Those aren't my teeth but they could have been. The cause of my illness was right under my nose. This is a story of metal alloys in teeth and its affect on health. I have a long history of health struggles and these struggles revealed to me that dental health has heavy implications and is commonly overlooked. I was raised in the inner city of Rochester New York, we didn't have much money or understanding of health back then. I was taken from my mother at birth and passed around until I was adopted. My birth mother was not well when she had me and we get our mitochondria (light converters of the cells) from our mother. It's safe to assume I have poor quality mitochondria compared to most and am therefore prone to low charge. One of the things I remember most from childhood was the dentist. I would get fluoride and metal fillings and I reacted so fast and so violently that I would shake uncontrollably and my parents would often have to pull over on the way home so I could vomit. I became very overweight and depressed. I lacked energy and felt bad. Fast forward to me as an adult in California after having a life of various low charge issues from, obesity to addiction, depression. With good intentions, I went on a vegan diet (a low charge diet if not in an equatorial region with lots of time outside in the sunlight). I was trying to get healthy and read about the dangers of metal in teeth. I went to a dentist get the metal extracted. The dentist drilled them out and I got sick. Very sick. Over the next 3 years I had massive health issues with my brain, heart, kidneys, gut and so many other issues. I found myself divorced after a 10 year marriage and many people who knew me thought I was a hypochondriac. I was blacking out and lucky had a friend crash at my place one night who was able to help me after a particularly bad fall. My brain wasn't working well and I started making preparations for my death as I knew that was coming quick if things continued as they were. I have always been a very cognitive person and the feeling that my brain couldn't function was unbearable. I couldn't make sense of things and I still have very blurry memories of this time. What had happened? The dentist that drilled the metal out failed to protect me from the exposure. He didn't drill all of the metal out left some of it exposed directly to my nerves and then covered it up with composite fillings, so I had no idea. Off gassing from hot and cold foods and beverages was going directly into my nervous system. I was being poisoned. I went to a new biological dentist who exposed this unfortunate truth. He asked me "who's trying to kill you?" He safely extracted the remaining metals and from there I began a path of healing that has taken several years. I thought I was going mad when I was sick. "Mad hatter" historically comes from hat makers who went insane. Mercury and other heavy metals were used in the hat making process at the time and was later discovered to be the cause. In the modern age metal exposure is still bad but far worse is how these deadly toxins interact with wireless frequency. Metals conduct and pick up frequencies just like an antenna. Non-native EMF from tech causes metals to leach more aggressively and has worse effects on low charge people. The more metals from any source we contain, the worse the effect of wireless tech will be. Our tech is depleting our electromagnetic charge so fast that issues that were bad before are now deadly. So many diseases are rooted in low charge (aka mitochondrial issues). Everything from depression and sleeplessness, to joint pain and gut issues. This blog is about boosting charge first for overall health and then dealing in chemistry second. This is a relatively unique idea since both mainstream and alt health fixated on chemistry and deficiencies. The real deficiency is not raw materials but electromagnetic charge needed to power the repair process. Solutions
As always reduce or remove as much wireless tech from your life as possible, especially in your home and sleep environment. Turn off all smart devices and cut breakers at night before bed. If you have metal fillings in your teeth and you want to get it removed, use a dentist who will: -Use a dental dam to block the exposure -Use an air hose over the nose to breath (most of the metal particles in the air from drilling are inhaled straight into the brain) -Use a vacuum to suck the metals from the mouth and air -My dentist even opened the window in the office Learn about charge in connection to toxicity. Here is a short blog post where I explain how some people get toxic and others don't ...One has low charge and the other doesn't. Toxicity Blog Get a Magnetico Sleep Pad Long before I knew anything about the quantum aspects of health I stumbled upon the magnetico. I was still having issues with metal poisoning and Dr. Bonlie who created the magnetico was a dentist who had also been metal posoned. He explained that the only real way to detox a brain (as the cells don't divide) was to use magno-chelation which increases the charge of the cell so the positively charged toxin can be expelled through the blood stream. I had tried every detox I could find including NAC to high dose Vit C. Only when I got the magnetico did I really find relief and over the past few years I have learned everything I can about magnetism to understand how this powerful tool gave me my life back. I share this often with my readers because I know how it works from personal experience. Dr. Bonlie did testing and found that fillings do not off gas when on a magnetico. Getting metal fillings removed can be dangerous and expensive and if I could pick between removal and getting a magnetico I would make the make the magnetico the priority. It also does many other beneficial things for increased charge and health. In the wifi world we live in the magnetico is a must. Check out Resources & To Do Lists for more helpful info or remember My Brain Is For Rent. I am happy to work with you to ask the questions and find solutions that may be missed by others stuck on chemistry.
