Your heart and Mind are in a battle for your life decide to help or hurt them.The world is filled with Wifi and its only getting worse. With that said the closer you are and the more non native electro-magnetic frequencies (nnemf) you are exposed to the worse the affects. Remember that the brain and the heart are the most mitochondrial dense parts of the body. Simply said, these are the most electro-magnetic. This means they are powered and programmed with natural frequencies being emitted on the subatomic level from electrons, your little emf devices in the body. Perhaps now you can start to understand that anyone having stress, anxiety, sleep, cancer or any health issue most commonly reserved for the elderly should really think before they put active tech on the body. As we age our charge declines resulting in many health issues. In the modern world charge is declining at a rapid rate meaning everything from diminishing bone density to heart attacks and everything in between. Charge at night is required for the repair frequency to be expressed which is why low charge people have increased negative health affects at night. Anyone wearing a "smart" device especially in their ears or on the heart is either suicidal or knows very little about health. Our tech has to be understood in the context of our natural bio tech being the electro-magnetic aspects of health. Anyone even remotely worried about healthy food choices with a smart watch on is not very smart. The affects of tech and fake light historically have been very subtle but now the levels of tech exposure are so very high that the affects will be much more obvious. This is even more important when you sleep. If you have ringing in your ears this is a frequency issue (mitochondria). Unplug Wifi at night, put phones on airplane mode, and avoid cordless phones. These put off a massive amount of dissonant frequency. Don't for a second think that just because the device is in another room that it won't affect the device that is you. If you can get a signal then you are being affected by that signal. Tech is changing fast and it doesn't sleep. What was true 5 years ago isn't as relevant anymore. When tech hits critical mass, meaning when frequency saturation happens, we will know. Our biology can only handle so much. How much? Look around and pay attention to brain malfunctions. I'm talking about psychosis. Look for mental/emotional issues. All our thoughts are electr-magnetic. Look for people who work in tech, electrical, planes/airports, dense populations, or high elevations off the ground (skyscrapers). We must realize that the tech that wasn't once as dangerous is dangerous today because of the now excessive amount of frequencies in the environment. And be careful of your intoxicants like weed, alcohol. This is an important time to be clear-headed as the thought frequencies in your head are more volatile. Do not put a Wifi device on your head and expect to not have serious negative health affects. Do not strap a Wifi (microwave ) device to your wrist where you check your pulse. The iron in your blood intersects with frequency and this distortion will be shuttled through out your body. I had a conversation with someone wearing a Wifi watch who can't sleep. I told her the reason why and her response was "but how will I count my steps?"!!!
I'm not here to save anyone. People respond to this truth one of two ways: Why they can change or why they can't. I will not waste time or energy on anyone who approaches this with reasons not to change. If the response is what about my.... I will say nothing at all. This is not for you. If this message doesn't click for you keep up all the tech but if you spark for this information and want to understand the world we live in then tune in. Lets learn together about how to navigate this new environment. Those of us that light up- will be visibly different from those that don't as the tech exposure affects health expression in the body.
Look Out Because Light Looks In3/27/2019 Why do we have eyes? Eyes are one of the many tools our bodies use to bring our outer environment into our bodies. Sight is very different than the eye even though they work together. I imagine sight as light recognition and eyes as the mechanism that vision is realized by. In other words the observer in our heads look at the light our eyes let in. Now vision becomes a story about light and light is made of various frequencies expressed differently at different times. You don't look out, light looks in and your brain reads it. The reason that the eye and light are so important is that it hits the brain directly. Food often gets all the attention but it is a long process to get that food broken down and circulated. Light travels fast and its neurological effects are significant. Light through the eye tells us what the environment looks like but also simultaneously tells our bodies what time it is in those environments. So many health issues that have become prevalent in modern society are connected to light through the eye. Sleep is the most obvious problem as people often say they wake up at night and are sleepy during the day. Red light in nature is more prevalent later in the day. So people get some red and then start watching TV or the phone or lap top to relax.......there you have it. Artificial light tells the brain to wake up so it does. No light coming from tech or a wall plug is good light. The flicker effect is very real on our a/c lights and our bodies run on d/c. ,Now think about your doctors office, chiropractor, gym, ect. Light must be looked at as a direct link to the brain that tells us about the environment and no eye in human history has seen the lights that we have recently created. The brain looks for a category to determine how to behave and adjust to the light and there is none. What does the brain do when it can't find a category of behavior? Anxiety, stress, and it will do its best to force a category. So when it sees the screen the closest thing in nature is high blue in the day. Engage wake up program. People also emit light. Our eyes take this is. If you have ever looked deep into a persons eyes then you know its one of the only ways we can feel true love. Everything in the body is a feedback loop. The person's light coming directly from their brain is going directly into your brain. Looking deeply into someones eyes is like kissing them with sight/light. Meaningless relationships do not have this.
