Incremental Change10/27/2019 Change can be hard and as I look back on my life it's hard for me to believe that I have become the person I am today. I am so very different than the fat, heavy smoking, alcoholic, caffeine-addicted, junk food eater. I have dramatically changed both mentally and physically. As I look back at who I was I recognize I was extremely insecure, self-sabotaging, and focused on external salvation. I am a changed person. I look at life as a quest for my own personal growth and the only measure I have is against my former self. I am always working on my physical health as a reflection of my internal state. I just want to see what I can do with this life. I used to think this meant doing something significant by society's standards. I now believe that this is a day to day internal quest. There is no useful external recognition in it. Here are some tools I use to measure and promote change and growth: Tracking progress- I now realize that real change happens incrementally, one step at a time. When I was first getting into health I thought that one magic thing would make me superhuman. Instead the best changes have been small but consistent and I no longer struggle with so many of the issues I once had. The point of this is to say if you are trying to change something in your life track it. Pay attention to the little changes everyday. This will give you some personal accountability but will also allow you to see the small victories and how real change happens over time.
Mini goals - Have a small daily goal of doing the same or better than the last day. Having big goals is fine but often people set an overwhelming and unattainable goal just to make it easy to give up on. Set a daily goal, do the task every day. Make it a habit, chip away at it. Every real accomplishment teaches you patience. This may be working out even if its a 10 minute walk after you eat. It may be going until 10:00am without coffee. I am in a phase where I am trying to get stronger at the gym. I'm not innately prone to muscle gain, but it amazes me how some days I feel so weak and others I have a breakthrough. Once you hit a new best it is easy to make that common. This can apply to relationships or any goal you may have. Don't look at others; compete with yesterday's you. I see these muscle guys on steroids, pictures photo shopped with the best angles and lighting, and I'll never look like them. I just want to have fun seeing what I can do that is sustainable and natural so I can realize my personal full potential. Learn something new every day. I started late but if I continue to do many of the habits I currently have year after year it will really pay off. Be an optimist- It is hard for me to even type that as I tend to look at the down side of things. When life gets tough, we tend to look for ways to avoid future pain instead of having gratitude and hope for what's coming that's great. When I say be an optimist I mean believe that it will pay off in the long run. I studied economics in collage and I believed the system would collapse any day. The fake currency was being inflated so fast, there was no way it could continue in my mind. Then my senior year of college 9/11 happened and I remember thinking it was all over. As we know know, it wasn't. I then spent years in real estate buying and selling houses, all short term thinking the market would crash, and it did. I thought it was the end. Once again, it wasn't. Had I been more optimistic and realized the amazing potential of human resiliency, ingenuity, and potential against all odds, well...let's just say I'd be in a very superior position to where I am today. I learned my lesson and I'm not giving up. I may be late to start but I have to start somewhere. I have invested so much of my time and money in health and I see that it will pay off. What can you start doing today that will be huge 20 years from now if you stick with it? Avoid hype- I have always been drawn to the hype; chasing the illusion. I now believe that if something is too good to be true than it just might be. I trust the process and am so glad that so many of the fake people and business attempts I made in the past didn't work out. I now have character and can simply say "wait and see." The alternative health world is filled with hype and people want to believe it so bad. Bogus devices, ridiculous products claiming to do it all, a person muscle testing people in her home for money, and so on. As an example: How do you loose weight? Eat less and move more for 6 months. People are making a tremendous amount of money off people who have more money than sense. Think critically and walk away. Do some homework, you can always come back later. Focus on sleep- Go to bed by 10:00ish and get up at 6:00ish. Adjust this to your life but get good sleep (at least 8 hours). If you do, everything in life will get much easier. I have a ton of suggestions on this at the Resources page - how to sleep. Fix this first before anything else and everything else will be easier. Be consistent. Connect- Find a person or group that will encourage you in your process. I could go on but the truth is start something today. Small goals turn into big victories down the road. Look at the trend and not the failure or victory in isolation. The trend is what matters. Start now, don't wait for the new year.