Coffee In The Modern Age5/27/2019
If you have read my story or any of the Addictive Mind Blog, then you know I have struggled with addiction. I was specifically addicted to alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. I am a dopamine junkie. I wrote a blog about Dopamine In The Modern Age. I stopped drinking and smoking more than eleven years ago. The one thing I've held onto is coffee. It doesn't destroy the body like alcohol or cigarettes. In fact, coffee has some health benefits. Mental alertness, anti-oxidants, even weight loss effects. So many health guys promote and sell coffee. Its effects are often felt right away. Let's face it, coffee is a drug and any bio-hacker who can sell a drug is going to make money. I love coffee, always have. I loved it most with a cigarette. Over the years I have gone off coffee and then slowly got back on. I'm not saying coffee is bad but I will say it is bad for me. I am currently 4 days off coffee and I have a bad headache. I did not want to get up this morning and my motivation was way down. Classic withdrawal symptoms. This time I quit because I was having severe anxiety in the mornings. I was having to eat a lot to offset the caffeine. My sleep last night was very deep and restorative. Anyone with anxiety or sleep issues should strongly consider going off coffee. It can fry you out. Another reason I went off coffee is because it reduces blood flow to the brain. This is of particular concern to me in the modern tech age. Anything that constricts can cause serious issues to health. We are now surrounded by frequencies from tech that cause brain and heart issues since they are the most mitochondria-dense organs in the body. Any constriction of blood flow can lead to big problems especially if you know that 5G and other powerful Unnatural frequencies alters the size & expression of proteins in the body. In the modern age, things that where ok in the past are no longer ok. Neurological blood flow reductions will have a much worse effect. Also, if you're adding a bunch of sugar or sweeteners to your coffee I would really encourage you to reconsider as the blood flow reduction along with the effects of sugar can be a very bad combination. The anxiety piece of the puzzle is huge. Our cells are being bombarded with unnatural frequencies from every angle and this puts them under a massive amount of stress. Tech and wifi is dissonant to the body's natural harmonics. Increased frequency stress paired with the stimulation effects of coffee often push a person over the edge from alert to anxious. This was certainly the case for me. I'm surprised at how much my sleep has been affected. I sleep really well with my Magnetico but my dreams have been much more vivid since I quit coffee. Our society has lost the ability to sleep. People use melatonin, THC, sleep aid drugs, alcohol and all kinds of other chemicals to try and help the brain engage its sleep state. Our society also drinks a ton of coffee. A poor nights sleep makes you want coffee to help wake you up which can then cause a poor nights sleep. It's a vicious cycle. If you have trouble sleeping try to go caffeine0free for a month and see what happens. It won't be easy at first. I do intermittent fasting on and off and I found the coffee (which was once a great tool) became a real issue as I would get jittery without food to offset the caffeine. The stimulating effects of coffee can help with weight loss but for me I need less food and in turn cut excess weight without it. Coffee increases dopamine. This chemical dopamine release can cause issues with conceptual dopamine from good ideas or accomplishing tasks. As a dopamine addict, I love to be in a dopamine state which is why I need to stop the coffee so my dopamine levels can re-balance. Unfortunately, many who are onto how blue light effects dopamine are also coffee pushers. If you struggle with depression and are trying to boost serotonin, reducing spiked dopamine is key. I don't think coffee is bad but I will say that some of the effects are bad especially as a dopamine-dominant person. Like most things the people who love coffee should have less and the people who have no interest in it may benefit from a cup. If sleep, anxiety, or heart & brain issues are of concern, you may want to give up the coffee or cycle it one day a week. There is lots to learn as time goes on and the effects of coffee and other drugs becomes more severe. If you haven't made it a priority to break from all drugs to establish a baseline, I highly recommend it. The environment is changing fast, and we ought to change with it if we want to maintain our health and well-being. Final thought: consider replacing coffee with cacao. It has some caffeine, but is very high in PQQ and Magnesium which supports your mitochondria. Update- It has now been several days and I'm still off coffee. I have had really bad headaches. My sleep has been much deeper and I'm far less anxious. It is clear that coffee in a 5G wifi world is bad news. Neuro dehydration, reduced blood flow and increased anxiety on the body. All in combination with the same affects of wifi would lead me to believe that coffee is one of those things that was ok and is gone. If the goal is to prevent Wifi induced heart attacks and strokes then coffee has to