Guess what fake light does? It removes the ability for the natural excitatory aspects of the brain through the eye to see natural light which means people can't be in sun light and also can't see the natural light expressed from another person. Blue light may be the reason you can't fall in love. Love with nature or a person requires the eye to recognize it and sun glasses will keep you from both. Light is looking in, or trying. Will you let it? You see that morning sun or a good morning from a person you love should be experienced with eyes wide open. These things are real and our fake tech and fake lights are changing our brains because light goes directly into the brain. If you can't see what I mean it may be a tell that you should get far more natural light from living things and far less from non living things. The more time you spend with living things the more alive you will feel. Different animals have different types of vision. I believe humans have the type of eyes we have for a number of reasons but if our eyes were on the side of our heads we couldn't focus on looking into someones eyes. Get off your screens. I hope you are reading this with a salt lamp or candle with the Flux app on your screen and/or blue blockers on (I sure am). Now go look someone in the eye. See them. Know that when you do you are inviting them into your inner world. Be selective and don't let fake tech in or you won't be able to see when real life shows up. EMF - What is it? Why Does It Matter?3/23/2019 Your biology is effected by electro magnetic frequencies. Millions of years allowed your biology to perfectly sync with natures frequencies to connect the expression of your biology to the natural environment that you are in. You also emit frequencies from the electrons at the base level of you. The inner frequencies talk to the outer frequencies to allow you to exist in balance between the two. Fast forward to 2019. Look at how many wifi signals you pick up on your phone. Our tech is effecting us at first in subtle ways with feelings of stress, sleeplessness, mental & emotional issues. As time passes not so subtle affects appear such as cancer, suicide, strokes, heart attacks, MS, autism and so many others. Diseases are exploding and our health practitioners both mainstream and alternative are asleep at the wheel, telling an old story of genetics without epigenetics or nutrition and without any mention of light or time. As you can see on the electro-magnetic spectrum only a very small amount is visible. This means you will have to tune in, focus, and learn about the fields in your environment that you cannot see. Anyone in health not taking about the effects of fake light/ non-native EMF (nnemf) and 5g/wifi either doesn't know or hasn't found a way to monetize it yet. Any time a person says the word "energy", they are referring to electro-magnetics. Start to ask what the words mean. Ask your health practitioner what powers cells. If they say mitochondria ask what powers mitochondria. If they say electron chain transfer ask them what an electron is. If they don't mention light, frequency, or magnetism (biological EMF) then you know they don't know. Or just look at the lights in their office. The more fake light and tech a person uses the less they know about the human body. Tech is growing at a fast rate you so you better make sure your knowledge base grows just as fast. What was true 5 years ago may not be true any more. In the same way that you get a wifi signal to get access to the internet your biology is interacting with frequencies to tune into the environment and make the proper adjustments. Illness is often an indicator that your body is not reading the signals and in turn is not adjusting itself in the proper way. Start to shift your focus away from tech and toward the people that you interact with in person. Focus on your immediate location. This is a game of musical chairs and I don't want you to be left without a seat when the music stops. To do list
-Grey scale or change the setting on your screens to reduce the blue light and brightness (use Flux app for older phones without filters newer ones have) -Sun light 5 minutes five times a day (early morning, mid morning, noon, afternoon, evening) -Use only fire light or salt lamps after dark -Protect yourself from any fake light you can including your skin and eye -Eat lots of sea food (for DHA) and within your natural environment . -Get a magnetico sleep pad! -Shut off wifi, get rid of smart meters. If you live in a 5G city, move. I can go on but for now the simple answer to the question of what do I do? Ask does this bring me closer to nature or further away. Choose nature. Pay close attention to places that have the most tech. Look at the illnesses on the rise there. Watch airports and planes. The bigger the city the more tech it has. The story becomes clear. Illness looks for people in the places where their biology is weakest and nature strengthens your biology. Health - Mom & Dad Are Splitting Up3/17/2019 Click here to go to post, ThanksThis started as a My Thoughts Blog but I think the deeper implications are very relevant to the conversation of health
