Food - Tips For Healthy Eating7/31/2019 I have tried a number of popular diets. So many people promote various diets as a one-size-fits-all blanket solution for eating. In my talk The When And The Where Tell You What I did away with every diet book and made a case that no two people should be on the exact same diet. Only you know what you should be eating. I avoid the food conversation and focus more on the idea that your environment (specifically your light and tech environment) are of primary importance because negative light and tech environment have a negative effect on anyone to varying degrees regardless of diet. In this blog I want to share some basic ideas on food that will help people to know what & when to eat. Since everyone is different, there are some ideas that make eating decisions easier. Theses are things that have worked for me. They are not in any particular order. I could embellish on each one but I'll keep it simple for now. Intermittent Fasting- I have become a huge supporter of intermittent fasting. No matter what the diet is, a person will benefit from eating in certain windows of time. Some like an 8 hour window, others do 4 and some even go for 1 meal a day. I have been doing intermittent fasting on and off for about a year. I currently like to do a pretty extreme 2-4 hour window 5 days a week and a normal day of eating on a split (which are also the days I lift). This allows my body to keep from acclimating to reduced eating and on the days I eat I make sure to eat a lot. Intermittent fasting is great for weight loss but has a number of health benefits for longevity as the body has a chance to clean out the waste and also will better absorb the nutrients you consume when you eat much like a dry sponge. This also helps with self discipline allowing you to control yourself relative to food, which seems to be a rare talent these days. Here is another Post On IF. Eat in the morning - I have experimented with eating at different times. For a long time I would wait to eat until the evening. The way I would do this was by drinking lots of caffeine all day. I'm now off caffeine (I highly recommend trying 60 days caffeine-free for major life-changing benefits- Post on Caffeine here). The best way for me to deal with the lack of caffeine has been to eat in the mornings. This way I am nice and hungry by the time I wake up and have something to look forward to get me out of bed and my engine running. I feel energized and still enjoy dinner on the 2 full eating days each week. I have found that this keeps me energized and stable. I sleep much better since I'm not digesting food. The earlier you stop eating the better your sleep will be. Try it out and take not of your experience. The No Label Diet - Eating whole foods was popular untill the meaning was lost, probably by a chain of stores that sells a massive amount of processed foods and is called Whole at its best. The more processed altered and removed from nature food is, the worse it is. This is the problem with fake meat and many vegan food options along with farmed fish and so on. Whatever your diet is, avoid a long list of ingredients, things you can't pronounce, and lots of packaging. I personally like to keep things very simple. You will often find me eating eggs or beef or fish with a simple vegetable. The closer to nature the food, the more your body will get out of it. Nature makes things simple so digestion issues often come from throwing too many different things at the body all at once. Just because you have 25 healthy things does not mean that mixing them all together makes them more healthy, regardless of what marketers would like you to think. Just like you might enjoy eating ice cream, riding roller coasters, and chatting with friends but may have a very hard time enjoying all 3 simultaneously. It's chaos. Eat Seasonal And Local- Food is one way the inside of your body collects information about the outside environment. If you eat shipped mangoes in a place where mangoes don't grow, you better believe it will has a very different effect in your body than if you were picking it off the tree and eating it. Plants eat light and make sugars out of it. This light is then re-expressed in the body. Light is a frequency that contains information about the environment you're in. So veganism may be fine for a person at the equator where lots of plants and fruits grow, but not for a person near the poles. Just because we can access foods from all over the world in our modern day, does not mean our biology can make sense of these foods from afar. Prior to modern society all diets were determined by the local environment and in my opinion still should be. Be Careful With Plants - Just because something is organic, vegan, non-GMO, sugar free, gluten free, and so on does not make it healthy. Organic standards: -do not take light into account -do not take water into account -are often picked unripe -are often waxed or colored I believe plants are containers for light and water. You can grow a plant in fake light with worst water in the worst environment and not put pesticides on it so it can be called organic. I'm not saying organic is necessarily bad, but know that as soon as a rule is made, companies go to work looking for cheaper ways to get around that rule. Eat Animal Products- As a former sick vegan I now consume a lot of animal products and my health is steadily improving. I cover this in a blog post: Why I Eat Meat. Animal products are more stable than plants. Yes, quality matters so try to get good sources of meat. If you do eat natural animal products, I believe your health will improve. Be sure to include fish. I make sure to eat local eggs and grass fed beef often. This is certainly not an all-encompassing list. Avoid GMO's, fried food, junk oils, fake food, fast food, quick food. Limit your sugar and avoid hidden stimulants like caffeine and be aware that the more oppressive the environment where the food comes from, generally the less natural and healthy the food will be.