The Biggest Tree In The World8/13/2019 Angela and I recently took a trip up to the Sequoia Forest here in California. This forest is home to a famous grove of massive trees. The one we are standing in front of is called General Sherman, and it is the largest tree in the world. Yes, in the world. There is no way to describe just how large this tree is, and pictures don't do it justice. These massive Squoia trees have red, fuzzy bark. We both commented on how they look fake, almost like cartoons compared to the much smaller "normal" sized trees in contrast. It is hard to imagine a living thing that has been sustaining life for over 2,000 years. I was amazed at how clean the air was and how cool it was walking through the forest. I was so happy to see these trees considering so many aspects of nature we often take for granted are fading away at an increasing rate. We must do what we can to protect these amazing natural antennas. What most people don't realize is that trees are literally natures' wifi. Not only do they create oxygen and alter temperatures, they also absorb negative frequency and put off natural frequencies that benefit human health on a sub-cellular level. As wifi and 5G explode all around us in our modern world, they bombard us with destructive frequencies. Now is the time to surround ourselves with as many trees as possible. If you don't believe that trees interact with negative frequencies then take a moment to realize that trees must be cut down around 5G towers because they disrupt (or absorb rather) the powerful 5G signals. The trees depicted above are from the far past and present. Ancient trees that have lived thousands of years and would continue to thrive if left to themselves. Now I will show you some other, not so wonderful trees of the present and future. Nature is being hacked. We are being fooled as the solution to our problems is now the problem itself. Real trees are being cut down and replaced with these fake trees or are hijacked and used as towers to blast unnatural frequencies into the environment and at us, all to power our prevalent wireless tech addiction. Our tech comes with a price. This reminds me of that Dr. Seuss story The Lorax. The story is commonly recognized as a fable concerning the danger that corporate greed poses to nature,[not verified in body] using the literary element of personification to create relateable characters for industry (as the Once-ler), the environment (the Truffula trees) and activism (as the Lorax). - wikapidia Trees will continue to be cut down in urban areas since they are an interference to the tech agenda. They compete with 5G, and here's the kicker: so do we. Trees are hard-wired to the earth and act as receiver-transmitters of frequency. We are nature's wireless receiver transmitters. Humans are electro-magnetic and all the frequencies we are exposed to are effecting our natural frequency, especially when we sleep which is when the brain sends out a spectrum of frequency that communicates to the dividing cells throughout the body of what to become. In other words, unnatural frequencies make us age faster. They stress your cells and any illnesses that you are predisposed to will manifest in your body at a much younger age.
What can you do? -Surround yourself with as much nature as you can. Take off your shoes. -Make getting away from tech a priority in your life. -Hack your home environment to be a safe-haven from all the electro-smog. I can help - Please Contact me if you would like more solutions and details about how to navigate these difficult times. The world is changing fast. Many people will acquire illness like cancer, mental illness, heart attacks, strokes, and sleep issues. There are things you can do but very few in mainstream or alt health know much about frequency and how it actually affects health over prolonged periods of time. As we were driving to the Sequoias, we saw some massive cell towers along the highway in some rural farm towns. We also noticed the billboards in these areas. I kid you not they were for medical help, suicide hotlines, and emergency med-stops. This does not surprise me but many will drive by and not notice that the towers are the reason these areas are suffering from so much illness and suicide to the point of warranting these types of billboards instead of advertising the typical car dealership or fast food chain. It will probably take time and unfortunately many casualties before people start to see what I see. For some it will be too late. I only hope that I can do what I have to in order to hold out until this craziness stops and I hope those tress can withstand the abuse of our tech and 5G. I reluctantly quit coffee and then caffeine entirely. Yup, chocolate, mate, tea all of it. Tomorrow I will be 8 weeks 100% caffeine free. I have no doubts about the negative effects of caffeine and have been so happy to see the benefits to my health. My anxiety is largely gone, my sleep is deep, my energy is stable and I'm past the body aches and getting back into working out. The workouts are different as I'm not on stimulants I can have a much more controlled and stable experience. My body composition seems different in subtle ways. I feel like I am healing at a very deep level and it is hard to explain.
I have been 100% drug, alcohol ect free during this process and it has been a true test to my thinking not having a substance as earlier in life I was a heavy drinker and smoker as well as a fat over eater. This has been the first time in my life I have been completely free of any any addictions. No unnatural nootropics, no nicotine, nothing. In some ways it has been amazing and in other ways it has been really frustrating. It has been hard on my moods. I find myself longing for something to help get me through my long days. Wishing I had some distraction from my hard moments. At the same time I feel my nervous system repairing and that I am far less effected things in my environment. In some ways I feel like I can be more strong in myself. I think my nervous system can handle more as I am not spending several hours a day in a parasympathetic dominant state. I miss the ritual of it but how quickly I forget the shakes and racing thoughts. It has allowed me to see just how addicted people are to any number of substances. My strict intermittent fasting has helped me to see this even more clearly. So many health issues that people have make sense when viewed through the lense of addiction. how many people are worried about toxins in their food while drinking caffeine which the liver has to work so hard to process out. When I quit drinking or did my weight loss I really believed that my success would be impressive to others. I wanted to be inspirational overcoming so many obstacles. This was my ego hoping for a reward for my effort. Last year I lost 45 pounds and got very light, I posted my before and after pics. I thought people would see how fat I was or how I grew up fat or learn about my alcoholism and I would end up on Oprah or something. I was wrong. I'm a grown man and I have done my changes for me. There is no prize waiting for you beyond your own self respect. Self respect comes from self discipline and my self respect is worth more to me than anything else I have. I will admit I have had the hardest time with the chocolate. I miss it and that is definitely what seems to call me the most often. I tell