Dopamine In The Modern Age3/13/2019 If everyone gets an award you then there's no motivation for people to be driven enough to have new ideas or reach for greater accomplishments. This is the modern story of dopamine. This blog post is a my take on dopamine. It is a simplification and is largely rooted in my own experience but hopefully it will be some good food for thought. I spoke a lot about dopamine and serotonin in the neuro-genesis vs depression series so check that out in the categories if this is interesting to you. I am a dopamine addict. How do I know? Earlier in life I loved coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol. No interest in THC; it doesn't play on dopamine. Dopamine dominant people tend to be driven. These are the people that feel good when they accomplish things. They are also the people that non-dopamine dominant people tell to relax and just be happy. Dopamine in excess converts to adrenalin. This often makes dopamine dominant people anxious and they will often push themselves to exhaustion and crash. In modern times guess what spikes light. In nature blue light is always balanced with other frequencies of light and is mostly partnered with red light. If dopamine is blue light then serotonin (the relax and be happy neuro-transmitter) is similar to red light. Nature perfectly built the system so that blue is more present in morning leading up to noon and red is more present going down to evening. Makes sense so that you get up and go in the morning and start to wind down and relax in the evening which is why people have used fire light after dark for thousands of years. In nature you see the most blue light at night on full moons. Luna = Lunar...Lunatic so you can see that blue light without the red has an effect. I will also say fats (keto) lean more toward dopamine and carbs lean toward serotonin. So as you eat you may want to have more fat and protein in the morning and more carbs in the evening. I've talked about Inuit traits before and when it's cold you need to be more driven to get up and get the things you need to survive but in high light environments carbs are far more abundant because survival is much easier based on the light environment. Hopefully you are starting to see how light needs to be the lens you look at the world through. Our modern tech is all blue. What does this do? It stimulates you. It causes the brain to get a dopamine spike. Dopamine is excitatory. Dopamine is not good or bad, it is a tool your brain uses to help you navigate life. It is the reward you get from accomplishment so there's a big problem with dopamine in modern times. In my life when I was inducing dopamine release from chemicals or from light I was simultaneously teaching my brain that dopamine comes from the environment outside my head. This is significant because you can also get dopamine spikes from your thought environment inside your head. A proper functioning dopamine pathway can be excited from outside stimulus but also when you have a good idea, when you learn, or when you problem solve in your mind: what I'm calling the inner dopamine pathway. Putting LED lights in schools...? Think that encourages learning? Nope! Parents please think about this. If your kids are spiked under blue light all day at school you may want to consider having red light waiting for them at home. Over-stimulation from outside stimulus like blue light, alcohol, ect diminishes your inner dopamine pathway. I am still a dopamine junkie but now I'm hooked on learning and have retrained my dopamine pathway to give me rewards for having realizations and new ideas. This causes me to need chemical dopamine release far less. If a person can't get inner pathway dopamine from new ideas or mental accomplishment then they will not be excited about learning. Instead they will be glued to a blue lit screen. This is the equivalent of a person watching lots of porn and then not being able to get excited sexually when a real person is in front of them. I'm saying that the screens and lights in our environment are altering our neurotransmitter function to remove the ability to benefit from learning, leading to....less learning. I have seen this in my own life as I now crave new ideas the way I once craved alcohol and cigarettes. In the same way blue light is more in the morning and less in the evening; always balanced by red light in different levels depending on the time of day, artificially increasing dopamine causes an imbalance with serotonin. So what do people get....? Depressed. What happens when they get depressed> They take SSRI's which boost serotonin. I'm not saying this is bad, I'm shining a light on the process so maybe people who struggle with depression also look at the environment they are in while they get help. This way medicine will be for a short time verses a life sentence. Remember that if you break a bone you use a cast until it heals, but if you leave cast on for years the arm underneath will shrivel up from lack of use making it even harder to go without the cast. In the porn example this is akin to the person who can't get turned on from porn now taking Viagra. See how this is a complete mis understanding of the environmental factors on brains? Our medicine needs to be the exception not the rule. Our external dopamine spikes also need to be the exception and not the rule. Nature must be the rule. I have developed a type of list of low dopamine traits to