Phase 2 - Riots And Looting5/30/2020 Looting is not protesting, I'll say that again looting is not protesting. At no point does stealing and vandalizing stores have anything to do with police brutality. Also, all racism is stupid so if you find yourself saying black or white too much you might be missing the point. Don't pick sides. In the clip below the people have just been freed from a hive mind and regained the ability to think for themselves and what is the first thing they do.....Start a race war and both sides are stupid. Moving on..... Interesting that the same people saying stay home and don't meet up in groups are now leaving home going out to meet up in groups called protests. I explained in past blogs that there would be martial law in response to rioting and looting. Now that the quarantine virus testing is concluding it is time to begin riot testing. The quarantine determined the suggestibility of the general population. It indicated what measures could be taken in response to very few deaths. Who would oppose it and how the public would respond to that opposition. The Covid-19 numbers are so low and that is explained as the result of social distancing and face masks. Now that people have been isolated and face extreme financial hardship it is the perfect time to see where and who will take advantage racial injustice. A white cop killing a black man is the perfect storm. Of course, protesters aren't looters. Looters are looters. As soon as a person starts destroying things and stealing, they cease to be a protester and become a thief; an opportunist using someone's death as an excuse to commit crimes. These riots will result in more polarisation between far-left and far-right groups, further setting the stage for things to come later this year after the sun sets in the fall and the next wave of viral expression takes hold. Half the country will want restrictions (the left) and the other half with want freedom (the right). This is by design. Don't forget, there will be a massive technology launch in September that will cause a level of viral expression and death that justifies extreme measures by the government. Both sides are being polarised by racial injustice into both extremes of the spectrum. Halloween will be late enough in the year for these three factors to create a perfect Venn diagram. Technology: reducing rational thought, viral expression: establishing fear and stress, and the rioting and response to rioting as the opportunity to express the effects of the first two. Then in November we will have an election. No matter who wins, the other side will be primed to rebel. The economic ramifications will allow power states like California to begin to make demands in response to viral expression and rioting. Economic hardship will already be established so people will be desperate. I see there being a lot of death and destruction all the way until the sun comes up again and we will only see it subside around Easter 2021. People are already starting to have the perspective that the worst is over and that is the worst perspective to have. Of course, chaos creates opportunity. Only those who are one step ahead will thrive at this time. I just heard an old song - Closing Time by Semisonic on the speakers where I work and with my mind on all this it was interesting to hear the words "every new beginning comes from some other new beginning's end". What a great line. Fun fact: that song has become a popular final song in bars before closing. The song is actually about a child being born and leaving the womb. The whole thing made me smile because life goes on. Humans have the ability to change and adapt. People in big cities with lots of tech and lots of viral expression from tech-based radiation along with hardship that will involve a stunted food supply and other issues of basic need will struggle. Those on the fringes will not be too effected. Choose your position for the next year wisely. Once everything goes it will be too late. Be smart and look at things for what they are objectively, like checking a watch to see what time it is. It's time to be as flexible as possible. Time to adjust. Time to position yourself to lay low for a while and let things get messy. Wait to come out until the dust settles a year from now. It will be a different world in high population areas. This will be a good opportunity to test drone tech, and much more. Everything people do in response to a stimulus is monitored so that human behaviour can become even more predictable. The cleanup crew for the mess that hasn't been fully made is already assembled. Do your inner work, nothing is more important. Your inner state will become your outer reality for better or worse. The line between the two is being blurred. Soon you will be asked do you deserve heaven or hell. You will decide and you will go wherever you authentically deserve to be. In your core where no one else can see you have the answer to the question tucked away. What are you most scared of? Whatever you're afraid of will come out from your past. What are you hiding? This is the time to out yourself. Once this window is closed you will not be able to go back. Yes, you will face consequences but they won't be as bad as they would be if you continued to hide. Guilt and shame are the worst punishments. People often choose the pain of guilt and shame but if they try to choose pain to escape, they will be given the pain along with guilt and shame. Don't run from your demons, face them head on. I once heard Terrance McKenna say "it can't kill you but it can convince you that it can kill you." This was profound to me as fear is the tool of the deceiver archetype. There is no way to avoid the things we have buried. Do your work now. Get out of highly populated areas and cities. Remeber the line: "Every new beginning comes from some other new beginning's end." Next Blog
