Everyone must evaluate their own life and merge practicality and consistency. In other words know what is optimal and then work backwards off of that based on your goals.
Everything has pluses and minuses. Get Natural light and set your biological clock to natural time. Printable Version
Songs are made of notes, notes are not made of songs.
Your 5 senses are songs frequencies are notes. Our tech puts off frequencies that effects or bodies below the senses this is why the effects are quiet at first but as the dissonance grows the effects rise to the surface. Wifi is a frequency, fake light is a frequency. The electrons that power your mitochondria that power every aspect of your biology put of natural frequencies. Electrons are electric and electric is spark, light. All light is made of frequencies.
This means we as human frequency emitters we have to adjust as fast as our tech (unnatural frequency) environment changes. How much has tech changed in the past 5 years? This is how much all your ideas on health must change. How much will it change in the next 5 years? Only those that change with the environment will not be swept away by it.
Your 5 senses are songs frequencies are notes. Our tech puts off frequencies that effects or bodies below the senses this is why the effects are quiet at first but as the dissonance grows the effects rise to the surface. Wifi is a frequency, fake light is a frequency. The electrons that power your mitochondria that power every aspect of your biology put of natural frequencies. Electrons are electric and electric is spark, light. All light is made of frequencies.
This means we as human frequency emitters we have to adjust as fast as our tech (unnatural frequency) environment changes. How much has tech changed in the past 5 years? This is how much all your ideas on health must change. How much will it change in the next 5 years? Only those that change with the environment will not be swept away by it.
Health Lists
What to do
Here is a list of different things that may help to benefit your health and wellness. There is no particular order or priority.
See a Physical Therapist - I see Jeff Miller Get adjusted by a Chiropractor - I see Peoples Chiropractic Get a Personal Trainer - Angela Fisher AM- Take a moment to get yourself in the right head space when you wake up don't check your phone, social media ect. right away Drink Tea- Best from The Secret Garden Tea Shop Donate Blood - to shed access iron Music- Listen to the music you want to feel like because chances are you will Magnesium - Mag baths, foot soaks, topical mag oil Meditate (controlled sensory deprivation) - This is sitting, eyes shut, play meditation music and allow your self to think (don't try not to think) - Do visualization, deep breathing - Work up to 30 min a day Deep Breathing - always good Massage - Great for both health and relaxation Foam Rolling - Good for sore muscles Dry Skin Brushing - Good for lymph movement Colonic Hydro Therapy - If you have never gotten one please do. No need to do this all the time but once a year would be beneficial Sound Balancing- Tuning the Human Biofield Gratitude Journal Get a note book and hand write 1 page of things you are grateful for, anything you can think of. Best before you go to sleep Take a Nap- Commonly called a power nap for a reason |
Deplete your Deuterium
Deuterium is a natural Substance that builds up in our systems when we are not in natural light and eating local and seasonal. It is important to get these levels down for optimal mitochondrial function. Nothing to this except going Keto in the winter season
Magnetico Sleep Pad (20 Gause)
The greatest tool I have found for health and detoxification Patented uni-directional magnetism - totally different than other magnetic products -This is the single best way to increase the charge of the elections in your body - It increases ALL the chemical processes of the body - It charges the sodium potassium pump on the cell so that toxicity is no longer a primary concern Incline Bed Therapy- (gravitational oxygen and circulation enhancement) Raise head end of bed 6-8 inches- I'll never sleep flat ever again! Exercise - Motion (piezoelectric effect) Cardio - (fasted is even better) loose fat and keep your heart healthy The best exercise is the thing you will actually do....so move around. I like to mix it up with weight training and cardio find some thing you enjoy and build on it incrementally (see My Routine page) Walking is great I normally go for a walk after my big meal in my eating window I find this seems to be relaxing and beneficial for digestion Circadian Clock - Go to bed when dark - Do not get up and watch TV at night or expose yourself to artificial light - Wake up with the sun (do not sleep during the day) Sleep - if you can sleep let yourself sleep especially in the winter good to be cold rather than hot when it comes to sleep (see My Sleep page) |
where to be
Nature- Get as much nature as you can fit in your life of all types
Change Your Light Environment
- Try to limit your artificial light exposure as much as possible
- Get blue blockers where them any time you are looking at a screen TV computer ect
- Blue tech- if you wear prescription glasses
- Salt lamps
- Unplug your wifi at night
- Put your cell phones on air plane mode at night
- Don not sleep near electronics
- Unplug the electronics in your bedroom or flip the breaker off
- If you have a Smart Meter get rid of it
- The closer you are to the ground the less emf you will be exposed to so sleep on the first floor if you can, avoid high rise buildings
- Live as far away from cell towers, smart meters and wifi as possible
Grounding - bare feet in grass or dirt (as much as possible)
Best bare foot in the ocean or in the morning on grass with due (water conducts)
Light -do not wear sun glasses, if possible avoid contacts – both distort the ability of the eye surface to interact with light
Face the sun (don't look directly at it)
The less clothes you have on the better as your skin needs to absorb the light
Best to see the sun come up / morning sun
add in mid day and sun set as often as piossible
Use the shade and not sun block
Cold Adaption
Get cold, this condenses and allows the tunneling of the electrons (the transfer of light) to happen more optimally.
