Definitions - Quantum Health Revisited6/16/2019 Over two years ago, out of desperation, I shifted my focus away from the traditional ideas being pushed in health like nutrition and chemicals to a more quantum perspective. At the time my heart was beating out of time with my body, I was terrified and many other aspects of my heath were getting worse. I was doing everything "right". I was spending every penny I had on trying to figure out my situation. I was also sleeping on a wall with 5 smart meters on the other side of it. Once I realized the dangers of this I quickly moved and purchased a Magnetico Sleep Pad. This started me down the path of quantum health: asking where does chemistry come from. I soon realized electromagnetics is the real source of life both in my body and everywhere else. The beginning of this site before I started the blog or really built the content was this doc which can be found on the Health Resources page. I have updated it slightly as I have learned a massive amount of info since then. I hope this helps to redefine some words for you. Please share any questions or comments you may have. Quantum HealthEach person should alter their protocols based on their specific environment
(Example a person in a city is different than a person that is not etc.) It is important to note that in no way negates bio-chemistry, it actually fulfills it. This is the flip side of the same coin. Bio-chemistry tends to be the thing we focus on but we also need to look at what is behind it at what powers it. Many of these topics can be very complex and my goal is to simplify them for better basic understanding. This is just the start of my potential explanation. Energy: People often say they "need more energy" or "that person has good energy" ect. They are referring to actual measurable electrical current in the body. Realize the desire for energy is not chemical, it is electrical (electro-magnetic) and a person with good energy literally contains more light than most others. Definitions Life = light/energy expressed through a vessel (body) Light = energy / information / frequency /time Water = The electrical conductor within a cell created throughout the electron chain transfer process. Magnetism = Increases the charge of electrons (unidirectional) in line with the earth's magnetosphere (a traditional bi-polar magnetic field will pull energy from one place and send it to another and has an acupuncture effect). Electrons = sub-atomic: A particle" that converts itself into the elements through complexity arrangements with other electrons and density shifts. They are electromagnetic and express a frequency called quanta (negatively charged). Electron Video Mitochondria = The powerhouse or engine of the cell where electron transfer takes place. DHA = Converts sunlight to DC electric current and back to light. It is the most concentrated in the eye and then the brain and cells. Exercise = Creates charge through the piezo-electric effect that bio-feeds back to the brain. Sleep = When the body emits a fluctuating frequency to the tissues of the body to tell the new cells what to become (aka healing). Food = Substances that insert electrons of different types (light information) into the gut surfaces. One of three inputs (gut, eye, skin) that tell your body about the environment you are in. Addiction = The search for additional charge. Biology/chemical reactions = (example digestion) Flow from these things into complexity that goes far beyond this document. This is intended to be the foundational understanding of health as energy and energy as light/ information/ electromagnetism. Note- Our bodies use DC (direct current) and work with unidirectional magnetism (in line with the earths natural magnetic field). Wall plugs and technology that's plugged into the grid are set to 60 htz AC (alternating current) and are dissonant with your body's DC. An example of why this is a problem is the flicker effect from a florescent light. It is flickering faster than your eye can see but your brain must still process the switch that is happening 60 times per second. This is a stressor. 3 Primary Surfaces – to receive light: -eye -skin -gut Probiotics = Express light in the gut where sunlight is not present and interact with the light expressed from food. Fluoride = Blocks the semi-conduction of water. Heavy Metals = (unhealthy transition metals) - Alter the charge and communication of the cell and have a positive charge. What is a person = Light filled, electromagnetic receiver/ grounder/ transmitter. We are essentially nature's mobile bio-tech. Love - Positive human interaction/ physical interaction via electron exchange/ sharing light. Spoken word – Frequency from sound that communicates to the tissues of the body. Toxins = Positively charged particles that enter the cell when the sodium potassium pump on the cell wall is not charged. They enter through the calcium channel that is opened as a backup mechanism to keep the cell wall charge balanced, causing calcification over time. nnEMF = Non-native electromagnetic frequencies: Frequency distractions that can enter the body and act as a microwave that