on the inherent money tree (socialism). The social problems have a focus on appearances as basic needs are met so shallowness can permeate the culture with a focus on feelings and opinions instead of survival. The pros of this is you can live a very easy life if you play your cards right. The downside is that you get soft. Your brain becomes accustomed to the idea that things only get better over time. When struggle comes it directly conflicts with this psychology of abundance. Along with this comes unconscious entitlement. When things go too right for too long people begin to feel that this is how the universe is structured, and if something happens that doesn't align with this, then the universe has wronged the person in their eyes. It makes the reality of ageing and finally death a major conflict within a person. I am not from California. I grew up in upstate New York, and then lived in small town Indiana for 10 years through college and my young adult years. Unlike California, there is no inherent money tree in either of these places. There is no psychology of abundance. Growing up in the city of Rochester, NY, I was given a psychology of scarcity. This is a psychology that says things don't just work out and life is hard. The major problem is not what to do with the wealth but how to compete and cooperate to survive through creativity (which is true capitalism in terms of economics, despite the new definition of capitalism equating to greed). These places are not concerned with feelings, they are concerned with survival. The major downfall of this psychology is a lack of long term perspective. If you believe that things will only get worse over time you are less likely to save for retirement, make long term investments, or have the patience that comes from thinking that things will get better. The benefit is that when things get hard, these people are more equipped mentally to survive. They are more comfortable with the difficult situations. This is the difference between street smarts and knowledge learned in a class room. Psychology of scarcity folk don't shine when things are going well. Instead, they come across as uncomfortable and negative, wondering when the bottom will fall out. However, they are the people you want to be around when life gets tough. They stay calm as they are comfortable with being uncomfortable. They can see things as they are in times of struggle because their vision isn't as clouded by a desired outcome or subconscious entitlement. I see this as the subconscious difference between the ideology of liberals and conservatives, and I can make a case that each one is right when the ideology is applied to the proper location and context. Liberals hate Trump because he is a jerk and conservatives love him because he is a jerk. Why? Because the psychology of abundance has the luxury of concerning itself with appearances. The psychology of scarcity wants someone who pushes appearances aside and challenges/ competes without apology. This makes Trump appear strong to conservatives. Language influences culture and this is why the left is so focused on political correctness and conservatives often go out of their way to be politically incorrect. The contrast is based on the definition of words. Words are simply containers for meaning. Some focus on the container and the emotion the container invokes where others disregard the container and cut straight to the meaning with no regard for feelings. The psychology of abundance has the time to focus on appearances, where the psychology of scarcity needs to get to the point; no time for appearances. The negative extremes of both positions are hedonism vs masochism or in other words the pursuit of pleasure vs the pursuit of pain. The pleasure perspective would wonder why would you ever want to go someplace that is cold while the other would know that character is built not from doing what brings pleasure but from overcoming difficult obstacles. In the case of the psychology of scarcity the highest goal is not pleasure but character which is far more useful for survival. Both positions exist on a spectrum. No one is absolutely one or the other but there are clear tells about which position you hold. Both contain risk. The psychology of abundance risk starving when hard times come and the psychology of scarcity risk wasting the sunny day thinking about the winter. Like most subconscious psychologies, people tend to surround themselves and interact primarily with people who validate their same psychology. The psychology of abundance will group together and point out the psychology of scarcity's inability to make long term investments. The psychology of scarcity will group together and point out how entitled and soft the psychology of abundance is. Both will build a world that validates the perspective they have instead of taking an honest look at the pros and cons of both positions. You may be thinking there are tons of conservatives in California or liberals in Rochester. This is also true. I am saying that the polarization of the parties has a psychological underpinning and I am making generalities to help communicate the point. In my experience living in California, there lots of conservatives with underlying views that are rooted in the psychology of abundance. I will say that the conservatives that have the psychology of plenty don't spend much time with conservatives who have a psychology of Scarcity as I believe the psychologies of abundance and scarcity run deeper than even political party affiliation. Of course this is also true for the liberals as all these points show the equal and opposite nature of the two positions. This has a lot more to do with the location, economics and life experiences