This link has great info about the benefits of cold, you don't need to buy the pads just get some cheap ice packs
Cool Fat Burner Science
Cryotherapy is great along with ice baths or other cold options
Infrared Sauna - can be great for detox but red light helps to offset blue light so if you are under a lot of blue light this will be even better for you. Great for heat shock proteins.
Shower Filter - To remove chlorine
Change Your Light Environment
- Try to limit your artificial light exposure as much as possible
- Get blue blockers where them any time you are looking at a screen TV computer ect
- Blue tech- if you wear prescription glasses
- Salt lamps
- Unplug your wifi at night
- Put your cell phones on air plane mode at night
- Don not sleep near electronics
- Unplug the electronics in your bedroom or flip the breaker off
- If you have a Smart Meter get rid of it
- The closer you are to the ground the less emf you will be exposed to so sleep on the first floor if you can, avoid high rise buildings
- Live as far away from cell towers, smart meters and wifi as possible
Grounding - bare feet in grass or dirt (as much as possible)
Best bare foot in the ocean or in the morning on grass with due (water conducts)
Light -do not wear sun glasses, if possible avoid contacts – both distort the ability of the eye surface to interact with light
Face the sun (don't look directly at it)
The less clothes you have on the better as your skin needs to absorb the light
Best to see the sun come up / morning sun
add in mid day and sun set as often as piossible
Use the shade and not sun block
Cold Adaption
Get cold, this condenses and allows the tunneling of the electrons (the transfer of light) to happen more optimally.
This link has great info about the benefits of cold, you don't need to buy the pads just get some cheap ice packs
Cool Fat Burner Science
Cryotherapy is great along with ice baths or other cold options
Infrared Sauna - can be great for detox but red light helps to offset blue light so if you are under a lot of blue light this will be even better for you. Great for heat shock proteins.
Shower Filter - To remove chlorine
What to Eat Blog Post
Where and when are important factors
I find that eating is often far more complex than it needs to be mostly because we tend to eat way too much too often and so the number of choices we have to make about food are too many to apply strategy to each one. I am really enjoying intermittent fasting and so when I eat it becomes much more simple. My fat's, carbs and protein intake is correlated with my type of workout.
Anyone who gets off a junk food diet and reduces caloric intake will be beneficial.
Diet should be based on your location the further north the more keto you will be, better with the seasons keto in the winter.
Try a well formulated Ketogenic Diet (if in an indoor or low light environment) - If you never have its good to do this for a time just so your body can run on ketones from fat instead of glucose. Once you are acclimated your body will use glucose which comes from protein / cabrs or ketones which come from fat.
Try Carb Cycling (Based on light environment) - base this on your workouts- my style of carb cycling is when you have a small amount of carbs before lifting heavy and some after. The rest of the time (recovery or cardio days) are keto.
Try Intermittent Fasting - Timing matters
Try for - organic plants and grass fed meats (of all types- beef, elk, bison ect)
wild caught fish, pastured eggs, raw milk, grass fed butter - Incorporate animal fats, an intelligent selection of raw foods including eggs, butter and cheese
- Consume sea food often
- Limit grains, high carb/starch vegetables and fruit - eat only in warmer seasons and less in colder ones
- Remove all processed foods, intoxicants and chemicals
- Local, seasonal and organic is good
- The less labels the better
Note - I do not typically recommend a vegan diet. As very few people are in a light environment that will allow this, some are) It will not contain enough DHA and will make charge deplete over time. There are a number of other draw backs to a all vegan diet such as a depletion in B vitamins, Vit A and other issues. This diet may work for some people but a diet with a focus on plants and not exclusively plants is more optimal. The years that I was a full vegan where some of the sickest times in my life.