myself I can have chocolate again, just not today. I have said it every day. I still get a sensation in my head like the caffeine head ache about every other day. This doesn't hurt and I'm guessing that my brain is continuing to acclimate to the increased blood flow. If you are trying to quit any substance stick with it. It is both important for your health but also for self mastery. No one not even me would have believed what I have over come. With all these physical addictions gone I hope to focus those resources on my inner addictions and weaknesses. Which seems like an even greater task. I see why most never get past the physical struggles as the inner work is like standing in front of a mountain that has to be moved one handful at a time. But I look back at who I was and am so proud of the things I have learned and who I have become. My progress keeps pushing me further and further toward my goal of self mastery and truly being aware. you8 don't know who you really are until you are standing with no crutches. As always my favorite quote (I don't know the source) "You never know if the problem you face is fundamentally unsolvable or if you are one step away from solving it." The quote haunts me as the failures and things I have given up on may have been so close to complete so keep going. How sad to quit right before you strike gold. I'm going to keep going. Food - Tips For Healthy Eating7/31/2019 I have tried a number of popular diets. So many people promote various diets as a one-size-fits-all blanket solution for eating. In my talk The When And The Where Tell You What I did away with every diet book and made a case that no two people should be on the exact same diet. Only you know what you should be eating. I avoid the food conversation and focus more on the idea that your environment (specifically your light and tech environment) are of primary importance because negative light and tech environment have a negative effect on anyone to varying degrees regardless of diet. In this blog I want to share some basic ideas on food that will help people to know what & when to eat. Since everyone is different, there are some ideas that make eating decisions easier. Theses are things that have worked for me. They are not in any particular order. I could embellish on each one but I'll keep it simple for now. Intermittent Fasting- I have become a huge supporter of intermittent fasting. No matter what the diet is, a person will benefit from eating in certain windows of time. Some like an 8 hour window, others do 4 and some even go for 1 meal a day. I have been doing intermittent fasting on and off for about a year. I currently like to do a pretty extreme 2-4 hour window 5 days a week and a normal day of eating on a split (which are also the days I lift). This allows my body to keep from acclimating to reduced eating and on the days I eat I make sure to eat a lot. Intermittent fasting is great for weight loss but has a number of health benefits for longevity as the body has a chance to clean out the waste and also will better absorb the nutrients you consume when you eat much like a dry sponge. This also helps with self discipline allowing you to control yourself relative to food, which seems to be a rare talent these days. Here is another Post On IF. Eat in the morning - I have experimented with eating at different times. For a long time I would wait to eat until the evening. The way I would do this was by drinking lots of caffeine all day. I'm now off caffeine (I highly recommend trying 60 days caffeine-free for major life-changing benefits- Post on Caffeine here). The best way for me to deal with the lack of caffeine has been to eat in the mornings. This way I am nice and hungry by the time I wake up and have something to look forward to get me out of bed and my engine running. I feel energized and still enjoy dinner on the 2 full eating days each week. I have found that this keeps me energized and stable. I sleep much better since I'm not digesting food. The earlier you stop eating the better your sleep will be. Try it out and take not of your experience. The No Label Diet - Eating whole foods was popular untill the meaning was lost, probably by a chain of stores that sells a massive amount of processed foods and is called Whole at its best. The more processed altered and removed from nature food is, the worse it is. This is the problem with fake meat and many vegan food options along with farmed fish and so on. Whatever your diet is, avoid a long list of ingredients, things you can't pronounce, and lots of packaging. I personally like to keep things very simple. You will often find me eating eggs or beef or fish with a simple vegetable. The closer to nature the food, the more your body will get out of it. Nature makes things simple so digestion issues often come from throwing too many different things at the body all at once. Just because you have 25 healthy things does not mean that mixing them all together makes them more healthy, regardless of what marketers would like you to think. Just like you might enjoy eating ice cream, riding roller coasters, and chatting with friends but may have a very hard time enjoying all 3 simultaneously. It's chaos. Eat Seasonal And Local- Food is one way the inside of your body collects information about the outside environment. If you eat shipped mangoes in a place where mangoes don't grow, you better believe it will has a very different effect in your body than if you were picking it off the tree and eating it. Plants eat light and make sugars out of it. This light is then re-expressed in the body. Light is a frequency that contains information about the environment you're in. So veganism may be fine for a person at the equator where lots of plants and fruits grow, but not for a person near the poles. Just because we can access foods from all over the world in our modern day, does not mean our biology can make sense of these foods from afar. Prior to modern society all diets were determined by the local environment and in my opinion still should be. Be Careful With Plants - Just because something is organic, vegan, non-GMO, sugar free, gluten free, and so on does not make it healthy. Organic standards: -do not take light into account -do not take water into account -are often picked unripe -are often waxed or colored I believe plants are containers for light and water. You can grow a plant in fake light with worst water in the worst environment and not put pesticides on it so it can be called organic. I'm not saying organic is necessarily bad, but know that as soon as a rule is made, companies go to work looking for cheaper ways to get around that rule. Eat Animal Products- As a former sick vegan I now consume a lot of animal products and my health is steadily improving. I cover this in a blog post: Why I Eat Meat. Animal products are more stable than plants. Yes, quality matters so try to get good sources of meat. If you do eat natural animal products, I believe your health will improve. Be sure to include fish. I make sure to eat local eggs and grass fed beef often. This is certainly not an all-encompassing list. Avoid GMO's, fried food, junk oils, fake food, fast food, quick food. Limit your sugar and avoid hidden stimulants like caffeine and be aware that the more oppressive the environment where the food comes from, generally the less natural and healthy the food will be.