dehydrates the cells from the inside out. They cause dissonance within the frequency communications of the body, leading to all sorts of mitochondrial diseases. EMF = Natural electromagnetic frequencies which are emitted from the electrons and in turn the mitochondria, the cell, the organs and us. The sun also emits EMF which powers all life on the planet from the outside. Inflammation = A positive charge imbalance in the body that results in chaos/illness/time mismatch of hormones and chemicals. Ways to lose electrons: – Stress -mental -physical -chemical -electromagnetic / blue light / frequency distortion /NNEMF -environmental Goal of health: -To retain light, gain more electrons than you loose, and increase charge. Ways to Increase Quantum Health Light - Get more full spectrum natural light from the sun in appropriate doses. Light Video Water - Drink non-fluoridated water and eat fat for intracellular water creation. Magnetism - Have higher charge on the electrons that you have (Magnetico Sleep Pad). Electrons - Preserve and get more electrons. Ways to get electrons: -food (healthy fats contain 147atp vs glucose 36atp - this is the simple reason to use fats as fuel) -earthing -sunlight Mitochondria - Anything that increases the function of mitochondria will boost electron transfer and increase energy in the body. Mitochondria Video DHA - Consume high amounts of fish/seafood for increased conversion of sunlight. Exercise - Use motion to engage the piezoelectric effect. Sleep – Guard your eye clock, rest with the moon, wake with the sun. Avoid stressors, toxins, nnEMF. The end goal is to restore the DNA and increase life. We evolved in nature so our bodies know its frequencies but our technology is distorting the frequencies that our body uses to communicate with itself and the environment.
Sleep In The Modern Age6/14/2019 People are not sleeping and as a result they are not healing. The modern world is making it harder than ever to sleep. You might think it's stress making your mind race and your ears ring at night. In a sense it is true, but is more likely a result of the stressors you can't see that are relatively new to our environment. There are a million reasons why people aren't sleeping but here are some big categories to look at: -Light -Tech (wifi) and non-native EMF -Substances -Reduced charge I was Light - The modern tech light environment is telling us to wake up because it is largely excitatory blue light. Street lamps, home lighting, business lighting, and even cars now use predominantly LED lighting with stripped frequency for higher efficiency. The cost of higher efficiency is damage to our biology. We are constantly in front of cell phone, computer, and TV screens but don't seem to realize that light is information as far as our biology is concerned. I have done numerous blogs and talks about light so please check those out. Tech - Tech is another major theme of this site. It is so very difficult to get people to understand what frequencies really are, how they affect us, and how the amount of exposure has grown exponentially. All non-native (unnatural) electromagnetic frequencies (nnEMF) have an effect on or natural frequencies. Our natural frequencies are most active as we sleep in order for our cells to repair. The process of frequency (information) that's expressed over a spectrum to our dividing cells requires a lot of power or charge. So much that we can't be moving around during this process...and this is a major reason why we sleep. All "smart" tech or wireless tech, smart meters, cell phones, wifi, and on and on are affecting us in ways we can't imagine. I was just talking with a client who is receptive to the idea that EMF pollution is an issue and she asked about the signals we are exposed to. I told her to go to the wifi section of her computer and see how many signals her computer (receiver) is picking up. Her jaw dropped as it had not occurred to her that she is being bombarded with all those signals 24 hours a day. Don't get overwhelmed, just allow that feeling to motivate change. The worse the tech environment is, the more we have to do right which is why I'm writing this to you now. Substances- Caffeine - I did a blog about coffee about 2 weeks ago. I since ended my love affair with chocolate and am now 100% caffeine free. In my blog post I explained why caffeine in the modern world has a very different effect than it once did, even just 10 years ago. I have shared my caffeine-free experience with several others and it is amazing how many "I only have one cup" or "I just drink black tea" comments I get as an excuse to continue. It takes weeks for the blood flow to return to normal after just one cup of coffee. Go off 100% of caffeine for a month and you'll be amazed at the withdrawal symptoms you experience. No one with sleep or anxiety issues should be on caffeine. Melatonin - This is a hormone and when you take it you won't make it internally. If you are taking melatonin please consider going off. If you are on caffeine and on melatonin, this will create a snowball effect of problems down the road. Supplementation shouldn't be taken so lightly as