1984 in 20205/26/2020 Not too long ago I read the book 1984. It was both good and disturbing. There are a few key ideas from that book that seem to be revealing themselves now. There are so many more I could get into but here are three I'd like to elaborate on. -Language distortion -The snitch squad or thought police -Control system manipulation Language - PC culture is the best way to distort perception. Words are nothing more than containers for meaning. It doesn't matter which word you use if the meaning is the same. Synonyms are interchangeable, but not in the PC culture where the container is apparently all that matters. Historically, the clinical term for mentally ill was retarded, making them synonymous. The word retard by definition is something that is lesser-than. Take flame retardant material for example. It refers to a material that reduces flames. A mentally retarded person was a person who's mental abilities are lesser than the average. This was the definition. When I was young people began calling others retards as an insult. The meaning of the word didn't change, but the word became rejected for everyone based on how some were using it. The meaning was the same. Today, if you say a person is mentally retarded, it is considered blatantly offensive. This never made any sense to me. As language changes, the containers for meaning also change. The ability to forcefully compel people to say certain things is a very new and dangerous development in law and language. In the past, the law only established things you can't say. Preventing people from saying certain words does not prevent them from thinking them or acting on them. It deals only in the superficial, surface level of the matter. Furthermore, if people can't say what they think or are made to say what they don't, you really have no idea what they actually think at all since speech is how we communicate the meaning of things that reside inside our heads. If I make my five year old say sorry, it does not make him sorry. Making people use certain pronouns in no way makes those pronouns true or valid. Dare I say words that are the same are the same and words that have a qualifier are not the same. In this sense, if you have a woman and a trans woman, they are different based on the fact that one has a different qualifier in front of it...trans. This language recognition has nothing to do with my feelings for or against the topic. It simply recognizes that distinctions are what enable us to recognize differences between two things that are not the same. So trans woman is different than woman, as the term trans is a distinction. No one would not use the word trans to describe a natural, biological woman. Even a person criticizing another for not using the proper words relative to all this would have to use these distinctions to make their point. When reporting on a person calling a trans person by the wrong pronoun the reporter will say (example) Sally, a trans woman, was offended to be called a man by...... and so on. What is the definition of trans woman? A woman who is transitioning from being am man. Man to woman transition or the phrase trans itself shows that this is a process and not as fixed as a man or woman in the traditional sense. It is not wrong to refer to a person with the proper pronouns. I have a friend who is a trans woman and I now refer to as a her since the transition from him/ Josh. I am not a rude person but I do not think that the state should attempt to force a person to say these things. I don't think kindness can be forced. This debate is a strange one and in the end, if anyone can call themselves any gender, man, woman, zir, or any of the others on the growing pronoun list, who would know if and when one changes or what to call anyone? To circle back around to the point: the complexity of the numerous pronouns gets so complex that the result is simplification to a genderless word. No men, no woman, and yet trans implies transitioning from one of these now non existent things to the other. Very confusing and the result is Newspeak from 1984. In 1984 the process of language reduction allowed for more control as it forced people to only speak in a limited way. If you view math as a language removing certain base numbers in turn removes certain outcomes; outcomes desired by the control system doing the removing. I am approaching this entire topic as If I was an alien trying to understand human language. Confused about why one distinction is different than another or why a synonym would be more or less preferable. None of this is meant to be critical of anyone's pronouns, just pointing out that I authentically have no way of making sense of it all. I really