Tattoos - Think Before You Ink7/24/2019 I was once a young punk rocker with a studded leather jacket. I got my first tattoo at 18. I then waited until I was about 27. I was in Indiana, a place where you don't see too many full sleeve tattoos. I had just gotten in the best shape of my life and was happy to show off my new physique. I was running a lot in the sun shine then. I knew nothing about the benefits of sun and looking back can see that this was a major contributor to my improved health. I decided to get a full tattoo sleeve down my left arm that stretched over my heart. I did this in all black ink. I didn't notice any negative reactions to the ink right away but I did notice that once I uncovered the tattoo and returned to running in the sun, it quickly started to fade. So what did I do? I had the guy go over it again....face palm, I know. Fast forward a few years and I am now in California where full sleeves are far more prevalent. I was disappointed at how mine had turned out so I decided to go get it touched up with color. I had just gotten my tooth fillings worked on, which is a whole different blog post but just know that I had been exposed to a lot of heavy metals. I was also under an extreme amount of of stress at the time. Looking back, it was clear that I had very low charge. I got a lot of color and the worst part is that the tattoo artist had extra red ink left over, so he offered to let me fill things in for free. I was all excited about this and had him add a bunch of red, which I now know has the highest toxicity of ink colors. I very quickly started to have all kinds of health issues that lasted for years. The tattoos were not the only cause of my issues but getting a sleeve done three times and adding the color was clearly a huge issue for me. I have repaired a tremendous amount of damage done to my body from bad decisions but my biggest regret for my health are my tattoos. I am stuck with them. There are many problems with tattoos. This seems obvious but they are permanent. There is no good way to get rid of tattoos. You may think that laser removal is an option. Not for me as I have far too much skin covered. I did go and get a small section removed with a laser. This was far worse than getting a tattoo. Nothing could have prepared me for the pain along with how long it took to heal. I had a seeping wound on my arm for weeks. I also got very sick and had very bad toxic symptoms right away as the laser removal releases all the metals and toxins from the skin into the blood stream. This leads me into toxins. I know people in alternative health that promote organic foods and at the same time are getting tattoos. I try to tell them that non-organic food does not even compare to the toxicity from tattoos. Tattoos fade some over time, and this is because the lymphatic system is constantly trying to break down and remove the toxins from the body. This compromises your bodies ability to detox from everything else it is being exposed to. The skin is like a solar panel that absorbs natural light which increases charge and tells your body what time it is among other functions. The opposite is true if the light is artificial. This becomes even worse when tattoos are involved as unnatural light distorts the ability for the solar panel to work properly. Fake, LED light is filtered through the toxic metals and causes many issues in the body which becomes even more dangerous and destructive when you are in a high wifi environment or 5G. The unnatural frequencies from tech interact with the metals in tattoos. They act like a net for wifi causing major mitochondrial issues in the body. I spent some time in LA and in the same way that my tattoo arm gets hot from sunlight more than my normal arm, in a 5G jungle my arm literally buzzes from the high frequency like a skin-embedded antenna which is exactly what a tattoo is. I was not thinking about this years ago in small town Indiana as wifi was the furthest thing from my mind at the time. I am now trapped with this toxic antenna picking up wifi over my heart and left arm. What's worse is I have red ink which tends to be filled with mercury and causes the most issues for people. When I got the red ink in some places my skin completely rejected it. The solution, keep going over it again and again. If you insist on getting a tattoo, at least avoid color. The location of tattoos matter as well. I see people with spine tattoos, neck tattoos, even tattoos on the head or like me, over the heart. All are bad but I would much rather have my arm have issues than other more important body parts. Learn from my mistakes and let others know. Every time someone complements my tattoo, especially people who are into health I let them know about my toxic mistake. The bigger the tattoo and more color it has the worse it is so if you have a small tattoo don't worry just do more right. If you, like me have a lot of tattoos then you need to do more right than your neighbor in many cases. Avoid wifi as much as possible, get as much natural light as possible and get a Magnetico Sleep Pad which prevents dental fillings from off-gassing when you are on it. I hope that there is a similar effect with my tattoos. I am meeting with Dr. Bonlie (the creator of the Magnetico) next month to get more info on these specifics, so stay tuned.