it impedes your body's natural ability to produce what is needed in real time. THC - Although it may help you initially fall asleep, any form of THC keeps you from getting into the deeper states of sleep. It can cause major issues to your REM. If you regularly take THC try going off and start a dream journal. I'm confident you will see what I mean after 3-4 weeks of consistency. Alcohol- Any form of alcohol (yes, wine too) is bad news for sleep. The effects of this drug do damage on so many levels especially in the modern tech world we live in. I don't think I need to embellish much here as the effects of alcohol are pretty well established and known at this point. If you want to experience your true sleep potential, get off all these substances 100% for at least a month. Low charge - So many things including all forms of prolonged stress and aging reduce the body's charge. The simplest explanation of aging I can think of is reduced charge potential. The best solution for this besides the info above is a 20 gauss Magnetico sleep pad. I have done a number of posts on this as well. They aren't cheap but if people knew the true benefit it has on sleep and overall health, they would find a way. Magnetico offers interest-free financing on 6 payments over 6 months and I can offer you 15% off with my discount code: ROBA. So many of my friends, family, and clients have purchased one and have all been very grateful they did. You can check them out at the link below. Magnetico Sleep Pad I had to do a sleep post. I am getting next level sleep in a way I have never known. Here is a list of some of the things I do
I kill the breakers in my bed room at night. I sleep on a magneticio sleep pad . I use only candles and salt lamps in the house at night. I wear blue-tech (blue blocker) glasses when driving or exposed to screens at night. I am 100% sober from alcohol, THC, caffeine, and any other mind-altering substances. I use incline bed therapy (raising the head end of the bed up 6") I keep a lot of indoor plants in my home. I have no wifi in my home, out Internet is hard-wired. I turn all devicess and cell phones off or on airplane mode at night. I am now in the process of putting up a custom bed canopy that will shield me from any EMF signals while I sleep. The pre-made canopies on the market are unfortunately not high quality and I don't vouch for any of them. I got a very specific fabric from Sheilded Healing and had it sewn into a canopy. This is a very unique hack and I am very excited to take my sleep, (which has been really amazing) to the next level. I plan on doing a video and blog post on this as soon asI have it all put together. Tech does not sleep and if you are wired in it, neither will you. The best way to get healthy is to get truly restorative sleep and unfortunately I think that's a very rare thing these days. Make it a priority. If you need help with your sleep environment or if you know someone who is struggling with sleep, please share this and/or schedule a consult today. I'd love to help. Consulting How Much Water Should I Drink?2/18/2019 Water is a very complex topic. I will say anyone telling you how much water to drink is just as off base as someone telling you what to eat. If you've been following the blog I've been trying to challenge some commonly supported ideas about food, exercise, time and more. Before I dive into water here is a graphic I made to try to better explain how I see things. It is a simplification so if you are up on deeper science then don't pick it apart. I have found that visuals help in explanation. Hopefully this shows you the story of food as 1 of 3 primary ways we get sunlight into our bodies (there is a lung component but most people aren't covering up this serface so i'm not gonna dive into it) why clothes outdoors, sun block, makeup ect are an issue why sunglasses are an issue why being indoors is an issue A person doing all those things rely totally on food for sunlight intake which is why food has become such a big topic of conversation but shouldn't be if the other issues are addressed. Then you see the levels I often refer to. You, organ, cell, mitochondria, electron chain transfer, electron itself. The lower the level everything above it is effected. Which is why chemical substances are only relevant after the conversation of light, time, and electrons has been had. So this is the beginning and the end of the story. Anyone trying to explain how to play chess that never explains where the board starts and stops is a poor teacher. All the different pieces are contained within this story of light. This where most alt health people mess up. They tell you all about a queen or a knight and how they move not ever explaining the board they move on. I could go on and on with this but the important point on the chart for this is the water. You see it in two places. the environmental water that interacts with you, plants and animals. You also see it in the mitochondria, this is the fountain of youth where water is made inside you. I was recently at a meeting and everyone was drinking celery juice. Apparently there is a health person out there pushing