What I Eat (sometimes)
Proteins I use -
Beef, Venison, Bison, Elk, Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Oysters, Eggs
- Vegetables - A wide verity of diverse nutrient dense plants that are grown locally to my environment in the season they are grown in (these are typically greens or cruciferous)
Oinions and garlic
Fats I use -
Ghee, GF Butter, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado
Carb Sources I use -
- Quinoa, Oats, White Rice, Fruits, Berries and more (only in the proper season after a heavy lifting workout)
Intermittent Fasting- eat in a 4-8 hour window (See Fat Loss Page)
Gourmet mushrooms
- Spring water is best
- Look into deuterium depleted water
Higher the carb diet higher the water intake
Higher the fat lower the water intake
Supplements - Try your best to find the food source - only sup what you have to
I still take Lions Mane & Amyloban 3399 from Mushroom Wisdom
Vit C (Ascorbic Acid), magnesium
Where and when are important factors
I find that eating is often far more complex than it needs to be mostly because we tend to eat way too much too often and so the number of choices we have to make about food are too many to apply strategy to each one. I am really enjoying intermittent fasting and so when I eat it becomes much more simple. My fat's, carbs and protein intake is correlated with my type of workout.
Anyone who gets off a junk food diet and reduces caloric intake will be beneficial.
Diet should be based on your location the further north the more keto you will be, better with the seasons keto in the winter.
Try a well formulated Ketogenic Diet (if in an indoor or low light environment) - If you never have its good to do this for a time just so your body can run on ketones from fat instead of glucose. Once you are acclimated your body will use glucose which comes from protein / cabrs or ketones which come from fat.
Try Carb Cycling (Based on light environment) - base this on your workouts- my style of carb cycling is when you have a small amount of carbs before lifting heavy and some after. The rest of the time (recovery or cardio days) are keto.
Try Intermittent Fasting - Timing matters
Try for - organic plants and grass fed meats (of all types- beef, elk, bison ect)
wild caught fish, pastured eggs, raw milk, grass fed butter - Incorporate animal fats, an intelligent selection of raw foods including eggs, butter and cheese
- Consume sea food often
- Limit grains, high carb/starch vegetables and fruit - eat only in warmer seasons and less in colder ones
- Remove all processed foods, intoxicants and chemicals
- Local, seasonal and organic is good
- The less labels the better
Note - I do not typically recommend a vegan diet. As very few people are in a light environment that will allow this, some are) It will not contain enough DHA and will make charge deplete over time. There are a number of other draw backs to a all vegan diet such as a depletion in B vitamins, Vit A and other issues. This diet may work for some people but a diet with a focus on plants and not exclusively plants is more optimal. The years that I was a full vegan where some of the sickest times in my life.
What I Eat (sometimes)
Proteins I use -
Beef, Venison, Bison, Elk, Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Oysters, Eggs
- Vegetables - A wide verity of diverse nutrient dense plants that are grown locally to my environment in the season they are grown in (these are typically greens or cruciferous)
Oinions and garlic
Fats I use -
Ghee, GF Butter, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado
Carb Sources I use -
- Quinoa, Oats, White Rice, Fruits, Berries and more (only in the proper season after a heavy lifting workout)
Intermittent Fasting- eat in a 4-8 hour window (See Fat Loss Page)
Gourmet mushrooms
- Spring water is best
- Look into deuterium depleted water
Higher the carb diet higher the water intake
Higher the fat lower the water intake
Supplements - Try your best to find the food source - only sup what you have to
I still take Lions Mane & Amyloban 3399 from Mushroom Wisdom
Vit C (Ascorbic Acid), magnesium
How to sleep
I'm getting the best sleep of my life, here is how...Things to do
Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time (even if you're off work) -best if you go to bed when it gets dark and wake when it gets light Get a Magnetico Sleep pad Turn Off the circuit breaker in bed rooms After dark only use salt lamps or candles Take relaxing herbs -Ashwaganda, Holy Basil, Valerian (lots of other options) Use magnesium - baths, foot baths, topical oil, supplemental (except anything bound to citrate) Sleep in a dark room, no lights and get dark curtains Clean your bed room -the more clutter you remove from this space the more you will relax Try incline bed therapy Get a salt lamp from your bathroom or candle light -turning a light on in the middle of the night will turn your brain on Write in a gratitude journal before bed - this will put you in the right space to relax Get cooling sheets Keep your bed room cool - temperature maters Invest in a mattress that works for you and do your homework on it before you buy it Best to sleep on your back or left side -If you have eaten sleeping on the left as opposed to the right will aid in digestion Put plants in your room, best if they are specifically inclined to clean the air. They also seem to make the room more tranquil Meditate with permission to fall asleep laying in bed - many people say they can't meditate or they fall asleep often the same people can't fall asleep at night I do my best thinking before I fall asleep |