go,. Not to mention the dopamine effects. all bad. I'm done with any bullet proof or other bio hacker health types pushing this when the problems are so great in the modern world. I'll keep you posted. A friendly reminder that your body is smarter than you.....If you don't use it your body stops making it. Muscles take energy to produce so if you stop using your muscles, the body intelligently stops making them. The same is true with your brain. In a recent conversation I was explaining how taking testosterone in the form of cream or an injection will shut off the production of testosterone in the body. The response to that statement implied that the body was making a mistake. Remember that the body you are in evolved in an environment that no longer exists, one with no inject-able testosterone. The body is intelligent so it never wastes energy. If you take it you won't make it. The body checks how much testosterone it should produce and if there is testosterone present then it does not produce more. This is why tampering with hormones is such a slippery slope down a path with no baseline. Modern society does not realize that the current environment is exactly what would be done in a lab to reduce testosterone and disrupt hormones. Taking hormones in the same environment that reduced hormonal production simply tells the body to stop making whatever is taken. The wrong question will never provide the correct answer. Many of our tests are fundamentally flawed. Many people who want to be in ketosis drink powdered ketones and then use urine to test. If a person is not consuming glucose foods and they are still alive then ketosis is in affect. Drinking ketones and then testing for ketones in the urine as excess waste is very silly. Drinking ketones will stop fat loss as the body will use the ketones for fuel instead of tapping into fat to get them. Another example is vitamin D. This is connected to light and has many functions in the body. If you test low for vitamin D and then supplement vitamin D and retest you will find vitamin D in your system. This does not mean you are better off. It is like thinking that because coffee comes in coffee cups you can just buy a bunch of cups to increase the amount of coffee. So many of our tests are totally ridiculous but they help us feel a false sense of control, keyword false. Many people in alternative health are very concerned with alkalinity. I call this the alka-lie because your body has different parts different PHs for different functions. If a person says they want to alkalize the body ask them which part. The stomach for example is supposed to be very acidic. Many of the alkaline solutions people take involves putting an alkaline substances directly into the acid bath that is the stomach. Breathing is the key to balancing a persons alkalinity and acidity. This is bad for business because it's free. Ant- acids are just alkaline tablets so if you want alkaline water just put a Tums in it. I could go on but the truth is that we are far less able to have tests as we would like. Controlled environments are difficult to produce especially because the body is never fixed it is dynamic and always engaging different programs at different times for. The question of when is much more valid in the conversation of tests than we think and reveals that we can make predictions (think in terms of a bell curve) but not absolutes. Many health practitioners give blanket advice as if it is so easy to tell what a persons issue is. In my experience, everyone finds the problem to be within their specialty. If you have ringing in the ear a chiropractor will likely say you need an adjustment, a naturopath will likely give you a homeopathic, an MD will likely give you a pharmaceutical. Others will muscle test you for this or that, an ENT may schedule a cleaning, your friend may give you an ear candle. Any of those things may help but sound is frequency. Our ears pick up some and not others, but when you are exposed to frequency variations based on unnatural frequencies from technology, they mix with the frequencies your brain puts off and create a ringing. This may be why you have ringing at night and not during the day as your brain puts out its repair frequencies at night. I am happy to say I'm not a doctor and won't give medical advice, but I do ask questions. My time in alternative health has exposed me to so many people with good intentions that don't know much about deeper levels of health. Many of the solutions promoted are silly and misunderstood at best. I see how nice it would be if muscle testing in the way people often do it was reliable. How nice it would be if there were devices that could fix all our problems. How nice if juice increased electro-magnetic charge. How nice if just putting everyone on a keto diet solved all our problems. The environment we live in (frequency-wise) is completely different than it was even 5 years ago. This blog is all about how tech affects health and tech has changed and continues to change at a rapid rate. Modern tech doesn't sleep so what was true in the past may no longer be true today. Could it be that the vast majority of our problems have everything to do with low electro-magnetic charge and far less to do with the deficiency story that makes alt health so much money?