celery juice as the newest cure all. Questions on this? -Is all celery created equal? people know organic verses non organic -Does any organic food take water into account?........No -Would you drink the water going into the celery? probably not if you saw it -Are deuterium levels an issue with juicing?....yes -Are deuterium levels the same in different places?....No -What is deuterium? (I've touched on this a lot in the past) heavy hydrogen that slows down the engines in your cells like thick oil. -In CA where I live by the ocean are deuterium levels higher? ...yes -Is the person pushing celery juice mentioning any of this? ...not as far as I can tell. So juicing depends on location, water used to grow the plant organic or not and of course the light environment and mitochondrial function of the person drinking it. Not to mention the obvious all juicing is is stripping the fiber (aka prebiotics) out increasing the insulin spike from the juice. A camel does well in the dessert without much water. They have very good mitochondria and humps filled with water? fat?....yes. They use the fat in their humps to provide hydrogen and they breath which provides the oxygen. In the mitochondria the process of cellular enegy creation mixes these two making water.
So now you know that a high fat diet may be way less to do with macros or insulin and much more to do with water. The water that is created is fresh and new, it doesn't have high deuterium levels. It think this is why there is a carnivore push in LA going on. They are getting lots of iron that is higher in electrons than magnesium, so red blood vs green plant blood has less of an electron benefit and electrons interact with light but they are also removing the water element from the equation. They are unknowingly depleting the deuterium in their systems and cutting out the junk water. While making good water in their mitochondria and here in CA we are on the coast. Coastal waters are much higher in deuterium than in land so hopefully you see that celery and plants are not all created equal. What depletes deuterium? Light, so now you see I'm not promoting carnivore diets or keto diets as a life style just explaining why one may benefit from it in a specific place. Question anyone pushing juicing of any kind. Ask them about deuterium, ask them about water not being a factor in organic vs non organic plants. No one should be worried about a water filter and not the water in the plants. Here in CA I can pull over and see the pipes they pump the water out of. Ask me if I wanna take a glass of it? Water is a very important topic - here is some help to know if your asking the right person about it. Ask your health practitioners, trainers, health coaches, md's and anyone else you are seeing about their sleep. Being on the inside it is hard to find anyone not consuming thc, alcohol or drugs on a daily basis to sleep. If you don't wanna ask just look at their light environment, their products, their message. If it is not about natural light and time as the canvas the message is painted on chances are you should look for a different health person. Listen for words like nutrition or detox. Ask where nutrition comes from and why some people accumulate toxins and others don't. Where to look? No one knows your environment better than you. Ok practicality Don't drink tap water (most drinks you buy are made with it, if it says filtered water know that a filter is a very loose term) this is coffee, teas, soft drinks ect. Don't drink fluoridated water this effects the water's ability to act as a battery in the cell. Question plants - If you understand that light, time, and water are primary factors in what is food -organic or not organic doesn't address any of these. The more worried about water you are the more you will have to embrace your inner camel. Drink spring water - this depends on your location, do your best. Make high quality water inside the cells Oh and how much water to drink? That depends on how much water you make. As always thank you for being part of my journey. What Exercise Is Best? - The Truth2/14/2019 I'm gonna tell you the single best exercise to do. But first let me tell you about red light therapy. (It is starting to be promoted by people all over the place and by every biohacker that will sell any and every half truth under the sun.) I think red light therapy is a step in the right direction as it draws attention to light but of coarse has its issues. Red light therapy shows the benefits of red light to the body and the benefits are many. Relative to todays topic I'll only pick two Fat loss and testosterone boosting. Both of these quotes are from the Joov web site-