Things to Avoid Try to avoid eating at least 2 hours before bed Try not to drink anything besides water or herbal tea before bed Avoid melatonin unless you have jet lag Sugar, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine or any stimulants -if you drink caffeine try to stop consuming it at noon for best sleep -don't work out at least two hours before bed Do not look at screens after dark (TV, phone, computer ect) -if you do adjust the screen to diminish blue light or where blue blocking glasses - can literally cut the breaker to my bedroom so I don't have to worry about pwer coming off the chords in the wall or my salt lamp ect. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or right side - I use a special pillow that prevents stomach sleeping as it can be very bad for the neck If you are consuming or smoking anything with THC it will effect your sleep - doing this consistently will both cause you to rely on it to fall asleep and will prevent deep REM sleep. If you must use this try to make it the exception and not the rule NO GROUNDING SHEETS!!!!!- they pick up emf and will fry you Things to try EZOV tincture - follow instructions If you need sound use nature sounds very low Activated charcoal is good on an empty stomach before bed Keep a note pad next to your bed if you are laying there and your mind is racing turn on your (salt lamp) light and write it down, get it out of your head If soar take proteolytic enzymes (away from food) If you wake with a racing heart or just want to cleanse your body take activated charcoal when you wake up in the middle of the night Defusing oils such as lavender can aid in sleep Read a book....something nonfiction Get a weighted blanket Get fabric from Sheilded healing and construct a bed canopy (no easy task) inquire directly for info) |
What to supplement
Everyone needs to customize their own supplements based on individual needs
Always start supplementing based on deficiency of substances your body doesn't make or store then move on to functional substances. I try to get my nutrition from food as much as possible. Some examples of foods to replace supplements are -Sea Salt is a valuable tool for Electrolyte Balance (consume a large amount of salt if you work out or are doing intermittent fasting or low carb) -Brazil Nuts for Selenium -Beef, full of nutrients ect There is no magic pill that will replace a healthy lifestyle but supplements are tools. I don't think they should be looked at as too important but I also don't think we should not get the benefits form the right products. |
Basic Supps Everyone Should Consider Taking
Cod Liver Oil Beef Liver Caps Iodine / Kelp Magnesium* Malate or Glycinate *Magnesium Note - Generally 5x a persons body weight in mg of magnesium per day will be sufficient to meet the daily amount needed but higher the stress higher the dose as stress increases the magnesium burn rate There are far more options I like lions mane mushroom and several others |
Supps Everyone Should Consider Avoiding
Synthetic - non food or heavily processed supplements
Anything you can get from food Anything that is a proprietary blend - you don't know what's in it Any protein that does not have an amino acid profile on the bottle Any company or practitioner preaching a one size fits all diet or treatment is missing the mark on health. Avoid "Keto" products that are marketing loop holes. Protein always converts to glucose. no such thing as a ketogenic protein. Watch out for wolves in sheeps clothing. The industry is unregulated so its up to the consumer to know better. |
Iron in any form
Zinc alone Question Vit D (best from sea food or cod liver oil) Melatonin - its a hormone if you take it you won't make it BCAA's this is a big time marketing scam just eat protein Blog Post on Keto Blog Post on Protein |
Tests & treatments
Deuterium Level - https://www.ddcenters.com Genes - Get 23 and me then run it through Dr. Rhonda Patric's site for polymorphisms Get blood work for specific deficiencies and supplement accordingly requestatest.com Heavy Metal Test - Quicksilver labs https://www.quicksilverscientific.com/ Boston Heart - for details about the heart and much more https://www.bostonheartdiagnostics.com Telomere Age - www.teloyears.com |
Treatments On My Wish List
MME - large amount of uni directional magnetism- www.amri-intl.com/ Stem Cell Treatment - - usstemcellclinic.com/services/ - www.cellmedicine.com/ NAD IV- kenstarrmd.com/tag/nad-therapy/ Spect Brain Imaging - Dr Amen-www.amenclinics.com/the-science/why-spect/ Deuterium Depleted Water -preventa.org/ Hydrogen Inhalation Machine - hydroproducts.info/ |
Note - There are an almost endless number of tests you can get remember that the test only tells you what is happening at the moment the test was taken
What to avoid
There are so many things to avoid but here are a few things to keep in mind.