The reality is it is up to you. Start with your environment and work backwards from there. Ask questions, and never take advice from a person that can't explain what they are doing and why. Why has no one started a muscle testing measure that does not involve human error? Observation alters outcome. My Brain is for rent. If you want help figuring out the whys and practical solutions to issues you haven't found working solutions to in mainstream or alternative health, I am happy to help. The difference is I don't offer my solutions in a bright, shiny package. I offer simple, straightforward, sobering steps that require real effort and consistency but yield real results. Mitochondria - Light Converters5/13/2019 This is a long story but very important story. Our mitochondria are the engines inside our cells. They create chemical energy called ATP so the end result of the process that goes on within mitochondria powers chemistry. This is why people talking about chemistry and prescribing chemicals and nutrients are limited in their treatments. Most chemical issues may be from poor mitochondria function which can't be treated with chemistry as chemistry is the end product of the mitochondrial process. This is a common mistake; putting the cart before the horse so to speak. To understand what mitochondria are we first must understand electron chain transfer. Simply put, it's the process that electrons take to convert themselves through density and complexity shifts to create tangible substances, the first of which is water. Water is the conductive battery for charge. charge is the frequency expressed from electricity contained in a magnetic field. This it the story of mitochondria. Mitochondria are light converters. As you can see in this picture, mitochondria are several levels down the fractal chain. They are often viewed as nothing more than ATP (chemical energy) producers. The reality is, they are little EMF (electro-magnetic frequency devices). Historically our cells engulfed mitochondria to be the power source for us to become the mobile receiver /transmitters that we are now. Electrons make themselves denser by interacting with each other in more complex ways and grouping up. This is why the first element on the periodic tablle is hydrogen and it contains only one electron. It is also why water is so programmable because hydrogen mixes with oxygen to create this quantum battery to conduct electro-magnetic charge. Here is a diagram of electron chain transfer which is what is happening inside the mitochondria. I encourage you to ignore all the stuff you've never seen and just notice that there are complexes that are steps in the conversion process of light. Also notice the H2O. This is newly created water inside the mitochondria. Our outer environment and inner environment interact. Light and other frequencies in the environment if unnatural (tech) distort the process of our mitochondria light converters and our power (electro-magnetic charge) declines as a result. As power in the body declines, so does repair and function. There are ways to boost mitochondrial function and many can be found on The Archive page. Many depend on your specific environment. I hope this blog explains why my opposition to wifi and unnatural tech frequencies is so extreme. It is rare to find health practitioners focusing on mitochondria and even more rare to haver that focus be on electro-magnetic aspects as opposed to the chemicals. NAD and CoQ10 are good examples of what many focus on when they become aware of mitochondria. Don't fall into this trap. If you take it you won't make it and these are shuttles for electron conversion. If the passenger count ( the number of electrons) is low the body won't build bigger shuttles. Eating more shuttles does not make more passengers. Nature in its many forms: hot or cold (side note - cold condenses the electron chain transfer in the body for increased internal light when external light is low) are both tools to be used. This is why heat (saunas, infrared) and cold (ice baths, cryotherapy) therapy is popular and can have benefits. Keto diets are also gaining popularity not knowing that the fat is stable hydrogen to create better H2O in the mitochondrial process. DHA in fish is also a way that internal and external light can be amplified in the body. Guess where your body has the most mitochondria? The heart and the brain. These are the most electro-magnetic parts of the body for this reason. Omega 3's are good for the brain and heart because the Omaga 3 DHA interacts with light and the heart and brain have the most light converters in them. Your senses are a few levels up from your mitochondria. These light converter frequency devices pick up signals. What does your heart tell you or trust your higher knowing; trust your mitochondria....if they are not tuned to distorted frequencies from tech. We just had Mothers Day. You get your mitochondria from your mother. I believe the bond between a mother and a child has far more to do with mitochondria than anything else. As a person who has never met a biological relative I do not have this type of connection but because I don't have it I can see it in different ways than the subtle ways people who have it do. This bond has to do with frequency exchange from the little