a person has, especially in early development, than anything else. I realize that because I was raised in the psychology of scarcity, I have not done nearly as well in California as I see others who have been immersed in the psychology of plenty. I had opportunities but didn't have the patience to let them grow slowly and bare fruit. Instead I picked the fruit before it was ripe. At the same time as I acclimated to California I began to learn and have improved. However, I also found myself getting soft. My psychology of scarcity remained dominant and that is why I have spent my time inducing suffering to keep myself hard, believing that at some point things would get worse. I have been fasting, learning, preparing and using self imposed discipline. I have gotten rid of things as to not grow attached and entitled believing that at some point those things would be taken from me. Knowing that everything rusts so storing up treasure here is foolish. The Ant and the Grasshopper, alternatively titled The Grasshopper and the Ant (or Ants), is one of Aesop's Fables, numbered 373 in the Perry Index.[1] The fable describes how a hungry grasshopper begs for food from an ant when winter comes and is refused. The situation sums up moral lessons about the virtues of hard work and planning for the future. The Ant and The Grasshopper seems to spell it out. Now that things are settling down there will be those that think you are foolish for making such sacrifices over the summer and they are the same people who will suffer in the winter. Know what time it is and be wise. Reject the foolish questions and warnings that the ignorant grasshoppers in your own life give you. They don't understand that suffering will come sooner or later the only question is will it be suffering that is chosen by you or imposed on you. Now that we have real problems in the form of a global pandemic causing death and economic collapse, I see many of the people of California still neurologically incapable of thinking things will get any worse. Unable to shift into survival mode, let go of attachments, or get comfortable with ideas of scarcity. I am so eager to get back to a place that is cold and hard because I have prepared my mind and body to be comfortable in a place of struggle. A place where today matters more than tomorrow, because I can see that the more the psychology of abundance dominates the mind, the less reasonable the conclusion about the current situation is. Now is not an ideal time for the psychology of abundance. This goes way beyond 5G or non-native EMF. This is a story about truth verses lies. It is about authenticity vs the fake appearance of things. This is a time when it is more important than ever to speak your truth and own it. Both psychologies have pros and cons. They are only good or bad based on the situation you find yourself in. Going into the fall and winter of 2020 is the time to shift into the psychology of scarcity in order to survive. Those that work and plant now will harvest in the fall and survive the winter. Those that sit in the sun and refuse to make sacrifices will find themselves suffering in the winter. The desired outcome distracts from the reasonable conclusion. It's time to get real - Life may be putting some pressure on you. This is your chance to have your true character revealed. What is your essential nature? Are you drawn to the hard truth or the simple fake lie that impersonates truth. Only the strong can reject a warm cozy lie for cold hard truth. Live life like you are writing an amazing story for the character that is you because you are. If your story is a bad one it is no ones fault but your own. Embrace personal responsibility. Next BlogAs long as you are living in a body you have something to lose. To live is to be in danger. The good news, you are alive! Notice the up and down of the pulse. This up and down shows that you are alive. If the up and down of the pulse stops, you're dead. Be encouraged. I have written some pretty dismal blogs lately, if you are looking at them from the perspective of preserving your current physical life. I have shown what is coming. However, everything in existence goes in cycles. Everything is going back and forth. You inhale and you exhale and if either one ever stops, you're dead. Is breath the inhale or the exhale? The answer is, it is both and neither. This is the paradox of existence. Just know what time it is so you don't choke trying to inhale at the wrong time. We want so badly to pick a side. Good vs evil. Is the tree the roots or the branches? Again, it is both and neither simultaneously. A child that has never seen the leaves fall off a tree might become scared thinking all the tress are dying. However, someone who has been around longer than the child can explain that the trees are not dying, they are just going through a phase that looks like death and transitions back into life in the spring. Fall tells us that spring is coming in the future. This doesn't make winter easy, but it makes it manageable. Winter reveals how well we worked during the summer. If we were wise and saved up and worked with winter in mind, then we are rewarded. But if we foolishly waste our resources in summer, living in total denial of what's inevitably ahead, then we are punished come winter. This is natural law. Everything is equal and opposite. There is no way to cheat this law. The longer you inhale the longer you must exhale. The easier summer is, the harder winter will be. We must submit to natural law and realize that everything has its equal opposite. If you work hard in the summer then you can relax more in the winter. The modern world has largely rejected natural cycles. We are out of time with nature. We use fake