Be very careful doing anything that is permanent to the body. Tattoos cosmetic surgeries, lasic and more. The body has amazing hesaling abilities but not id we do permanent unnatural changes to it. The new craze with tattoos will be ones that can be scanned, ones that can be florecant or interact with tech. These and brain implants along with all other unnatural body alterations are dangerous. The Fat Kid With A Shirt On In The Pool7/18/2019 It's summer time, all the kids are out of school. The smell of freshly cut grass and the sound of an ice cream truck two streets over. I'm in middle school and unfortunately I find myself in a very large tee shirt swimming in a pool. I'm the only one and the other kids can tell I'm ashamed of my increasingly curvy body. My chest is huge and of coarse there is that one bully kid that has to poke me and call me a girl while talking about my "boobs". The problem with this is that a fat kid covers up and covering up makes him more fat. Fast forward to this evening. I just got back from a run around the lake. I run with no shirt and have developed quite a tan. I've become very good friends with the sun. The more sun I get the better I feel about my body. I still have the stretch marks from being a fatty. I did a 6 month weight loss cut last year and got down to 166 which I admit was way too light for my 6 ft frame. I still had my loose skin a constant reminder that always makes me self-conscious. I will say that at this point I know that it is far better to expose as much skin as I can to the sun than to worry about what others will think especially since many people my age seem to be getting big pretty fast. I started paying attention when I started learning about the absolutely essential health benefits of natural sun light. A good (natural tan) is a good indicator of health. The more sun we get the better we function in general. I wish I had learned this as a child. My fear of people seeing me kept the sun from seeing me too. Our skin is a solar panel built to absorb natural light. When properly exposed it will adjust to optimally absorb the light. Even when you close your eyes, your eyelids are there to absorb light. Did nature do this randomly? I don't think so. I think every inch of us is supposed to get sun. I'm not saying to go out and burn yourself to a crisp. The dose makes the poison. When you are in the sun your skin turns red because the iron raises to the surface to collect the light information from your environment. The body then boosts nitric oxide to shuttle the valuable light information to every part of your body telling the cells where you are so they can engage the proper chemical and hormonal mechanisms. I have written blogs on light and the eyes being the primary windows for light information intake, but this one is to remind you about your skin. As blue blockers are slowly starting to gain traction, people often forget that any time you are in a fake light environment that warrants blue blockers, your skin is also being effected.
Find ways to get out in the sun with as little clothing as possible. If you want motivation, remember that the more light you get the more carbs you can eat without negative effects. An older man I know who now has a diabetes was asking me how many carbs he can eat. He is white as a ghost. I have him go back to the happiest time in his life.....mowing golf courses. This may sound funny but every time I speak to him mowing comes up. I understand because in the past I lived in Indiana and spent a lot of time mowing. I had the music on and a good feeling of giving the lawn an organized look. The other factor I overlooked was the sun. I asked the man how tan he was when he was mowing. He said he was very dark. I knew this because I had seen pictures of him then. I asked if he ever worried about where his health was at back then. He answered "not at all". I said "when you are as tan as you were back then you can eat more carbs." This doesn't mean you can eat anything in the sun and not get fat but I will say you can eat more carbs and they will not have the fat gain or negative effects as when they are eaten indoors or even worse: under fake light. Plants eat light and convert that light to sugars and then you eat those sugars. The body in a natural light environment that creates sugars knows how to process those sugars. Take the same sugars and give them to an Inuit up north. No plants eating light and making sugars there so the foods are stable animal meat, fat and fish. It's currently summer and I'm getting as much natural light as I can as well as covering my skin when indoors under fake light. My front yard has a wonderful peach tree and you better believe I'm loving those carbs. They where grown in the same light that hits my skin every day. I make it a point to only eat them outside with my shirt off. I visualize the light that the fruit contains being re-expressed inside my gut and syncing perfectly, calibrating my inner and outer environment, so I'm not worried about being keto right now. I'll save that for the winter when the fruit trees are bare, the way it should be. I wish I could go back and tell the middle school version of me: "take the shirt off and maybe you'll have less fat to hide." Stop the sunglasses, sunscreen, covering up, skip the spray on tans and testosterone injections. Stop the fakeness and be authentic. The sun will help you get through this life. Without it you are disconnected from the wireless power source and have