EMF devices called mitochondria. There is much more to the mitochondria story but if you break down the info in this blog I hope you can start to make the connections and see how much of our daily lives can be explained by understanding our light converters, our EMF devices, our mitochondria. Light Calibration - 5 Min 5 X A Day5/12/2019 Light = Time The body and its functions run on cycles that are tied to light which is a frequency. These frequencies are not fixed, they fluctuate and communicate different information to our bodies about what tasks to perform. This has been a central topic of this blog since circadian biology (time /light) is so neglected in mainstream and alternative health. Sunlight is not the same throughout the day. Morning light, afternoon light, and evening light are all different and the location and season also changes the light. Behaviors that are healthy in one light context may be unhealthy in another. Food being consumed in different light environments definitely has a different affect and needs to be thought of in the context of light instead of blanketing certain foods as healthy or not. I go into this in my Food talk The practical take away from this is what I call light calibration. 5 times a day for 5 minutes each, go outside and face the sun. Don't look directly at it but allow the sunlight to hit the surface of your eye. No glasses, sun glasses, contacts, etc. Specific times to aim for with your 5 minute calibrations: -Early morning -Mid morning -Noon -Afternoon -Evening (before sun goes down) This helps to calibrate your eye clock throughout the day as fake lights throw off your body's clock and biology. As you do this, your eyes will start to acclimate to natural light & time and you will need to squint less and your eyes will feel less sensitive & water less. In the same way that our solar panel (aka skin) changes by tanning to better absorb light when light is more prevalent, our eyes also acclimate. Prior to our modern society, no one in human history was covering their eyes with sunglasses. My concern is that fake A/C frequency light that distorts our biology. The new LED energy-efficient lights are the worst for us. What makes them energy efficient & saves money is the reduced/stripped light spectrum, so we get a fixed, unnatural frequency exposure. It's like holding the hand of a clock at a fixed point and not allowing the time to change. So your body begins to think it's 3 o'clock, for example. A simple solution when you can't avoid artificial light exposure is to get a pair of Blue Blocking Glasses like the ones found HERE The first question of health the body asks is: what time is it? It must answer this question before it decides what to do. Light tells us time. Get natural light and guard your eye clock. Light calibration only takes 25 minutes a day, but remember I'm not saying to get 25 min at one time. Dose it out at different times because fake light throws off your internal clock. Also remember that your skin is literally your solar panel. It takes in light too, so guard it well. Inside you will find me in a hat, with blue blockers and a jacket. Outside: no hat, no glasses and no jacket (and often no shirt or shoes either).
I grew up as a fat, unhealthy kid who never took his shirt off in cloudy Rochester, New York. I knew nothing about light, time, and the importance of nature or circadian biology. Look at the people around you. I have started to notice the tan often determines a person's mood, health, and weight. This isn't the only factor but it is a big one. When the light is low in the winter we get sad & sick because our brains and bodies are less able to function properly. Sad because we also get charge from light but that is another story. Am light is the most important to set the stage for the day and to engage your neuro-chemistry. Try for five calibrations each day. Make an effort to have sun breaks when others take smoke breaks. Roll your window down in the car (even just a little) to let the light in because glass blocks some of the sun's beneficial light frequencies. When people talk to me about carbs, I talk to them about light. Plants eat light to make carbs so the more light you get the more carbs you can eat. Low carb diets often don't take light into account at all, so people in poor light environments that give up carbs get a benefit. Food, time, health....Light. EMF Solutions & Fails5/11/2019 If you've been following this Health Blog, I talk a lot about the effects of non-native (unnatural) frequencies. This topic is very difficult to understand as wifi is not visible or picked up by the five senses. These frequencies cause major malfunctions in the body, mostly in the brain and heart since these are the most electro-magnetic organs in the body. Unfortunately the effects are often misunderstood and so are the solutions. The unregulated industry of EMF blocking "solutions" is growing fast so I'll start with the few solutions I have found that actually work. - The Magnetico Sleep Pad - I've posted a lot on this as it is the best tool to strengthen your body's magnetic field to compete with nnEMF. -Also the products available at Shielded Healing can be found on my Products - Solutions Page. The best product here is a a whole house dirty electricity filter that