Joov fat loss claims "How Does Light Therapy Work to Reduce Fat? Clinical Research Shows Light Therapy’s Potential for Increasing TestosteroneMedical scientists have been studying the effects of natural light on testosterone production for almost a century. Research over the last decade, and especially the last few years, has been even more illuminating and given the medical community more concrete reasons to believe in light therapy’s potential for increasing male testosterone. "Italian Pilot Study: A 2016 randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study conducted by the University of Siena in Italy evaluated 38 men with a diagnosed low sexual desire. Researchers measured their testosterone levels and separated the men into two groups, with one group receiving a clinical dose of light therapy in the early mornings. In addition to higher sexual satisfaction, the men in the group treated with more light saw their T-levels rise significantly. The control group did not see testosterone rises, but the active light therapy group showed a huge increase from about 2.1 ng/ml to 3.6 ng/ml in just 2 weeks. [2] " If you understand that red light helps with fat loss and testosterone then let me share a secret with you. In nature blue light is offset by red light. Guess what blue light does.......fat gain and testosterone decrease. Yup the opposite of red light therapy is blue light toxicity. Kind of makes everyone at the gym look silly. Any benefit from red light can be flipped backwards to know what blue light from your screens over head lights and the rest is doing. So back to the question what exercise is best. Any motion at all done under natural light. Far better to take a walk in nature than to go break your body down under lights that cause fat gain and test decreases. I could go on and on about the science here but I wanna keep it simple. Movement out doors is the answer....any movement. Whats my problem with Joov? On there adds they say 20 minutes is equivalent to several hours in the sun. If you understand that sun is expressed on a time spectrum and communicates time then you know a fixed light source from an a/c wall plug is no replacement for the sun. But it is a step in the right direction. The more benefit you get from red light therapy the more natural light you need to reset the circadian rhythms. Joov will not help you with fact it may cause even more biochemical circadian confusion as in the long term even if it expresses better chemistry than blue light. (questions the sales people aren't asking or don't wanna loose the pay check) Not my quote but saw it yesterday "you can't out nature, nature" Hint no ones natural environment is pure blue or pure red light. Neither is the solution. One Answer - Infinite Questions2/8/2019 In the Last Blog Post - I tried to answer the question of -What should I eat? - for the entire world while dismissing every diet book, every MD or diet pusher as either wrong or ignorant. Even challenging nutrition itself, studies not taking the light environment into account (and none do). No small task. In that post and the video that followed I tried to draw attention to the aspects of light as time. So food is a container for light that tells us what time it is through our gut. The eye and skin are also taking in light bypassing the gut but accomplishing the same task of allowing light into our bodies. We established that life itself is less about your chemistry and much more about the process of light returning to itself. Light also tells us where we are based on the idea that all environments are established by their light environment. What the temperature is and what grows in the place to support life there is all dictated by the type of light. A dessert, Wisconsin, the rain forest. Of corse there are other environmental factors but your body is constantly acclimating to the environment based on the light and temp which is connected directly to light. So I'm saying food at it's core is light. Location at its core is light. Now for time. Time is light. We have forgotten this. Much in the same way that we are so detached from nature in our food we are detached from natural time. Why? Change the light environment and you cange the time environment both in and outside your body. Light cycles tell us what time it is. Our construct of hours minutes and the rest are not real any more than our languages are. These things are functional ideas that we agree upon. We agree that the symbols I'm typing now have a certain meaning. Maybe you are reading this in the way I intend you to, maybe you are not. Time is based on light cycles. So light is telling our biochemistry what time it is by what light we consume. Food tells us what time it is. Light entering the eye and skin also tells us what time it is. If your clocks are set to natural time your chemistry will express itself properly. People seem to vaguely recognize this but not apply it. Imagine a business that has 200 workers they all work different shifts and do different things. The time clock breaks. How long before they stop showing up. The solution is not hiring more workers. The solution is fixing the time clock. See the significance of this. We have no idea what time it is so we are hiring all kinds of chemicals, pills, devices, drugs, hormones and on and on when these things are often there they just show up at the wrong time so we assume they are gone. They are there, the body container a pharmacy inside it. But if you show up to the pharmacy when It's closed you'll have to look elsewhere. This problem is very profitable for many businesses and bad for us.