light at night so that we can act like it is day all the time. The direct and instant punishment for this is a lack of sleep, robbing us of the next day because we must rest in order to have energy to live life fully. If repeated, it snowballs into an endless cycle of dis-ease. We are going into the dark phase within a larger cycle. This shouldn't be viewed as good verses evil. It should be viewed as the demolition crew coming in to tear things down to make space for the construction crew to build things up once again. There are larger cycles at work here. Tune in to what time it is. The Earth's magnetic cycle lasts thousands of years. Last year on 3/17/19 I wrote the following blog: Health- Mom & Dad Are Splitting Up. This was one of my favorite blogs because no one told me that the magnetic cycle was the underlying force in human development and unique ideas are rare. In this blog I explained that as the Earth's magnetism declines the subconscious need for technology increases because our natural charge declines along with the Earth's magnetism. In order to survive this state of low to almost no magnetic charge we must go through a time of struggle. Like all other cycles, this time leads back to increased magnetism and increased charge. This is not unique as it has happened many times before. So be encouraged because this is your chance to shine. Stars shine brightest on a the darkest nights and shadows come out on the brightest days. Time/space is changing and the separation between what's perceived and what's objective is being dissolved. Authenticity will soon prevail. The winter will reveal how much work people did to prepare in the summer. This will terrify those that spent their time ignorantly thinking that summer would last forever, but it will reward those that used the time of plenty wisely to practice for winter. None of this is new because it is universal natural law. It is the dance of yin and yang. There is no escape, every hero needs a villain and every villain needs a hero. I believe that wisdom would allow humanity to transcend this limitation if we were willing to submit to universal natural law. Unfortunately, mass death may result from our unwillingness to do so. In a living body, cells that continue to live despite the health of the overall body are called cancer cells. In nature everything is eating and being eaten by something and this maintains a healthy balance. This is lion king, circle of life type stuff. On 2/24/19 I wrote blog called Ignorance Is Bliss knowledge Is Power. It dove into some of these ethical questions. Humans have no natural predator. This has caused population growth which inevitably corrupts the entire plant over time, once it outgrows a balanced system. There was a time when death involved honor and wisdom. Now it is entrenched in fear and ego. Many ignorantly think they are so important that they are outside the laws of nature and should become physically immortal. Humanity has divided, and an inter-species predator has emerged. Humanity has become its own natural predator. This is right in line with the inevitable laws of nature. There are some who want to stop population growth for the sake of the general population based on limited resources, etc. You see this clearly in The Watchmen by Alan Moore. This was a brilliant work that flips heroes and villains around in such a way that neither one is all good or bad. I encourage you to watch the movie to the end to see how humanity becomes its own predator. This same idea was presented in the Thanos's character from The Avengers. Killing half the population to save half. It sounds cruel to think about killing millions of people to save millions of people. How could any loving being consider such a thing? Well a god that is "all good" did it according to those who worship him. Many people still believe in a loving god who killed everyone on the planet except for a few people on an ark according to the Bible. About 99.9% of humanity at the time was wiped. Maybe instead of water this "loving" god is using waves of frequency raining down from the sky. We are drowning in these waves. It does say in the bible that he wouldn't do it again using a flood. It doesn't say he won't do it again by some other means. Maybe he is using Gates and Musk as the current means to restore balance. Maybe that loving god is the opposite of what you think. Everything is backwards. Order masquerades as chaos and chaos masquerades as order and in truth they are both two hands on the same universal body. Maybe the archetypes in ancient books are far less literal than we think. If you see order, then you know chaos is on the horizon. If you see chaos, then you know order is coming. No one gets out of here alive but what you do in the body now will follow you out of it. Universal law governs all, always. My blogs are trying to tell you what time it is. Next Blog""Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday that U.S. health officials were preparing to roll out blood tests approved by the Food and Drug Administration that will identify Americans who have been exposed to the coronavirus and may harbor immunity. With that data, he said, the government could in theory issue certificates of immunity to help hasten the reopening of normal life." ....."In theory, individuals with immunity certificates would be exempt from social distancing protocol and could return to work or normal life without the risk of infecting others." Read the full article here If this type of Immunity certification goes then it will be very easy to issue vaccination certificates to return to "normal" life. This would be the way to get people to take the vaccine mentioned in the Prepare For "Optional" Vaccination