- Processed foods & synthetic supplements, refined sugar, caffeine
alcohol and other drugs both pharma and street if possible
- Microwaves, smart meters and cordless home phones and all "smart" tech or wifi devcices including fit bit's and head phones and tech in general, all wireless devices
-Avoid caffeine, alcohol, THC and all other drugs
- Holding your phone to your ear or keeping it directly on your body
- Fluoride in water and tooth paste
- Foods with added calcium or iron
- Processed foods
- Toxins and Intoxicants (the list is too long)
- Unnatural light - (Blue light) from technology or electricity
- Grounding sheets/mats, unless you are in an area far from nnEMF - do not use if you get cell phone coverage
These act like a net for emf and will deplete your charge over time. This has been my experience and a number of other people I know. The result is often heart beat issue.
- Frequency Machines - The more Unnatural frequency microwave machines plugged into 60 hertz plugs you are exposed to while you sleep the more difficult it will be for your natural spectrum frequency information to be heard by your cells.
These unnatural devices distort the information and are often high priced scams. The solution to NN-EMF is to strengthen your own natural frequency not to layer another unnatural frequency on top of it.
- Anyone preaching a one size fits all diet or lifestyle is telling on themselves, they either don't get it or they have a huge ego. Either way they should be avoided.
To see what supplements to Avoid see To Supplement
- Processed foods & synthetic supplements, refined sugar, caffeine
alcohol and other drugs both pharma and street if possible
- Microwaves, smart meters and cordless home phones and all "smart" tech or wifi devcices including fit bit's and head phones and tech in general, all wireless devices
-Avoid caffeine, alcohol, THC and all other drugs
- Holding your phone to your ear or keeping it directly on your body
- Fluoride in water and tooth paste
- Foods with added calcium or iron
- Processed foods
- Toxins and Intoxicants (the list is too long)
- Unnatural light - (Blue light) from technology or electricity
- Grounding sheets/mats, unless you are in an area far from nnEMF - do not use if you get cell phone coverage
These act like a net for emf and will deplete your charge over time. This has been my experience and a number of other people I know. The result is often heart beat issue.
- Frequency Machines - The more Unnatural frequency microwave machines plugged into 60 hertz plugs you are exposed to while you sleep the more difficult it will be for your natural spectrum frequency information to be heard by your cells.
These unnatural devices distort the information and are often high priced scams. The solution to NN-EMF is to strengthen your own natural frequency not to layer another unnatural frequency on top of it.
- Anyone preaching a one size fits all diet or lifestyle is telling on themselves, they either don't get it or they have a huge ego. Either way they should be avoided.
To see what supplements to Avoid see To Supplement
People to look Into
Doris Loh - Redox and Ascorbic Acid
Dr. Jack Kruse - Light, Water, Magnetism Dr. Dean Bonlie - Magnetico Sleep Pad |
Dr. Rhonda Patrick - Scientist - has very good open minded content
Andrew K Fletcher - Incline Bed Therapy Eileen Day McKusick - Tunning the Human Biofield |
Everyone has their own lens and perspective
Alan Watts - The greatest teacher I never met but have spent so much time with
Central Coast California - wellness PEOPLE to see and Places to go
Harmony House Yoga - Pismo Beach
Secret Garden Tea Shop - SLO People's Chiropractic - SLO Grover Beach CrossFit Slo Smiles - Dr. Mark Leopold - Dentist |
Dr. Ham - Medical Doctor - Pismo
Dr. Zoe Wells - Naturopathic Doctor -SLO Jeff Miller - Physical Therapist - Grover Beach Gila Zack - Hypnosis - Los Osos Angela Fisher - Personal Trainer - Atascadero |
Featured Health Articles |
Featured Blog Posts |
Fat Loss Made Simple
Fat Loss Made Simple a break down of how fat loss can be understood and information that can be applied to health Intermitent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting Information on why I love Intermittent fasting answers to some important questions about it Quantum Health
Quantum Health An explanation on Physics applied to health - A very important read for anyone interested in real health and longevity -We focus so much on chemistry we forget what we are made of The illness Cycle
How your brain learns to be sick and stay sick along with how to break that cycle Obesity/Toxicity
How obesity and Toxicity are connected and why unhealthy fat loss can lead to serious illness |
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in on this site are the opinion of Rob Alexander and in no way represent any individual, organization or company other than Rob Alexander.
This website does not provide medical advice.
The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
This website does not provide medical advice.
The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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