Tattoos - Think Before You Ink7/24/2019 I was once a young punk rocker with a studded leather jacket. I got my first tattoo at 18. I then waited until I was about 27. I was in Indiana, a place where you don't see too many full sleeve tattoos. I had just gotten in the best shape of my life and was happy to show off my new physique. I was running a lot in the sun shine then. I knew nothing about the benefits of sun and looking back can see that this was a major contributor to my improved health. I decided to get a full tattoo sleeve down my left arm that stretched over my heart. I did this in all black ink. I didn't notice any negative reactions to the ink right away but I did notice that once I uncovered the tattoo and returned to running in the sun, it quickly started to fade. So what did I do? I had the guy go over it again....face palm, I know. Fast forward a few years and I am now in California where full sleeves are far more prevalent. I was disappointed at how mine had turned out so I decided to go get it touched up with color. I had just gotten my tooth fillings worked on, which is a whole different blog post but just know that I had been exposed to a lot of heavy metals. I was also under an extreme amount of of stress at the time. Looking back, it was clear that I had very low charge. I got a lot of color and the worst part is that the tattoo artist had extra red ink left over, so he offered to let me fill things in for free. I was all excited about this and had him add a bunch of red, which I now know has the highest toxicity of ink colors. I very quickly started to have all kinds of health issues that lasted for years. The tattoos were not the only cause of my issues but getting a sleeve done three times and adding the color was clearly a huge issue for me. I have repaired a tremendous amount of damage done to my body from bad decisions but my biggest regret for my health are my tattoos. I am stuck with them. There are many problems with tattoos. This seems obvious but they are permanent. There is no good way to get rid of tattoos. You may think that laser removal is an option. Not for me as I have far too much skin covered. I did go and get a small section removed with a laser. This was far worse than getting a tattoo. Nothing could have prepared me for the pain along with how long it took to heal. I had a seeping wound on my arm for weeks. I also got very sick and had very bad toxic symptoms right away as the laser removal releases all the metals and toxins from the skin into the blood stream. This leads me into toxins. I know people in alternative health that promote organic foods and at the same time are getting tattoos. I try to tell them that non-organic food does not even compare to the toxicity from tattoos. Tattoos fade some over time, and this is because the lymphatic system is constantly trying to break down and remove the toxins from the body. This compromises your bodies ability to detox from everything else it is being exposed to. The skin is like a solar panel that absorbs natural light which increases charge and tells your body what time it is among other functions. The opposite is true if the light is artificial. This becomes even worse when tattoos are involved as unnatural light distorts the ability for the solar panel to work properly. Fake, LED light is filtered through the toxic metals and causes many issues in the body which becomes even more dangerous and destructive when you are in a high wifi environment or 5G. The unnatural frequencies from tech interact with the metals in tattoos. They act like a net for wifi causing major mitochondrial issues in the body. I spent some time in LA and in the same way that my tattoo arm gets hot from sunlight more than my normal arm, in a 5G jungle my arm literally buzzes from the high frequency like a skin-embedded antenna which is exactly what a tattoo is. I was not thinking about this years ago in small town Indiana as wifi was the furthest thing from my mind at the time. I am now trapped with this toxic antenna picking up wifi over my heart and left arm. What's worse is I have red ink which tends to be filled with mercury and causes the most issues for people. When I got the red ink in some places my skin completely rejected it. The solution, keep going over it again and again. If you insist on getting a tattoo, at least avoid color. The location of tattoos matter as well. I see people with spine tattoos, neck tattoos, even tattoos on the head or like me, over the heart. All are bad but I would much rather have my arm have issues than other more important body parts. Learn from my mistakes and let others know. Every time someone complements my tattoo, especially people who are into health I let them know about my toxic mistake. The bigger the tattoo and more color it has the worse it is so if you have a small tattoo don't worry just do more right. If you, like me have a lot of tattoos then you need to do more right than your neighbor in many cases. Avoid wifi as much as possible, get as much natural light as possible and get a Magnetico Sleep Pad which prevents dental fillings from off-gassing when you are on it. I hope that there is a similar effect with my tattoos. I am meeting with Dr. Bonlie (the creator of the Magnetico) next month to get more info on these specifics, so stay tuned.