don't know what to think of all this. I posted the picture above once on facebook. It shows a trans woman who is (I have no idea how to say it, biologically a white man, and I haven't even got into race stuff) wrestling an African American woman.From my perspective traditional feminism involved biologically natural woman and excluded white males claiming to be women. Honestly, who should I root for in this picture? It seems to me that the woman who fought so hard for women's rights in the 60s would cringe at the idea of men being able to call themselves women and physically dominating them publicly in sporting events. It feels too much like a can't beat them, join them scenario. Once again, very confusing for a person who doesn't want to offend anyone but really can't make sense of it all. Can I simply call myself a woman when it benefits me and then go back when it doesn't, and call it gender fluidity? I wouldn't have to change my appearance at all because a change in appearance implies gender, and that would be a gender stereotype. How would anyone legally enforce any of this? I have no idea. I'll move on now. The thought police. In the US we can look to see what is happening in other places and countries to see what is coming in some form or another. The article below describes how Italy is preparing to use 60,000 social distancing snitches that will not be paid but will receive financial benefits in the form of continued unemployment. For me the benefits a person receives for an action is their pay. These people would be indirectly paid to push social distancing on others. Italy To Recruit Army Of 60,000 Volunteers To Enforce Social Distancing "The “civic assistants”, as they would be known, would monitor gatherings and pass on information to the police and the Civil Protection Agency. They would not be able to force people to disperse. They would work up to three days a week for a maximum of 16 hours. The scheme will be voluntary – they will not be paid but will be able to continue claiming unemployment and other benefits." This has far reaching implications relative to vaccination or other government mandates that are already in the works. The surveillance equipment involved will be paid for by the person being watched in the form of a cell phone. Slaves are people who don't want to be enslaved. People who long to give up their individual liberties to serve the sate are something else entirely. These people are far more easy to manage as willing participants. Getting into the psychology and the identity of the person is key. Many manipulative people who seek to control others first attempt to get them to submit to the will of the manipulator without the use of force. Force requires lots of resources, guards, and enforcement. If the control system can accomplish the same task without the use of force they can divert those resources to other areas. Most people who are victims of manipulation are not physically coerced but manipulated into submitting by their own free will. All control systems use the same tactics. In my Consciousness blog series I dove into the psychological tactics that all major religions use so people continue to give up their time, money, and energy to the cause. Governments are no different. Patriotism and ideological manipulation are the tools that direct the general public. Identity is the key. A persons identity can be engulfed by an ideology that serves the agenda of another and I see this in the polarisation programs used by governments. The way that the left tends to use this strategy is by taking ideas that are good and then trying to enforce them using force. This instantly removes the goodness from the idea. The enforcement of equality or fairness, which are subjectively established is dangerous because what is fair for one may not be fair for another. So the state, the monopoly of force can and will always determine fairness in it's interest and away from the individual. Enforced fairness by its very nature cannot be fair as the one enforcing it has the ability to use force and the one fairness is being forced on does not. Kindness as a result of physical punishment is not kindness, it is using the word kindness without the meaning as explained at the beginning of this blog. If I tell my lady to love me or else I'll punch her in the face anything she says or does is not and can not be love as coercion removes it. A prerequisite of authentic love, kindness, fairness ect. is that it must be voluntary. 1984 was good because it shows how individuals in groups become subject to systems that don't actually exist. It warns us about the system of government. Not one party or the other but the system itself; the same system that uses a two party system to keep people polarised and easily controllable. The institutions that seek to control us are not tangible. They are ideas. Governments, religions, institutions are mind control institutions and are not physical things. They are large scale archetypal forces that are shape-shifters. You can cut off the head and it grows a new one. Every person who is part of the organisation could die and in time the institution will grow and resume. They are just ideas and they are terrifying. Truth is, everything in existence originates from thoughts and ideas. Next