determine how much information to give a person, looking to see if they spark at all for new ideas. Giving lots of information to a low dopamine person is like yelling at a person who is hard of hearing. If you'd like to know, ask. So pay very close to what chemicals you consume. Pay attention to the light environment you are in and what thought pathways your are digging in your day to day. A low dopamine person would be someone who can't stimulate their dopamine with thought, so tune in. If you are unmotivated and not excited about learning you may need to remove the things in your life that are externally exciting so that you can have a dopamine margin to use on learning. And yes, anything you expose the brain to for a prolonged period of time effects it and in many cases if you take it you won't make it so try to use substances incrementally as the exception and not the rule or you run the risk being a low dopamine person. Having new realizations and learning is hard work and we need dopamine to be reserved as the reward for hard work. If dopamine comes easy its value goes down. If everyone gets a star no one does. Electrons Explained In A Letter3/10/2019 This is a letter after returning from EXPO West, the big natural foods show in Orange County. It was pretty crazy but I had a great talk with a CEO PHD of an othomolecular product producer. After I wrote the letter I thought I would share it as it has a good explanation of the various topics I often discuss in a very condensed way. If you read this and understand it you will see the deep implications. If you need any clarity, please ask. Hi, this is Rob Alexander. We spoke at Expo about electrons and electron chain transport. I very much enjoyed our conversation and have a number of ideas and questions about these things. Mostly understanding the electron as a particle/wave contained in an orb expressed in a unidirectional magnetic field. I see electrons as electric spark (aka charge / light) that express various frequencies much like sunlight expresses various frequencies throughout the day. This would establish frequency-based circadian biology on the mitochondrial level as the electron coverts itself into chemical martial biology through the process of electron chain transfer, creating water to act as a battery for the charge that would expand and contract based on the heat from the charge. So, as I understand it, electrons would not be created equal in the same way that morning light from the sun is different than evening light even though both are light. This is also effected very much by the unidirectional magnetism in the environment that would provide a field for the electric to be expressed. So the light and magnetic environment would influence the electron (light) on the subatomic level. Now the NAD shuttle for electrons within the electron chain transfer if inflated through supplementation would potentially distort the process of the chain as the people very exited about NAD are not talking much about the electron (electromagnetic charge expression) that is directly effected by the environmental (frequency) environment where this process is taking place. I suspect this understanding of light and magnetism influences in the environment (altering the frequency expression of electrons) will be as much of a shift as epi-genetics was to genetics and these two also interact. This would also show that the health effects of non-native electo-magnetic frequencies (nNEMF) from wifi and tech have massive negative biological effects, especially on mitochondria dense parts of the body (the brain and heart). I think we are already seeing this and I have begun to focus all my attention on this understanding. It explains not only the trends in the health industry (keto, DHA and other Inuit traits which historically boosted mitochondrial function in low light environments), but the illnesses that are becoming prevalent in our society, especially in high tech environments aka high population areas. I have a few ideas about ways to support these systems naturally but am very careful to use chemistry to adjust mechanisms in the body that are powered by the physics of light/time. I haven't mentioned my concerns about deuterium content in the supplemental mitochondria products that would be earlier in the chain as hydrogen only contains one electron and deuterium as "heavy hydrogen" could act as thick oil in the mitochondria. The environmental component is that sunlight depletes deuterium in nature which is why high light environments like the equator have plants that shed their deuterium through the fruit where low light environments up north do not have plants or deuterium foods. This would mean that a persons light environment (deuterium depletion environment) would have a different effect from say an NAD pill that contains deuterium. The theory is that many supplements contain a massive amount of deuterium as hydrogen is half the weight and falls off in the processing. This is an aspect of why highly processed foods are bad, typically high carb - meaning high deuterium- foods that have the hydrogen stripped and the deuterium left behind becoming doubly back in terms of the mitochondrial effect. I have not found any supplement makers even taking this into account in the production process.