Be very careful doing anything that is permanent to the body. Tattoos cosmetic surgeries, lasic and more. The body has amazing hesaling abilities but not id we do permanent unnatural changes to it. The new craze with tattoos will be ones that can be scanned, ones that can be florecant or interact with tech. These and brain implants along with all other unnatural body alterations are dangerous. Why I Eat Meat7/10/2019 I try not to get into facebook debates as the platform lends itself to defensive arguments instead of knowledge-seeking conversation. I did however, see a post about veganism that I commented on. I'm not against veganism. I think anyone should be free to eat anything they want. However, I am against the idea that any one diet should be everyone's diet. So in response to a comment I wrote This...... Why I eat meat. (a post to a vegan) I am a former vegan. I pushed the religion and even opened a vegan health cafe. I have said and heard all the arguments. I was sick and got sicker until I found out my “vegan guru” had been eating fish and eggs the entire time. In an act of desperation for my health I ate an egg. Within minutes my brain started to click on. Fish even better. After 20 years of no red meat I ate beef. I was terrified like the vegan god would send me to hell. Flesh eating murderer. Then I started learning about health. Diets are based on light environments. If you are at the equator in the sun you can be a vegan but the further north you go the less carbs are available and the worse the effect of carbs on the body. I am not anti-vegan but vegan in the right context. I do not think Native Americans of Inuits where less spiritual for eating meat. They where entrenched in their environment. One with nature; circle of life type stuff. I am against a push toward universal veganism for the same reason I am against a push toward universal meat-only diets. There is no one-size-fits-all diet but veganism in the wrong environment is dangerous. I am healthier than I have ever been and I eat more meat than I ever have. This is not random. If you wear nearly no clothing, spend your life outdoors in India at an equatorial location subjected to little to no Wifi, then I encourage a vegan lifestyle. If you are reading this on a computer surrounded by Wifi and florescent/ LED lighting from above and on your screen, and fully clothed when you are rarely outside, then you may want to have another steak. There are important substances found in animal products - most notably DHA which needs to be converted from plant form into the usable animal form. B-12 along with animal fats are also important. Iron contains more electrons than magnesium, meaning that red (iron-rich) blood is a better electron source than green (magnesium-rich) plant blood. Veagnism must be reserved for high light, equatorial environments. This is how it has always been historically and you'll be hard pressed to find a super healthy vegan that doesn't also have a great tan. The light environment should determine the diet and the more indoors we are the more meat is required in order to maintain the same level of health. I think we forget this because we have the convenience of accessing foods from all over the globe because of technological advances, but don't be fooled. Veganism has the potential to be a first world, out of touch with nature, egotistical belief system and is promoted by the sugar and processed food industries for profit. Any vegan should watch the Lion King. I went to the movies yesterday and saw a preview of the new Lion King and it was a happy reminder. The circle of life. Everything in nature is cooperating and competing. Eating and being eaten in perfect balance. The further we get away from this the more we will try to draw arbitrary lines about when consciousness starts and stops. With eyes? With a face that looks like yours? Or is life always changing no one part more or less important than another? How much life is in a plowed field. Are cow souls more important than gopher souls? The Vegan "guru" that started me down my sick vegan path once said "if they had to kill the animal they wouldn't eat it." But standing there in the vegan cafe looking around at the "superfood" powders from all over the world I responded "if you had to grow all this stuff you wouldn't eat it either, you'd need a steak."
The rise of the carnivore diet is a testament to the effects of veganism as many people who were vegan have reintroduced meat into the diet and have had amazing health recoveries. It will be interesting to see how this progresses. I am not against veganism but I am against misinformation that may lead to a person getting sick from following a diet that they shouldn't due to their environment. If you follow this blog then you know my focus is on increasing charge for health. Everyone should get off processed food whether it be vegan or not. Marshmallows are vegan. Meat alternatives are filled with gmo plants and quality always matters. Remember the answer to every question is "it depends." Learn about your environment and your body. Don't fall for bad studies paid for by sales people or marketing cranking out bad info to keep you confused and buying useless products. Please share this blog and subscribe to my mailing list for updates on talks and new blog posts. There is a new blog posted every Friday. Stress In The Modern Age - Part 26/21/2019 Welcome to Part 2 In the last Blog I explained why EMF and artificial lights are stressors with potential to make other stressors in your life less manageable. I'm going to continue with a stressor I'm currently withdrawing from, which has been one of the most impactful stressors and one that virtually everyone in our society is on. I'm talking about caffeine. A few weeks ago I gave up coffee and shortly after all forms of caffeine including my beloved chocolate addiction. I am a true caffeine addict so I know what you're thinking as you read this. The fact is no one with stress, anxiety, or sleep issues should be consuming this drug as it contributes to those issues. In the same way no one drinking a beer should be surprised if they aren't sober, no one consuming caffeine should be surprised about anxiety, sleep issues, and so many more negative effects. Just one cup of coffee is enough to keep measurably reduced blood flow to your brain. Caffeine in any form spikes the sympathetic nervous system, putting you in fight or flight mode. This prevents healing, weight loss, and prolonged stress. I finally realized I have struggled with anxiety for 20 years and have also been on some form of caffeine for 20 years. This means my nervous system has been taxed by a drug this entire time. I now have no idea what my adult life is like without that constant flood of stress hormones running through me. It's not enough to go off for a day. I need at least 60 days 100% caffeine free to even have a baseline (I don't like citing sources but there's a lot of great data and info on the specifics of caffeine in the book Caffeine Blues). It will certainly take my nervous system a long time to recover from being taxed for so long, even if the drug is out of my system. I realize the vast majority of our society is on this drug so it is almost impossible to get a baseline. It takes the body weeks to months to repair fully and most studies on caffeine (done by coffee drinkers for coffee sellers) look at a person on coffee one day and off the next which is no better than testing someone on heroin and someone withdrawing from heroin. Better to compare a person not on heroin at all to really see. Coffee, tea, chocolate, soda and on and on. Who is really off this stress drug? Take a close look at anyone, especially anyone in