You see the more we "hire from the outside" the less incentive the body has to perform these functions. I'm trying to tie together food as light, time as light, location and environment as light. I'm trying to make everything very simple. Guess what is the starting point for heath?.....understanding light. Guess what you should learn about guess what will make the fastest and biggest impact on every aspect of you. Physical, emotional, spiritual, relational all of it. Its all the same story applied in the same way. Everyone in mainstream and alternative health talking about anything that doesn't start with a conversation about light either doesn't know or knows but hasn't found a way to make money off light. Think of your favorite youtube health personality. What are they making content about? Are they talking about broth or aintshit nutrition? Today I saw popular people making videos on cold soars, putting fat in coffee and diet pushing. Whats the problem with this? It distracts us from the task at hand. You see these people are not harmless using a platform to talk about anything in the wrong order or not knowing what it is at its core is taking up space in the minds of sick people that desperately need to hear the truth of natural light. I see things clearly. I also know what it is like to be at the bar sober. As the night goes on it becomes harder and harder to have a conversation with people they don't know it. With this addiction, depression, anxiety, suicide, political polarization, global warming, sickness, obesity and basically everything else can be explained. The sad reality. This message is brushed over. I know this message will not become popular. I know the laws of quantity verses quality. I don't have an agenda I just need the opportunity to be the person that tried to put it out there because that is the type of person I am. Here 's the hard truth. Nobody, I mean no body knows your light environment but you. So you can't ask anyone. It is up to you. Only you know. The only question no one wants to ask is who am I? Instead it is just defaulting to social/emotional/cultural norms to think for you. Telling you who you are, what to buy, how to be. Nature forces you to think critically with the prefrontal cortex. As I write this I stop typing, I rub my hands together. They feel a bit cold at the moment calloused from trying to do more pull ups and the unique ness of my finger tips. Can you imagine asking google or suri or whatever or whatever alt health person or md what do my hands feel like right now? There is nothing new under the sun. It's time. Once you see this truth sunglasses become such a wonderful testament to the modern age. What does it all mean? What are the real ramifications of all this. Look around. It is happening. The older generation is alive because they aren't exposed to the tech the way the children are. Brain development out of time causes major issues. Even the tech biohackers don't understand this, that is why I'm against Quaila (the nootropic) for the same reason I'm against blue light. The nuero hacker collective is distorting a brain that is already most likely set to the wrong time and now has the wrong chemistry so even if the person gets the light right the chemicals can't re balance as a result of the chemical interference. What time is it? Time to get to the absolute. To the answer to every question if you follow it to is logical end or back to its logical beginning without stopping to ask culture. Never ask an addict if you should get sober and very few people are not addicted to the things that make this simple truth so misunderstood. Video Explanation I feel the need to do a post that will finally answer the question, What should I eat? But first a quick break down of food as light. Photosynthesis....sunlight is the start -sunlight makes the plants -then you eat the plant or the animal eats the plant and converts the light into a more stable form and then you eat the animal There is the equator and the poles. Whats the difference? The type and amount of sun light and in turn the environment changes based on that sunlight. In all of human evolution the environment dictated what the people in that environment ate. The Inuit ate high fat, lots of fish (dha) and where cold. Why? It is what the environment provided for them to survive in a place with less light. The fat was a ketogenic fuel source, the dha converted the limited light into d/c electric current in the body to increase their charge and the cold condensed the mitochondria (engines of the cells) to allow for higher energy output. The vegan yogi meditating in the sun all day at the equator is getting a massive amount of natural light through his eyes and skin so he just eats what grows on trees in his environment, lets say its a banana. He doesn't need dha or ketones or to be cold because light is abundant in his environment. Every location in between these two sunlight extremes is on a spectrum and adjusts for season. More like the Inuit in the winter and more like the yogi (eating carbs growing locally) in the summer. Back to the vegan yogi, the banana he eats is made of the light from his environment (photosynthesis). Fast forward to modern times, the banana is still made of sunlight but is shipped