BlogJordan Peterson - A Fallen Hero5/23/2020 I just watched an old video where Peterson brilliantly shut down the PC culture. I was amazed and it reminded me of the man I was introduced to years ago when he first appeared on the scene. His message of personal responsibility was strong. I was very happy to hear a strong man say "clean your room" as the the practical response to the question of what to do in life. Brilliant. I never became a real follower of his as I tend to avoid following anyone too closely, but Peterson would often pop up on my radar. I admit I haven't read his book. I listed to a break down of his rules and they were good, but this blog should explain why I didn't devote too much time to him. This article will bring you up to speed on Jordan Peterson if you don't know who he is and what he is about. Article As time went on I started to see signs that Peterson was not the knight in shining armor he originally appeared to be. This was specifically revealed to me in his podcast with Joe Rogan. He seemed to lose focus on what made him so great when he first emerged on the scene: not caring about what people thought. Instead, the fame and money seemed to be getting to him. He could have gone the slow route and taken much more of an Alan Watts approach, doling out his information in a more gradual and playful playful way. He could have used the law of scarcity to his advantage, taking a more withdrawn approach, increasing the value of his message of free speech. Instead, he chose to do so many interviews and a massive rockstar-like book tour. Even now, if you go to his site you will see a featured flashing ad showing how huge his book has become. It's clear to me that he got caught up in his own agenda, persona, ego, or whatever you'd like to call it. He never rejected the institutions but instead wanted to be accepted by the mainstream as an author and an intellectual. My view of Peterson took a hard turn at a climactic point were he debated Matt Dillahunty, a very intelligent atheist, who does a good job of calling people out on their bad arguments. Peterson always danced the line of being open about his religious beliefs and saying they are simply archetypal ideas that he chooses to hold in the form of Catholicism. He does do extensive teaching on the Old Testament (a work I find very disturbing when viewed as a the blood god of sacrifice that must be worshiped even though he is all powerful, but that is another blog). Peterson did not do well in the exchange of ideas and ended up saying everyone believes in God even if they won't admit it. (I'm guessing he is referring to the god of the bible that he teaches on.) There are too many problems with this notion than I can get into now. At one point he said something to the effect of "the world is not governed by rules." This was tough to hear since his book is called 12 Rules for Life. Peterson was using the same tricks that the liberal media uses against him and that is bad form. You could see Peterson unraveling and you could see that his faith was not solid but looked to be weak enough that I was not surprised at all to hear he went to rehab in 2019 for a benzo addiction. To see the debate go HERE Peterson's fatal flaw is his inability to renounce pharmaceutical drugs. As a psychology professor he was a drug pusher, so he began to take them himself when distressed. Unfortunately, he was also on a full carnivore diet which is about as close to fasting as you can get while still eating. I've tried it and I will say that caffeine went from giving me moderate anxiety on a normal diet to giving me massive anxiety on the carnivore diet. The solution for me was to go off caffeine and back on carbs. I can only imagine the effects of opioids on full carnivore diet. On Rogan Peterson was asked where do you see all this going, how does it end? His response was something along the lines of: not very well. I imagine he was already on pharmaceuticals at this point. His legacy is forever tarnished and it is almost worse having someone that said so much truth become a drug addict than to not have him say anything at all, because now his legacy can be spun to discredit all the truth he once shared. The only thing worse than no hero at all is a fallen hero. As a former alcoholic, I hope that Peterson can fix himself. His camp is saying it is only a physical addition and not a mental one....not much responsibility as the Peterson machine is now bigger than the man. They seem to be pushing through in an attempt to keep this from being revealed for what it is: a man who relied on pharmaceutical drugs to cope with the pain of an ill wife and daughter, and the stress of a public position he put himself in. It's hard to come back from a medically induced coma. I wish him well. His attempt a fixing the world must have been exhausting. Next Blog2 Camps - Fact Or Fiction5/23/2020 There seems to be two clearly divided camps regarding the Corona Virus. The first is the Fact Group: the people that believe that the virus is real, that the news about the virus has been real and that face masks and social distancing have been the only thing that stopped the progression of a deadly virus. The deaths have been limited because such drastic businesses shut downs and other measures were taken. These people