alternative health claiming to be bulletproof. Perhaps they just found a legal drug to get you hooked on. It's good for business and bad for your health. I'm sure you will here more about this from me as I have found that my few weeks off caffeine has been one of the most humbling and beneficial steps in health I have ever taken. This worsens the effects of EMF and artificial light (mentioned in part 1) and leads me directly into the fourth stressor I'm going to talk about: over-training. I've been that guy. The guy at the gym with the shaker cup filled with some caffeine-filled, neon-colored drink lifting way too hard just to feel strong. With my skin exposed to florescent lights, surrounded by tech devices, all in the name of health. This is the culmination of all 4 stressors. Overtraining in general is a problem. It is fun to feel strong but we often push ourselves to exhaustion piling on a massive amount of stress on an already stressed body. I'm not saying to stop exercising but I will say If you are in the longevity phase of life (35+ years old) then it would be wise to shift from growth to longevity by doing far less aggressive wear and tear on the body. I see people pushing themselves so hard and not loosing weight. They seem to look worse and worse and have a sympathetic-dominant nervous system. They never recover, chronically adding to an already stressed life. What's even worse is caffeine is a constrictor and lifters are trying to increase blood flow. When you mix caffeine with substances that dilate the body has a very tough time since it can't do both at the same time. I believe over training, and caffeine are intimately connected. I did this for a prolonged period of time, learn from my mistakes. If you want to look good and lose weight or build muscle, engage the repair and restore mechanisms of your body and know that caffeine consumption will not allow for this.
Remember that health is contingent upon the body's ability to repair itself. The higher the stress, the lower the charge meaning the less power the body has to regenerate itself. There are countless stressors in this life. Some are unavoidable while others are voluntary. Remove what you can and the ones that remain will be more manageable. I call this margin. As your margin increases, so does your health. No one pushing a substance like caffeine that clearly pulls you out of rest and repair wants you to be healthy. These are hard truths but if you go into your doctor's office for anxiety or sleeplessness and find a cup of coffee under LED lighting waiting for you to just be sold some drugs, you may want to reconsider your strategy. Very few people are willing to look at EMF, tech, caffeine and excessive exercise as problems. Guys, if you're overly stressed your testosterone will be low. Women, if your worried about wrinkles no amount of collagen in your coffee will stop the caffeine in the coffee from disrupting skin cell repair any more than adding collagen to a beer will keep you looking good. If this blog is stressing you out, stay tuned. Part 3 will have some solutions to the 4 stressors that I have covered in this blog series. Stress In The Modern Age - Part 16/21/2019 Stress is a major factor in illness. This seems to be commonly agreed upon but not commonly dealt with. I say this because I have been on a healing path for years but feel like I am just starting to finally tap into the removal of stress. When I say stress I mean anything that taxes the body or puts it in the fight or flight state engaging the sympathetic nervous system. It is important to note that stress in short bursts can be good (eustress). What I am referring to is long-term stress that keeps your body from entering into the restoration process. There are stressors everywhere in the modern world and everyone is different so what I'm going to point out are the factors that have impacted me that I did not know about in the past. Addressing these stressors will make traffic or spilling your breakfast on your clothes on the way out the door more bearable. The more you remove stress from your life, the more manageable remaining stress will be. I don't know if there is anything more important for your health than removing stress. This ties directly into my recent blog Sleep In The Modern Age Along with many other past blogs. I'm going to target 4 stressors that stick out to me most. Sure, eating clean, stop smoking/drinking and any number of others could have made my list but these are the ones I feel have the biggest bang for their buck and are most often overlooked. In the image above you see a person lets call him Sam. Our friend Sam is 40 and has been feeling out of shape so he started the day early with a pre-workout drink (full of caffeine) and heads to the gym for some heavy lifting (under junk LED lights). He pushes himself super hard and is running late. Off to work where he will be sitting for extended periods. He is now over trained, drinking more coffee in an effort to be "bulletproof", sitting and staring at a blue lit screen with is wifi phone in his pocket, his cordless mouse, his wireless laptop. Are you starting to see the picture? 4 causes of stress to look at: -EMF -Light -Caffeine -Over Training All 4 of these will steer the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) off course, resulting in Sam's health to be diminished overall. I'm not going to dive too deep into the SNS but when you are in a fight or flight state for prolonged periods, good luck avoiding illness, loosing weight or having a good mental /emotional life or relationships. The overuse of the sympathetic system causes a magnesium deficiency that in turn causes many more problems in the body. Magnesium is key for relaxation and does hundreds of functions in the body. The more stress the faster you burn magnesium. EMF - Electro-magnetic frequencies from our tech are stressing our cells to the max. Anyone who knows me knows I'm focused on telling the EMF story but outside of just being bad for the functions of your cells I'm proposing that EMF may be a primary reason you overreact or have a bad temper. We may not feel the effects of EMF directly since it's sub-sensory, but the constant bombardment of frequencies from tech is higher than ever and is only going to get worse as our addiction to tech increases. We have convenience from our "smart" tech but this is dissonance to the harmonic frequencies of our bodies that are also electro-magnetic. Just go to Health Blog Index if you're new to the blog. There is a lot of good information on EMF there. The take-away is to remember that the tech environment is adding to stress in a major way meaning that it is that much more important that you get the controllable factors under control. Fake Light - This one goes along with EMF as light is a frequency generated by electro-magnetics. It stands apart in the sense that we use artificial light so often (day & night). Artificial lights are changing all the time and getting worse as technology becomes "greener" (stripping more frequency out to increase efficiency, harming you more). Incandescent bulbs vs. LED is a good example. Most street and traffic lights are LED and now even new cars have them. I pay a lot of attention to my light environment and if you are concerned with stress you should too. Remember that the light from our tech is is a literal stressor that triggers the dopamine channels in your brain and engages the stress mechanisms directly through the eye. Get a pair of blue blockers from The Store to help protect yourself. Here is a brief video on light. I'm not done, stay tuned for Part 2 where I will have some solutions. Until then talk a deep breath and go for a walk in the sunshine.