north to the Inuit. It is not keto, it does not have dha in fact the light it contains is expressed in his gut telling him that it is a different environment than the one he is is. This causes a circadian glitch aka illness. The What To Eat is completely subject to the Where and the When. But what is trending in modern times? Cold thermogenesis, a focus on DHA and keto/carnivore diets. These are Inuit characteristics. Why? Simple the Inuit didn't get much sunlight and so in modern life the person in the north at the equator and everywhere in between are indoors under fake light and getting blasted with blue light from their screens. They all have to live more like the Inuit and less like the equator yogi. I live on the central coast of California so a young vegan on the beach soaking up sun in nature all day worrying mostly about which instagram pic to post to promote a vegan diet can be vegan. But where I grew up in Rochester NY (one of the cloudiest places in the country) does not have the same type of vegan population it does have obesity issues because the population is consuming the wrong (light) food for their environment. They gotta get more Inuit there....less light. You think these guys should be eating the same diet? You think the paleo version of them ate the same diet? Anyone preaching a what to eat that is not attached to a question of where and a when either doesn't know why we eat or is trying or sell you something or both. Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, Blood type, vegan or any other diet that is a one size fits all is wrong. It is just wrong. Some of these diets are particularly silly based on the hopefully obvious points I have made. Blood type was never a consideration in all of human history but all those diets get you off processed food and so they improve people. Any diet that gets you off the standard American diet will help for a time. This is why short term vegan diets (most don't last or involve cheats - in my experience the vegan "guru" I had was eating quietly eating salmon the whole time because they swim up stream to die and are in turn vegan....wish he would have told me sooner) My favorite is the story of the historical Vegan Inuit tribe in the north, which one the dead one...they starved.. The real game changer is if you understand that food is just a way to get light into your body it raises questions about covering up your skin (solar panel) and even worse wearing sunglasses (the direct sunlight window to your brain. If you block those to entry points for light you have to eat more food to make up for the deficiency. Nature did not make a mistake when it covered every inch of you is a coat that absorbs light. Even when your eyes are covered the lids absorb light....not a mistake. What do I eat? The What is completely determined by When and Where. We are all in nature less than we were during our evolution so we all have to live more like the Inuit. Local/seasonal slanted toward keto/carnivore/ seafood based on natural light environment and amount of exposure to it. Doesn't matter how sunny it is in your environment if your skin is covered, you've got sun glasses on and your eating food that tells you the wrong light time. You might be an Inuit at the equator. Imagine determining how many layers of clothing a person should wear as a blanket statement. I'm on the no coat lifestyle....You are wrong, I'm part of the winter coat life, see it says so on my coat. It would be ridiculous the first question would be how cold is it and that cold is determined by.....sunlight because thats where it all starts and ends and back again. What about junk food? Junk food is junk for at least one of a few reasons. It doesn't contain light (processed food) It is a mix of fats and carbs (nature doesn't do that) It contains unnatural substances tells your body its the wrong time. This last one means that junk food may not be junk food year round or may be junk for one person and not another. This was motivated by a FB group that has a protocol for everyone and my point to that group is - your protocol should be based on your environment. Any alt health practitioner or personality preaching a one size fits all protocol doesn't know. I couldn't write a diet book but I could write a book about why blanket diets can't work. The more sunlight/nature you get the less food matters. The better your mitochondria work the less food matters. The better your circadian rhythms the less food matters. Please stop thinking that sun light is only important because of vitamin D. Thats like saying you favorite song is only good because of one note that it contains. A dead body and living body are the same chemicals. Whats the difference? One contains light and the other doesn't. It more than vit D, it is life itself. Prove Me Wrong - I ChallengeI refuse to believe that the people writing these books, promoting these diets or suggesting blanket protocols don't know more than me. Please share this with everyone and if you are feeling any cognitive dissonance because you consciously or sub consciously get your identity from what you eat you can