Blog. The Nazi party didn't set up death camps over night. They did little incremental changes over time that lead to it. The people went from saying "it is too soon to act directly" to "it is too late to act." This is a global situation and I don't think any place is completely safe. However, there are places that are more safe and could buy you time. Time then allows for you to learn how to buy more time. This is accomplished by packing light and not being attached to things. You must choose. Whatever you hold on to you will lose. There will be a small window over the next few months. By September it will be too late. (warning adult language) In case you wonder what is happening last night in LA. What could this be? Starlink - from SpaceX and Elon Musk perhaps? SpaceX Satellite article from Nov 11, 2019 "As of March 18, 2020, SpaceX has launched 362 Starlink satellites. They plan to launch 60 more per Falcon 9 flight, which launches as often as every two weeks in 2020. In total, nearly 12,000 satellites are planned to be deployed, with a possible later extension to 42,000." Starlink - Wikipedia The first Starlink satellites were launched Nov 11, 2019. There have been 5 more launches since and the next launch is set for just a few days away on April 16, 2020. If you think this has no impact on the Earth and all biological life on it, think again. We will surely see increased viral expression from Starlink, 5G, and any other new forms of wireless technology on the horizon. What to do? Get out of CA and NY. Get out of big cities. Get a Magnetico Sleep Pad. A place with a basement room is ideal. Those able to recover at night during sleep will be in a far better place than those that cannot. This is the peak and things will relax for the next few months. Use this time wisely. Start and end each day by doing your inner work (through meditation or any means you like) so you can maintain a harmonic frequency that does not enable dissonance. This will allow you to handle the global frequency much better. Face your fears now. Remove your attachments. Realize that this is all part of a bigger cycle. You are not a victim. The times ahead will be authentic. There will be no way to cheat. Next BlogIncremental Steps Toward Martial Law4/11/2020 I have been very open about my predictions to come in the fall and winter of 2020. The summer will be time for the general population to drink and be marry, not knowing that the fall and winter will bring far worse situations than we are currently facing. I have shown articles advertising the plan to launch 5G and other technologies in September. I have shown how sunlight decreases viral expression. I have shown how the stay-at-home order allows for the use of cell phone tracking to enforce social distancing. I have shown how hotlines have been set up to allow the general population to turn in anyone not complying to the restrictions that are "suggested" by the government. I have shown the tanks running "training drills" in LA. I have explained "optional" vaccination with nano-tech. Here is an article showing LA now has mandated face masks. Here is an article showing the CDC has flip flopped on face masks and what was confidently described as useless is now required. I predict martial law by Christmas. It will be an incremental progression. This will be for your safety and the sad thing is that it will be. As things get worse more people will misbehave and lose their minds, and when they do, it will justify emergency governmental intervention. "No way there will be martial law", you might think. Well first lets define martial law. Martial Law is - military government, suspending ordinary law. Does that sound far off from the current state of affairs to you? What would happen if things where far worse? What if there is rioting in L:A due to food shortages? Do you think there would not be military law put in place "to protect you"? What if the response to viral expressions cause the criminal justice system to come to a halt? What if convicts had zero bail? Well here is an article from the San Luis Obispo CA District Attorney objecting to zero bail. DA Dow Objects To Jail Inmates Release On "emergency" Zero Bail Right now see what happens if you don't wear a face mask. Police forcibly remove the man. His crime? No mask. What precedence does this set? Do you think allowing convicts to be released on zero bail increases or decreases the likelihood of the chaos that would induce martial law? This seems obvious to me. Businesses in SF are being boarded up to prevent break ins. There have already been some break ins. Still think martial law is too extreme? How about a misdemeanor for church attendance? "Judge Justin Walker, of the Western District of Kentucky, issued a temporary restraining order against the city of Louisville Saturday afternoon in a case filed by On Fire Christian Church. Walker admonished FIscher's restrictions, announced on Thursday, writing, "On Holy Thursday, an American mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter. That sentence is one that this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion." See the full article here: Ky. Gov To Slow Virus On Easter A while back I had a friend wanting to set up an office in Huntington Beach. I told him that is the last place you want to be since it will be in the first 5G rollout zone. He sent me this today saying "I'm slow to come around but you were right about Huntington Beach." What does this have to do with martial law? The neurological effects of modern tech are going to make people behave in ways that will require government intervention. This is not the first time I have been right and it won't be the last. Some say my message is too negative. I have not included