must be wired into the electrical box of the house. I strongly suggest having Brian Hoyer with Shielded Healing come and check your home. Everyone is different and the negative frequencies around my house were the things that had the largest effect. I will be experimenting with a material for a bed canopy as the current bed canopies being sold are lacking in quality and durability. Here are some other solutions that are largely free and simply require a willingness to start new habits: -Shut off breakers at night. -Use candles or salt lamps for light instead. -Avoid any & all wireless devices. -Hard-wire your Internet (ethernet instead of wifi). -Shut devices off at night (power down or at least airplane mode for cell phones). These changes will take some getting used to at first, but we found that they contribute to more peaceful and enjoyable evenings in our home which made it desirable to continue. Be creative; the less tech exposure you have the better, especially when you sleep as that's your opportunity to recover and restore for the next day. The less the population the better in terms of tech because you can't easily guard yourself against other peoples' smart meters, wifi, etc. There's much more but I want to dive into the fake solutions being sold to people who don't know any better. The truth is I wish some of these things worked as it would make life easier, but they don't. "Solutions" to avoid: -Grounding sheets - This is a great idea that was thought of before the age of wireless tech. A grounding sheet in the modern world will act like a net for EMF and if you sleep on it, it will fry you. Avoid them as they are dangerous in our current wireless environment. -EMF-blocking clothing - If you yell into a cave the sound (a frequency) just bounces around because it can't get out. Anything that is supposed to block EMF but has openings just acts like a cave so all those EMF clothes are bad news, plus you should never touch something collecting (blocking) EMF as you conduct will pick it up through contact. Blue Shield should be called sad shield because it causes more negative affects while it drains your money. Any "good frequency" devices plugged into A/C wall plugs are bad for you. There are tons of these on the market. Your body runs on D/C current and has natural frequencies that are disrupted by these devices because their frequencies are fixed. Some of these devices do a spectrum frequency which is like throwing darts. Sometimes they hit the target and sometimes they don't. This often results in feeling sick and the people ignorantly selling this stuff tell people it's a healing crisis when in truth it's just a crisis. This applies to the Amp Coil and a number of other costly devices. Joov - light therapy also has to be re-framed. Joov claims to replace 8 hours of sun in 30 minutes. This is far from true and the A/C flicker fixed frequencies put off dirty electricity. If you are blue light toxic red can help but this should not be hailed as the greatest thing ever which is how it's sold by many bio-hackers. The truth is people are attracted to shiny things and the bio-hacker community is no different. The best way to sell tech is to make it shiny, which is how Apple made the iPhone so popular. We now have a generation of kids who love shiny tech from birth and adults drifting toward the light of tech like a moth not knowing that it is the problem. The solutions to these problems are few, largely free, and often inconvenient. Be weary of bio-hacker devices that talk about frequencies that plug into a wall. There is no hack for inner light activation of your own bio-tech which is the real solution. Focusing on external devices is a distraction that will not end well. I go into this in my last talk below. Be aware my friends.
Toxins have a positive charge and the electron retention of the individuals dictates the level of toxin accumulation as the cell has a sodium/potassium pump that is powered electro magneticly. When charge drops low the pump shuts off and the body open a calcium channel allowing positively charged toxins to accumulate. The cells of the brain unlike the body do not divide, which allows a person to be the same person, however this is where low charge accumulation can be most sever with the affects of vaccines. All this mixed with WiFi (overlapping electro magnetic frequencies) create a scenario that resembles putting aluminum in a microwave. Children are far more affected by NNEMF. Most know nothing about unidirectional magnetism or how electric is expressed within it. This is a very different solution to toxicity than chemical intervention. I can say much more about this but these factors need to be addressed as I believe that the net negative charge and tech environment establish who gets injured. Anybody interested in solutions or just problems? If you think this is a pro or anti vax post your wrong, the dose and environment often make the poison. I'm always for free choice though. Same people saying my body my choice are pushing enforced vax. The pro lifers are also pro war the pro abortionists are also pro vax. silly polarization and false dichotomy Anybody talking about toxins or detoxing without talking about charge should be avoided. Health Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.