Those aren't my teeth but they could have been. The cause of my illness was right under my nose. This is a story of metal alloys in teeth and its affect on health. I have a long history of health struggles and these struggles revealed to me that dental health has heavy implications and is commonly overlooked. I was raised in the inner city of Rochester New York, we didn't have much money or understanding of health back then. I was taken from my mother at birth and passed around until I was adopted. My birth mother was not well when she had me and we get our mitochondria (light converters of the cells) from our mother. It's safe to assume I have poor quality mitochondria compared to most and am therefore prone to low charge. One of the things I remember most from childhood was the dentist. I would get fluoride and metal fillings and I reacted so fast and so violently that I would shake uncontrollably and my parents would often have to pull over on the way home so I could vomit. I became very overweight and depressed. I lacked energy and felt bad. Fast forward to me as an adult in California after having a life of various low charge issues from, obesity to addiction, depression. With good intentions, I went on a vegan diet (a low charge diet if not in an equatorial region with lots of time outside in the sunlight). I was trying to get healthy and read about the dangers of metal in teeth. I went to a dentist get the metal extracted. The dentist drilled them out and I got sick. Very sick. Over the next 3 years I had massive health issues with my brain, heart, kidneys, gut and so many other issues. I found myself divorced after a 10 year marriage and many people who knew me thought I was a hypochondriac. I was blacking out and lucky had a friend crash at my place one night who was able to help me after a particularly bad fall. My brain wasn't working well and I started making preparations for my death as I knew that was coming quick if things continued as they were. I have always been a very cognitive person and the feeling that my brain couldn't function was unbearable. I couldn't make sense of things and I still have very blurry memories of this time. What had happened? The dentist that drilled the metal out failed to protect me from the exposure. He didn't drill all of the metal out left some of it exposed directly to my nerves and then covered it up with composite fillings, so I had no idea. Off gassing from hot and cold foods and beverages was going directly into my nervous system. I was being poisoned. I went to a new biological dentist who exposed this unfortunate truth. He asked me "who's trying to kill you?" He safely extracted the remaining metals and from there I began a path of healing that has taken several years. I thought I was going mad when I was sick. "Mad hatter" historically comes from hat makers who went insane. Mercury and other heavy metals were used in the hat making process at the time and was later discovered to be the cause. In the modern age metal exposure is still bad but far worse is how these deadly toxins interact with wireless frequency. Metals conduct and pick up frequencies just like an antenna. Non-native EMF from tech causes metals to leach more aggressively and has worse effects on low charge people. The more metals from any source we contain, the worse the effect of wireless tech will be. Our tech is depleting our electromagnetic charge so fast that issues that were bad before are now deadly. So many diseases are rooted in low charge (aka mitochondrial issues). Everything from depression and sleeplessness, to joint pain and gut issues. This blog is about boosting charge first for overall health and then dealing in chemistry second. This is a relatively unique idea since both mainstream and alt health fixated on chemistry and deficiencies. The real deficiency is not raw materials but electromagnetic charge needed to power the repair process. Solutions
As always reduce or remove as much wireless tech from your life as possible, especially in your home and sleep environment. Turn off all smart devices and cut breakers at night before bed. If you have metal fillings in your teeth and you want to get it removed, use a dentist who will: -Use a dental dam to block the exposure -Use an air hose over the nose to breath (most of the metal particles in the air from drilling are inhaled straight into the brain) -Use a vacuum to suck the metals from the mouth and air -My dentist even opened the window in the office Learn about charge in connection to toxicity. Here is a short blog post where I explain how some people get toxic and others don't ...One has low charge and the other doesn't. Toxicity Blog Get a Magnetico Sleep Pad Long before I knew anything about the quantum aspects of health I stumbled upon the magnetico. I was still having issues with metal poisoning and Dr. Bonlie who created the magnetico was a dentist who had also been metal posoned. He explained that the only real way to detox a brain (as the cells don't divide) was to use magno-chelation which increases the charge of the cell so the positively charged toxin can be expelled through the blood stream. I had tried every detox I could find including NAC to high dose Vit C. Only when I got the magnetico did I really find relief and over the past few years I have learned everything I can about magnetism to understand how this powerful tool gave me my life back. I share this often with my readers because I know how it works from personal experience. Dr. Bonlie did testing and found that fillings do not off gas when on a magnetico. Getting metal fillings removed can be dangerous and expensive and if I could pick between removal and getting a magnetico I would make the make the magnetico the priority. It also does many other beneficial things for increased charge and health. In the wifi world we live in the magnetico is a must. Check out Resources & To Do Lists for more helpful info or remember My Brain Is