any "conspiracy theory" articles in my blogs relating to COVID-19 or the current situation. Only what has been advertised by mainstream sources. You might be feeling some cognitive dissonance. You might be thinking of your job, your home, your kids, or whatever. California and New York will be the first places hit by all this because of the massive populations in LA and New York City. Get out of California and New York now. Get as much money together as you can and put it to good use. I have very few resources and I am doing everything I can and I will be rewarded for it in the future. Whatever you are holding on to you will loose. I know so many people that have equity in their homes, or access to capital through land, etc. None of it will matter. Access your capital now and use it. If you can't use savings during a global pandemic then what is savings good for? This isn't fear mongering. I have no emotion about any of this because I know it's just part of a much bigger, inevitable cycle. I am rationally looking at the facts and coming to conclusions. Others have bias resulting in irrational conclusions based in emotional desired outcomes as opposed to what is right in front of them. What I am about to say will be understood by some and terrifying for others. No one is going to save you. No one can save you but you. No external savior is coming to the rescue. But you do have the opportunity to become the hero of your own story. You must let go of what you are clinging to in order to be free. ""It is said you can trap a monkey by putting a nut through a small hole in a gourd. The monkey reaches in and grabs the nut, but then his fist won’t fit back through the hole. Greedy monkeys will literally let themselves be caught rather than let go of the nut." This is a simple monkey trap situation. The real secret is that so is this life. Next BlogPrepare For "Optional" Vaccination4/7/2020 The "solutions" being advertised are the most accurate warnings. In recent blogs I attached articles showing the advertisement of tech as a solution to current dilemmas. Now we see vaccination as the "solution." Big pharma has no liability for vaccines, yet their drugs come with a lot of liability. Vaccination can only be offered as the solution with the misunderstandings of what a virus is. Here is an article I just read. "Inovio researchers packaged a section of the virus’ genetic code inside a piece of synthetic DNA. Injected as a vaccine, the cells act as a mini-factory to produce harmless protein copies. The immune system makes protective antibodies against them — primed if the real virus ever comes along. Inovio research and development chief Kate Broderick likens it to giving the body an FBI wanted poster so it can recognize the enemy. But after the skin-deep injection, researchers must hold a device over the spot that gives a little electrical zap. The synthetic DNA is large when it comes to penetrating human cells, and the pulse helps the vaccine more easily penetrate and get to work, Broderick said." You read that right "the cells act as a mini factory." Once vaccinated there is a "device" that gives a "little electrical zap." This is the chip we have heard about for so long. That is why it is injected towards the surface unlike current intravenous vaccines that are delivered into the bloodstream. This is nano-tech. When I say forced vaccination this will begin as optional with conditions. If you want to go to social events, have a drivers license, leave the state, fly on a plane, and so on, you will need to show proof of vaccination via your nano-chip. This could eventually lead to money restriction and certainly gun ownership in time. Free choice is an illusion. It is like a bank robber holding a gun to your head and saying "give me all your money." You are free to choose but you're essentially choosing to get shot if you choose not to give them your money. Of course everything will be presented for your safety. Especially since people will become desperate and violent resulting in a lot of death. The military intervention and martial law will be for your safety. Viral expression will skyrocket and usher in a forced vaccine for the safety of everyone, just like current vaccinations for children in schools. You are free to leave your child unvaccinated, but then they can't go to school. You may be thinking there is no way that forced or "optional" vaccination with opt out consequences will happen. It will be easier than you think. Check points, fear, and regulation will all make it easy. Everything up to this point has been done to learn how to best implement the plan. Bill gates has been at this for a long time. The masses mater in this the individual does not. There is a bell curve and the 80% mater. The individual doesn't matter unless that individual is trying to disrupt the plan. That is why my site is now private. i am not trying to disrupt the plan I am simply navigating it. You can choose to or not. Sacrifice must be made. You must let go of your attachments. When I tell people to leave CA and they say "but the weather is bad over there." I say yes...the bad weather is my security because the soft, spoiled masses can only handle year round sunshine and will not follow me to safety, flooding the area with people. I will not willingly consent to a vaccine. I know that will make my life hard but I am willing to pay the toll. I know what I would do and how I would respond if I were ever held down and force vaccinated. We will see how it all plays out. This will be implemented first in New York and California. My guess is there will be a mainstream vax launched by march 2021. Once this nano tech chip is injected how will it work? Elon Musk, Space X and remember this word.....Starlink. I'll get into this in the future posts. You better make moves this summer, get that Magnetico Sleep Pad and read these blogs unless you like surprises. Elon Musk Article - 12,000 high speed internet satellites Ad hominem fallacy - When you criticize the source of information and not the information itself. Calling a person crazy in an attempt to make their argument crazy by association. People are now waking up to the idea of 5G being connected to viral expressions. 