In any case, this has been a simplification as I'm sure you know each piece goes deep but it has very far reaching implications especially because light and tech environments are not typically taken into account in hospitals or alternative health facilities, gyms, etc. I would love feedback on these ideas as you are far more educated than I am. I'm just trying to make sense of various ideas as I learn how to navigate my own health and increase my redox potential (net negative charge aka electron retention, also understood as light retention). Thanks again and hope we can connect. Super Foods - When & Where3/4/2019 In the alternative health world there are several popular terms that I like many heard and used without putting the word in its proper context or even understanding it. Some examples are Nutrition - without a mention of light Detox - with out a mention of redox potential (net negative charge, toxins are positively charged) Juicing - without any mention of water quality (not taken into account for organic or not) Alkalize the body - Different parts are different ph's so which part? the stomach is very acidic and needs to be and on and on but today I'll be talking about SuperFoods A term used by so many companies to market their products when there is no regulation what so ever on what a super food is. Name any food that is even remotely viewed as healthy and it has probably been called a superfood. Yesterday I did a talk called "What should I eat?" and the goal was to change the conversation from what to first asking where and when. If you have followed any of these blogs hopefully you have picked up on my focus being light and light telling time. (if not see the past few blogs) So where is the question what is the light environment and when asks what time (season, day, life cycle ect) time is dictated by light. Super foods, as I remember when I first started hearing the term, where typically where exotic things like gogi berries or acai bowls. Now it seems that super foods have turned into entire categories like greens. So now we can really put some things in context. Foods that grow in high light environments tend to have high amounts of anti oxidants and vitamin c for example. Makes sense as these are plants and plants convert light into sugars and sugars compete with vitamin C so the more sugar you eat the more vitamin C you need and the anti oxidants prevent the fruit from oxidizing super fast because sugars are not very stable and have a lot of water in them compared to something further up the food chain like an egg. Nature doesn't make mistakes but if the acai is shipped to another environment the light that it took in from photosynthesis is re expressed in the body possibly causing a circadian glitch if someone eats it where it does not grow. Many plants like in the vitamin C example contain the benefit that of sets the negative aspect of that plant. Now people are starting to call everything from wheat grass to chia seeds (the chia seems particularly silly to me) but so many people are simply googling super food this or that and never asking those two important questions about light and time Where am I and When is it. The Inuit should probably not be eating tons of gogi berries. Here is a fun realization that is experiential in my own life.
I myself love cacao, it has been called a super food as it has a number of benefits one being a very high PQQ content and PQQ is a substance that has been shown increase the production of new mitochondria (the engines that power cells so very very important to focus on them) Cacao tends to come from an area that has high unidirectional magnetism. High Unidirectional Magnetism increases the charge on the electron that in short increases the power output in the mitochondria to power all the cells which them increases the function of ALL your bio chemistry. If I lost you on that it doesn't matter the take away is that now I'm saying cacao will have a different effect not only based on light but on the magnetism in the area it is consumed. So I got a Magnetico Sleep Pad (see the blog on that HERE) which alters my magnetism environment. I found myself craving cacao and feeling the benefits more. My theory (and it's just a theory) is that altering my magnetic environment to more closely resemble the environment where cacao comes from allows me much greater benefit from it. Meaning it was a food and then it became a "superfood" for me based on magnetism. Totally changes the conversation of superfoods to questions about environment. Food is tricky that way. I would also say that food grown under junk, fake light is very different that the naturally grown and foods with good water are very different than those with bad water. In the same way grass fed cows are different than grain fed. People seem to apply this to animals and not plants when plants are fed light and water. In same way Lions Mane, one of my favorite substances for brain and nervous system health, has been used for a very long time but now my theory is that it will become a "superfood" not based on the light or magnetism environment like the previous examples but because of the tech environment. Mushrooms handle unnatural electro magnetic frequencies well. We are now being bombarded by EMF's that are having a massive negative effect on health so a mushroom the interacts with the nervous system (which is very negatively affected by EMF) may prove to be a very important tool based on the tech environment. Also just a theory. Hopefully we are giving things context instead of just throwing blanket statements about foods that may be "super" in one place and time and not in another. I will say that in my world (not yours or anyone else's) cacao, lions mane, salmon, eggs, grass-fed beef and raw milk, olive oil and a few key others are my primary foods and they are super for me in the place and time. If I take a trip down south you may see me eating acai. Health Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.