For Rent. I am happy to work with you to ask the questions and find solutions that may be missed by others stuck on chemistry. A friendly reminder that your body is smarter than you.....If you don't use it your body stops making it. Muscles take energy to produce so if you stop using your muscles, the body intelligently stops making them. The same is true with your brain. In a recent conversation I was explaining how taking testosterone in the form of cream or an injection will shut off the production of testosterone in the body. The response to that statement implied that the body was making a mistake. Remember that the body you are in evolved in an environment that no longer exists, one with no inject-able testosterone. The body is intelligent so it never wastes energy. If you take it you won't make it. The body checks how much testosterone it should produce and if there is testosterone present then it does not produce more. This is why tampering with hormones is such a slippery slope down a path with no baseline. Modern society does not realize that the current environment is exactly what would be done in a lab to reduce testosterone and disrupt hormones. Taking hormones in the same environment that reduced hormonal production simply tells the body to stop making whatever is taken. The wrong question will never provide the correct answer. Many of our tests are fundamentally flawed. Many people who want to be in ketosis drink powdered ketones and then use urine to test. If a person is not consuming glucose foods and they are still alive then ketosis is in affect. Drinking ketones and then testing for ketones in the urine as excess waste is very silly. Drinking ketones will stop fat loss as the body will use the ketones for fuel instead of tapping into fat to get them. Another example is vitamin D. This is connected to light and has many functions in the body. If you test low for vitamin D and then supplement vitamin D and retest you will find vitamin D in your system. This does not mean you are better off. It is like thinking that because coffee comes in coffee cups you can just buy a bunch of cups to increase the amount of coffee. So many of our tests are totally ridiculous but they help us feel a false sense of control, keyword false. Many people in alternative health are very concerned with alkalinity. I call this the alka-lie because your body has different parts different PHs for different functions. If a person says they want to alkalize the body ask them which part. The stomach for example is supposed to be very acidic. Many of the alkaline solutions people take involves putting an alkaline substances directly into the acid bath that is the stomach. Breathing is the key to balancing a persons alkalinity and acidity. This is bad for business because it's free. Ant- acids are just alkaline tablets so if you want alkaline water just put a Tums in it. I could go on but the truth is that we are far less able to have tests as we would like. Controlled environments are difficult to produce especially because the body is never fixed it is dynamic and always engaging different programs at different times for. The question of when is much more valid in the conversation of tests than we think and reveals that we can make predictions (think in terms of a bell curve) but not absolutes. Many health practitioners give blanket advice as if it is so easy to tell what a persons issue is. In my experience, everyone finds the problem to be within their specialty. If you have ringing in the ear a chiropractor will likely say you need an adjustment, a naturopath will likely give you a homeopathic, an MD will likely give you a pharmaceutical. Others will muscle test you for this or that, an ENT may schedule a cleaning, your friend may give you an ear candle. Any of those things may help but sound is frequency. Our ears pick up some and not others, but when you are exposed to frequency variations based on unnatural frequencies from technology, they mix with the frequencies your brain puts off and create a ringing. This may be why you have ringing at night and not during the day as your brain puts out its repair frequencies at night. I am happy to say I'm not a doctor and won't give medical advice, but I do ask questions. My time in alternative health has exposed me to so many people with good intentions that don't know much about deeper levels of health. Many of the solutions promoted are silly and misunderstood at best. I see how nice it would be if muscle testing in the way people often do it was reliable. How nice it would be if there were devices that could fix all our problems. How nice if juice increased electro-magnetic charge. How nice if just putting everyone on a keto diet solved all our problems. The environment we live in (frequency-wise) is completely different than it was even 5 years ago. This blog is all about how tech affects health and tech has changed and continues to change at a rapid rate. Modern tech doesn't sleep so what was true in the past may no longer be true today. Could it be that the vast majority of our problems have everything to do with low electro-magnetic charge and far less to do with the deficiency story that makes alt health so much money?
The reality is it is up to you. Start with your environment and work backwards from there. Ask questions, and never take advice from a person that can't explain what they are doing and why. Why has no one started a muscle testing measure that does not involve human error? Observation alters outcome. My Brain is for rent. If you want help figuring out the whys and practical solutions to issues you haven't found working solutions to in mainstream or alternative health, I am happy to help. The difference is I don't offer my solutions in a bright, shiny package. I offer simple, straightforward, sobering steps that require real effort and consistency but yield real results. Health Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.