5G towers do not spread the virus, they cause the radiation that causes a viral expression of toxic cells. Even some famous people like Woody Harrelson (See New York Post Article ) are starting to see the 5G connection. If they really confront the issue directly and publicly they will be punished in some type of "accident" or "suicide" or defamation. The more you see the 5G connection made out to be a "crazy" theory with no science to dismiss it the more attention it will get and the more people will start to see that those of us telling the 5G story for years have been correct in our knowledge of NNEMF. Every new frequency we are exposed to has the potential to result in a unique viral expression (hence how its always called a "new mutation" in the media). 5G often causes ringing in the ears (tinitis), buzzing heads (unique headaches), and difficulty breathing due to the fact that 60gHz absorbs needed oxygen. As more people become aware of the true cause, many will desperately try to destroy the source of their suffering by destroying 5g cell sites. I do not support destruction but am not surprised by this obvious response. "The government has launched a blistering attack against those spreading the “crazed conspiracy theory” that 5G masts are responsible for spreading coronavirus. Boris Johnson’s official spokesman warned on Tuesday that any vandals who destroy 5G masts are putting lives at risk and that ministers would be speaking to social media companies about clamping down on such misinformation." This article doesn't offer much science as to why 5G is safe and healthy. It uses an ad hominem fallacy to name call questioners "crazed" instead of actually looking at the argument. Unfortunately the destruction of the towers will result in a social media crack down and better physical protection of tech along with justifying a more militaristic response to the reality that wireless tech is dangerous to all living things. I'm sure the reactions to 5G are being carefully watched so that those rolling out the tech will know how to respond to future destructive acts. In the tech roll out the masses matter, individuals don't. There is no way to save the world but you may be able to save yourself for a time. Time is all that really matters. I have basically no following but I am still making my content involving 5G private and will no longer be sharing in the public space. In time my information will become far more valuable so I want to protect it on the front. I have made my prediction. Things will appear to return to normal for the summer. This is the time to make moves. The launch is in mid September. the effect will hit by Halloween and by Christmas the infrastructure of hospital beds and military intervention will be utilized. The time of sharing truth openly is gone. Those who resonate with the message will have already been drawn to it. It is too late for anyone unwilling to make the needed sacrifices to survive in the modern world. I always say: never work harder than the person you are trying to help. Next BlogThe brain is one of the most electro-magnetic parts of the body. The other is the heart. These two parts contain the most mitochondria, which are electro-magnetic power plants within cells that create chemical energy. We are powered by light frequency from the sun. Food is just sunlight that has been stabilized. The entire food web comes from light. When light from the sun is scarce the body relies on increased charge from the electrons within the mitochondria for more energy output. In order to boost charge you must live like an Inuit. This means eat lots of fat, lots of fish, and get cold-adapted. Of course, sleeping on a Magnetico also boosts the charge on electrons which is why I suggest it to everyone who wants solutions. That being said, what happens when a brain is exposed to too much unnatural electro-magnetic frequency? It has glitches and can blow a fuse. All brains exposed to bad circumstances will malfunction in the same way every person who gets a cut bleeds or anyone who consumes alcohol gets intoxicated. It isn't personal and you aren't broken, you are human. Mental health has a lot to do with charge and your bodies electro-magnetic centers being able to operate in an unaltered state. Manmade electro-magnetic frequency competes with the natural frequencies of the earth, planets, and sun. One of the many side effects of this is mental illness. Pre-existing mental illness increase in places with 5G or high amounts of wifi. A person that had no mental illness in the past may now find themselves with new symptoms. This can take the form of aggression, anger, disassociation, or any number of other issues. This does not mean that you are crazy, it simply means that stress in any form including electro-magnetic stress is disruptive to your system. We are currently exposed to stressors from all angles so if you are struggling, be extra kind to yourself and take good care of yourself. Pay attention to your symptoms because they reveal important information that can lead to solutions. If you need nature, get it. If you need time to mediate and be calm, take it. If you need to laugh, find something funny. How can you laugh at a time like this? How can you not? Laughter is a great way lighten up. Not long ago I was waking up in the morning and checking the news first thing with everything going on. I found myself starting my day miserable. I recently switched the pattern and now start my day with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and my mornings and overall days are far better. Some people who have a history of mental illness will not have the margin to cope with these times. In this case I believe there is a neurological switch that gets flipped that engages what I call human apoptosis. ap·op·to·sis noun PHYSIOLOGY