can be judging and criticizing people who aren't wearing face masks. They wear their face masks alone in their cars with the windows up (I have seen this countless times). This group is typically referred to as "the mainstream" or "sheeple" (sheep people). The critique of this group is that they are not able to use individual critical thinking capacities and are mindless lemmings that just follow the herd. The second group thinks that the virus is a fiction. They believe it to be a fabrication used to control the ignorant masses and intended to take away our rights. They believe the government stimulus pays hospitals to report corona virus deaths. These people would never wear a mask. They can be found on facebook posting funny memes mocking the sheeple. They are often called "conspiracy theorists" and believe that there is a very complex plot to create a global threat. So which is it, fact or fiction? If you have followed this blog you would probably assume that I am in the fiction camp. You would look at all my posts about 5G and vaccines. You would see the trans-humanist agenda I have referenced and think that I am fully polarized. I am not. I see that viral expression is real. I believe the current numbers are indeed inflated but that the current medical infrastructure will be used for real people who will be dying in the near future. I do not agree with the mainstream perspective that the virus is contagious in a way that makes face masks necessary or in any way helpful. At the same time I believe that in the fall and winter of this year there will be real death via the second wave which we've been told by multiple sources from both sides is inevitable. This wave will likely not include mis-named deaths reported by hospitals, like someone getting hit by a car and it being counted as a corona virus death since they carried the virus at the time of the accident. Instead, I believe the radiation from an upgraded technology infrastructure paired with new vaccinations will lead to real viral expression that will result in severe social and economic issues. Of course, when real death occurs, this will cause people in the fiction group to look very foolish. Unfortunately, this false dichotomy will lead to the unconscious validation of the fact group saying "I told you so" to all the foolish conspiracy theorists that wouldn't follow the rules and in turn killed lots of people. At least, that's how it will be presented. When I was younger I was a punk rocker. I rejected the mainstream and the way I did this was by dressing up in a costume of studded leather, red hair, and cigarette smoke that matched other punks. I became a clone of all the other rebels. Funny huh. We all want to belong. The hardest thing to do is realize that neither group is all right or all wrong. This isn't a good vs evil situation. This is a cycles and seasons situation. It is more about knowing what time it is. There is a very good reason I'm not on social media anymore. There is a reason I don't promote this site and have decided to make it private (password protected). I know that most people who know me and ask what I think don't actually take the time to read what I think and that is ok. The take away is that it that the sun is setting. Don't stand there screaming at it, telling it not to set or calling the night evil. Just recognize what time it is and go get a jacket. Don't fall into the us vs them trap. Wisdom must reside above the low level polarization of good vs evil. This is not about fact vs fiction because the scary truth is that each person is an amphibian living part between the material world and mind space: a space that you can't see or understand. Right and wrong are far less objective that we would like to think and we are all acting as archetypes of energies that exist in the physical world. We all have parts to play and you will be drawn to the role that you should play and that isn't good or bad. We are all right and wrong in our own way. What ever is your opposite is the very thing that is required for you to be who you are so stop for a moment and bow to your enemy, thank them for playing this game and then go back to trying to conquer them. In truth, no side will ever win but the belief that one can win is the only thing that makes this game of life any fun. This is all a dance of energies and all hero's need villains, so in an indirect way villains are responsible for heroic acts. This does not diminishes suffering. Suffering is very real. Pain is also real, but cannot last forever. In the end, patience is the greatest lesson to be learned and boredom is absolute evil (in a sense it is actual death). Be who you are and know what time it is. I don't want too many people to find out that life is actually a big game of hide and seek with yourself. If everyone figures it out, no one plays. It is like if you are playing cards and someone points out that the card game is pointless and meaningless in the grand scheme, then why play? It ruins the fun which is getting caught up in the game like it is the only thing that matters. We are all trying to make sense of our own individual reality. Next BlogWhy Is Snow Your Friend?5/16/2020 In a recent blog post I wrote that snow will be one of my greatest allies in my relocation to avoid the problems