to rely far too much on food for your light input. Take your shirt off and get some sunshine. It is what wirelessly powers us. You will be glad you did as every aspect of your health will benefit from sunlight and nature. Magnetic Theory In The PM7/12/2019 This was a blog I posted in the My Thoughts Blog but I also wanted to present it here. This is an interesting idea about the effect of magnetism on sleep. Click HEREWhy I Eat Meat7/10/2019 I try not to get into facebook debates as the platform lends itself to defensive arguments instead of knowledge-seeking conversation. I did however, see a post about veganism that I commented on. I'm not against veganism. I think anyone should be free to eat anything they want. However, I am against the idea that any one diet should be everyone's diet. So in response to a comment I wrote This...... Why I eat meat. (a post to a vegan) I am a former vegan. I pushed the religion and even opened a vegan health cafe. I have said and heard all the arguments. I was sick and got sicker until I found out my “vegan guru” had been eating fish and eggs the entire time. In an act of desperation for my health I ate an egg. Within minutes my brain started to click on. Fish even better. After 20 years of no red meat I ate beef. I was terrified like the vegan god would send me to hell. Flesh eating murderer. Then I started learning about health. Diets are based on light environments. If you are at the equator in the sun you can be a vegan but the further north you go the less carbs are available and the worse the effect of carbs on the body. I am not anti-vegan but vegan in the right context. I do not think Native Americans of Inuits where less spiritual for eating meat. They where entrenched in their environment. One with nature; circle of life type stuff. I am against a push toward universal veganism for the same reason I am against a push toward universal meat-only diets. There is no one-size-fits-all diet but veganism in the wrong environment is dangerous. I am healthier than I have ever been and I eat more meat than I ever have. This is not random. If you wear nearly no clothing, spend your life outdoors in India at an equatorial location subjected to little to no Wifi, then I encourage a vegan lifestyle. If you are reading this on a computer surrounded by Wifi and florescent/ LED lighting from above and on your screen, and fully clothed when you are rarely outside, then you may want to have another steak. There are important substances found in animal products - most notably DHA which needs to be converted from plant form into the usable animal form. B-12 along with animal fats are also important. Iron contains more electrons than magnesium, meaning that red (iron-rich) blood is a better electron source than green (magnesium-rich) plant blood. Veagnism must be reserved for high light, equatorial environments. This is how it has always been historically and you'll be hard pressed to find a super healthy vegan that doesn't also have a great tan. The light environment should determine the diet and the more indoors we are the more meat is required in order to maintain the same level of health. I think we forget this because we have the convenience of accessing foods from all over the globe because of technological advances, but don't be fooled. Veganism has the potential to be a first world, out of touch with nature, egotistical belief system and is promoted by the sugar and processed food industries for profit. Any vegan should watch the Lion King. I went to the movies yesterday and saw a preview of the new Lion King and it was a happy reminder. The circle of life. Everything in nature is cooperating and competing. Eating and being eaten in perfect balance. The further we get away from this the more we will try to draw arbitrary lines about when consciousness starts and stops. With eyes? With a face that looks like yours? Or is life always changing no one part more or less important than another? How much life is in a plowed field. Are cow souls more important than gopher souls? The Vegan "guru" that started me down my sick vegan path once said "if they had to kill the animal they wouldn't eat it." But standing there in the vegan cafe looking around at the "superfood" powders from all over the world I responded "if you had to grow all this stuff you wouldn't eat it either, you'd need a steak."
The rise of the carnivore diet is a testament to the effects of veganism as many people who were vegan have reintroduced meat into the diet and have had amazing health recoveries. It will be interesting to see how this progresses. I am not against veganism but I am against misinformation that may lead to a person getting sick from following a diet that they shouldn't due to their environment. If you follow this blog then you know my focus is on increasing charge for health. Everyone should get off processed food whether it be vegan or not. Marshmallows are vegan. Meat alternatives are filled with gmo plants and quality always matters. Remember the answer to every question is "it depends." Learn about your environment and your body. Don't fall for bad studies paid for by sales people or marketing cranking out bad info to keep you confused and buying useless products. Please share this blog and subscribe to my mailing list for updates on talks and new blog posts. There is a new blog posted every Friday. Health Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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