I am not saying that suicide is a good thing. I am saying that the human race is a larger fractal organism and we are all cells in that organism just as your body has cells that are all part of the organism that is you. When functional fuses pop in the brain it can cause a person to feel a subconscious pointlessness that is separate from the greater organism and results in cell death or in the case of humans, suicide. Here is an article I just read that shows a man who committed suicide largely because of social distancing. Humans are electro-magnetic and our electro-magnetic fields effect each other. We are not meant to be in isolation. ( I know hard, for me to say as I am one who often finds interacting with others to be very taxing.) This is why people often look for sex or affection when isolated. You would think it has to do with orgasms but I think many people are just longing to be held and sex is often the only way to get this type of affection. Our electro-magnetic field emits out from our body several feet, about 6 to be exact. This new social distancing is keeping us from exchanging charge with others, and for those who struggle the from the current lack of social interaction may end up in human apoptosis. I have said countless times in the past that 5G will cause an increase in mental illness, addiction, and suicide, and we are seeing the beginning of its affects now. What can you do? -Love on the people that are close to you. You will have to get more from those individuals in your home than you did before all this started. -If you live alone, try to find healthy ways to interact. (This may be hard.) -Avoid addictive substances- Intoxication in any form will increase the likelihood of popping a fuse. -Get away from tech as much as possible. -Make sleep a priority - get a Magnetico Sleep Pad Now -Do your inner work. Face your fears and look at the dark parts of yourself when you are clear-minded or else these inner demons will consume you when you are tired, intoxicated, or bathed in 5g/ wireless radiation. - If you find yourself angry, fighting with others and acting out of character it may not be the person you're mad at. It might actually be the global situation we find ourselves in. Blame the bad environment, not the person in front of you. Always remember, wireless tech (unnatural radiation) is not compatible with health. If you are experiencing symptoms of mental illness, suicidal thoughts, irrational behavior, or anything that scares you, talk to someone and get help. You will find that you are not alone. The entire world is being effected by manmade frequencies that often show themselves in your fears. Deal with your fears now so that they do not come for you later. Here is the story line of Bird Box. When a mysterious force decimates the population, only one thing is certain -- if you see it, you die. The survivors must now avoid coming face to face with an entity that takes the form of their worst fears. Searching for hope and a new beginning, a woman and her children embark on a dangerous journey through the woods and down a river to find the one place that may offer sanctuary. To make it, they'll have to cover their eyes from the evil that chases them -- and complete the trip blindfolded. I admittedly haven't seen it but the story line reminds me of the current situation. The entity we all face is distorted frequency. Those who have done their inner work will do much better in the modern world. Avoid the negative tech that is causing the current situation of viral expression and realize that the reaction to viral expression will be even more wireless tech and less human interaction. This will cause much more suicide and mental illness moving forward. Be honest with yourself and others, and get help if you need it. Realize that the human race has never been as disconnected as it is today at this very moment. People are scared to shake hands, or hug, or even stand next to another person. The organism of humanity is coming apart. Be kind to yourself and others in this difficult time and take the measures needed to adapt to the new world we live in. I think there is a window in the summer to make moves but by Halloween this fall this blog will be far more important. Pay attention as bizarre things may start to happen. This will surprise those who don't understand that brains and hearts can be hacked with frequency. There is no time to waste. The goal of this life is not to live forever but to face the challenges life presents with dignity, honor, and wisdom. Be on the look out for "well intended" people planting seeds of doubt and negativity in you. They will be doing this for your own good in their eyes but in truth they are refusing to believe that the world is what it is despite a global shut down. No one staying behind will want you to become free. Get rid of these people or they will pull you under as they drown. Never give up. I will continue to post articles I find connected to this here as time goes on 4/6/2020 Man kills wife and himself over virus fears Next BlogHealth Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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