ahead facing high population areas. I was asked about it so I put together a few thoughts regarding why I am transitioning from an area with lots of sun to another with lots of snow. Snow is an ally for a number of reasons: - Cold adaptation: Where there is snow there is cold. Cold adaptation benefits mitochondria tremendously. Cold generates heat inside mitochondria, and heat is light. When you become cold adapted you rely more on your inner mitochondrial light. We run on light either from the outside (sun) or inside (electrons aka the mini suns inside your cells). Cold condenses the electron chain within the mitochondria. This means you get more light output in less trips across the electron chain because the distance has decreased. In other words, you get a higher electromagnetic output in the cold because it is required since you are not getting as much charge from the sun. Sunlight is natural EMF frequencies. Unnatural frequencies from Starlink satellites compete with natural frequencies from the sun. -Snow is water and water is a great EMF blocker. If you have a bunch of frequencies coming down from the sky (such as Starlink), it helps to have a foot of snow on your roof. I was able to find a home with a finished bedroom in the basement, so I'll be underground and that ground will be covered in snow a large portion of each year. - Were there is snow there is water, so that removes any concern of water scarcity. I currently live on the CA central coast where drought is a major concern. Nestle has bought up all the water resources in CA. In a state with such a high population and record drought, I see this as a major threat into the future. - People want to be comfortable, so the more snow you have the less likely there is to be large populations. Low population equates to a lower power grid. When people tell me they would never want to move where I am headed I just smile as that is my hope. For all these reasons I think living in snow instead vs lots of sun is a better solution in our current global environment, and trust me when I say I do value the sun. Naturally, this will require certain diet adjustments as well. People in cold climates must eat lots of fish (primarily for dha), fat (stable hydrogens) and be low carb in order to properly adapt to cold environments optimally. Remember that the body has evolved for either hot (high sun) living or cold (high snow) living. Everyone in between should be living seasonally. Plants eat light convert it into sugars. No light, no sugar. This is important to know in cold areas. Eating foods that come from the environment you live in is ideal. Food is ultimately made from light and light is information about your outside environment that is absorbed internally and processed by your gut. No bananas for people in a snowy environments. DHA from fish interacts with light in the body, either light collected from the sun or light generated from the mitochondria. So eat lots of fish in cold areas. No coincidence that cold water fish don't live in hot areas. It is also worth noting that living in the snow and the cold is hard. Our bodies are designed to adapt to difficult circumstances to be strong and fit. If you don't use it you lose it so if you want the ability to overcome hardship, expose yourself to hardship. The body never builds callouses in places that don't get used. Maybe comfort isn't the highest goal in life after all. What do people do in LA that want to be healthy? They go to cryo-therapy (cold exposure) tanks. They go on pseudo keto diets with powdered ketones. They work out at the gym for 3 hours a day. What do people do to be healthy in the snow? They go out in the cold (cold adaptation) and shovel (exercise), then come home and eat fat and fish (keto). I am raising a five year old. I try to teach him that getting stuff in the form of gifts is nice but earning stuff is even better. There are no cheats in life. If you are unwilling to do the work you don't deserve the benefit. Sacrifice is always required for true rewards to be enjoyed. Next BlogYou Can't Make This Stuff Up5/9/2020 The remote-controlled, four-legged machine built by Boston Dynamics was first deployed in a central park on Friday as part of a two-week trial that could see it join other robots policing Singapore's green spaces during a nationwide lockdown. I don't even know what to say about this. It is in Singapore but don't think tech companies are not paying attention. All of a sudden robo cop and terminator seem to be oddly familiar. In the terminator movies there is Sky Net....Elon Musk and Space X are currently launching Starlink a global interNET in the SKY as robot cops start to pop up. This is likely because of the probability that human cops will not comply with what is being planned. This all takes time and will roll out slow enough to seem normal. Look how fast have we become totally reliant on tech already. Elon Musk just had a baby who he named... X Æ A-12 As Musk launches StarLink and pushes for his Nueralink, which will be a brain device directly embedded in the head, we will see transhumanism moving forward. Article.... Musk accurately points out that we are already cyborgs. "We're already a cyborg to some degree, right?" Musk said. "Cause you've got your phone, you've got your laptop, you've got your electronic devices. Today if you don't bring your phone along, it's like you have missing limb syndrome. It feels like something's really, really missing." Ironically I post this online. But I see the importance of doing my best to limit my exposure to all things tech and not get hooked on it. Take the time to enjoy nature. Go lay in the grass and look up at a tree. Breath and feel nature. We take it for granted, so try not to. Make every moment the best you possibly can. Next BlogSynthetic mRNA in a Vaccine5/5/2020 The push for a global vaccine is moving fast. Here is one that is in the testing phase already. Far faster than the traditional testing time on vaccines. "which uses messenger RNA (mRNA) technology" according to this article marketing a vaccine as the solution to all our problems. Using synthetic mRNA technology can enable the vaccine to be developed and manufactured more quickly than traditional vaccines, the companies said. What does this mean? It means that the hope is to use a synthetic substance in a vaccine to alter the DNA expression of anyone who receives it. Here is a site explaining how mRNA works. Of course the wording is always to fight disease.... When you apply a synthetic mRNA to the body you change the protein and in turn the person. They plan on distributing millions of these. Think very hard now if you want your DNA to be altered. The problem is that when you tamper with DNA expression you are literally altering the core of what the human body is made of. In a past blog I showed how Florida has already referenced its ability to legally mandate (force) vaccination. We will see how this plays out as many people will not go along with this. However, here is what the CDC has to say about it. CDC Full Doc Here "Police Power The first state law mandating vaccination was enacted in Massachusetts in 1809; in 1855, Massachusetts became the first state to enact a school vaccination requirement. The constitutional basis of vaccination requirements rests in the police power of the state. Nearly 100 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling in Jacobson v. Massachusetts,33 upholding the right of states to compel vaccination. The Court held that a health regulation requiring smallpox vaccination was a reasonable exercise of the state’s police power that did not violate the liberty rights of individuals under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. " Yes, it is long held that it is legal to mandate...force vaccination. This vaccination will have a replication capability in the body. Nano Tech In Vaccines It will be interesting to see if a 20 gause magnetico can magno-chelate the nano particles in coloration with several other chelation substances and detoxing protocols. I've always told people to get a magnetico. many have listened but many others think they will have time later. Maybe, maybe not. In an earlier blog I posted about an optional Vax. This may be the initial roll out. Making it optional but required to do a number of normal social behaviors. Gun sales are way up and a forced vax would be a very aggressive process. Everything is incremental. In the same way that vaccination has been a slow roll out to children to attend school in some states. Everything is a test to gauge the reaction and learn how many people and at what point they will resist. I would expect there to be three types of people when it comes to a vaccine. The first will be the people lining up to get them. These people will be a good test segment of the population to see how they react to being vaxed. The second will be the people who don't line up to get vaccinated but will get it once there are some requirements or as soon as it interferes with there life in any way. The third will be the people who absolutely refuse. No point in forcing something many people want on the front. The forcing would come later. A sub set of those three would be of the people who refuse some will try to remain in places that require it, petition and fight. These people will try to tell others and will have big targets on them. The second group of refusers will simply move and start to congregate in places that do not require it. I truly believe if they do this without trying to change the general populations position on vaccination they will be allowed to abstain. It may not be easy or convenient just like home schooling to avoid a vax is not easy but it is possible. Smaller more rural communities will have far less enforcement of these laws and restrictions and will not matter because the populations are so low. I believe the direction that things are going is already set much like the sun will set tonight and when it does I put on a jacket, I don't sand there and yell at the sun about my right to be warm. I will never be a vocal refuser which is why my site is private. It is not my path to be a zealot. I don't believe in the "rights" of man. Instead I believe in what I call natural universal law which states that non compliance imposes a justice toll on the aggressor. This is not the path for everyone and if it is your place to shout from the roof tops or line up to get vaxed no hard feelings. Next BlogHealth Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
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