-reread this blog and really sit with it -ask me to explain myself better which I am happy to do (there is far more info to be said about this) -Be pissed and go on having an ego but know that being identified with what you eat is as unfounded as what coat you wear. Nature, your environment and evolutionary biology don't care how you feel about them. The answer is local seasonal but modified based on the fact that we are now dealing with fake light, tech and indoor living. Please share as it appears there are several million people that have no idea what to eat (which is a sad tell about how little they know about our past and where we are going) The conversation about health has to be far less about food and far more about light in all its forms and the avoidance of things that diminish or manipulate that natural light many of which are sold as healthy. As always thanks for being part of my journey. Nutrition, diets, detox, supplements, fat loss, muscle gain, longevity, energy, sleep words often used and seldom understood. I have tried so many different products, diets, devices, ideas in health. There is only one thing besides nature (light ect) that has impacted my health dramatically enough for me to really promote it and try my hardest to educate people about it. You see there is you, you brain, you cells, your mitochondria (which power the cell and electron chain transfer in the mitochondria and then you've hit the sub atomic and we are talking about the land of physics. Don't get lost just know that the deeper you go the everything above it is effected much like going from the leaves of a tree down to the roots. If you know that then when it comes to health you wanna start from the bottom and climb up. Now stay with me I'm trying hard to pack a lot into this and not go too long. The magnetism on earth goes in a cycle (everything in nature goes in cycles which if you realize that the when becomes very important all of a sudden) anyway the nature cycle of magnetism is very low. In fact it is nearing the end of its cycle. At the end there will be a pole shift. There have been nine that we know of so far. This isn't expected to happen for 400 years so don't freak out but freak out a little bit since as magnetism declines so does the charge on the electron. What that means is that life declines with it. In fact when charge declines in studies animals gorge themselves on food to try to make up for it. Right now the earths magnetism is about .5 gauss which is a unit of magnetic measurement. around dinosaur times it was about 300 gauss (ever wonder why they got so big and the environment could sustain them) Like I said I'm keeping this as simple as possible. I have been on this health quest for quite some time and have tried so very many different things. Every pill, diet, gimmick, device I could find until about a year and a half ago. This was when i finally started getting into mitochondrial health. If you follow this blog then you know about mitochondria but I'll try to do a refresher just in case. this is a simplification. The deeper you go into the body the more you effect every level above it. There is you your organs (lets use the brain as an example) your cells your mitochondria (the thing that powers your cells) your electrons The at carry light as charge and tell you time ok so in the mitochondria there is what is called electron chain transfer and this where what I will call physics (light, magnetism ect) takes the leap over the chemistry where the charge converts to ATP (chemical energy) and powers your cells, which power, your brain which powers your body which powers you. Ok I know thats a lot but it no differnt than tracing aa tree from the leaves back to the roots. So everything in your body depends on this process. It is very very important. If that wasn't enough now I'm going to tell you about magnetism. When most people think of magnets they think of a refrigerator magnet or a small magnet. In magnetism there are two types. Bi polar (two sides) Uni directional (one side) I would say that, at least for me the only magnetism I had heard of was bi polar. The earth has poles and has a magnetosphere except it is so big that we ar only ever exposed to one side of the magnetism at a time one side = uni directional. If you put a magnet on your wrist it is small enough that it wraps around and you get exposed to both sides (bi polar) In healing magnetism is very misunderstood because bi polar and uni directional magnetism have very different effects but are both magnetism. This is like in haling and exhaling could both be considered breathing but are very different from each other and if confused will cause problems. Small magnets acts like acupuncture. Its bi polar so one side pulls energy (electro magnetic energy) to the other side this is healing if done like acupuncture for no more than an hour a week. But no one leaves an acupuncture pin in all week long and no one should use some brace or something for healing all week long and no one should sleep on a bi polar mattress all night long. Short term benefit but long term cost. How does nature do it. Uni directional. In fact nasa when they look for life on other planets looks for three things. Light, water and magnetism because theses are the three aspects of physics required to give life to chemistry. Mars for example has light from the sun, so water in the form of magnetism. Its a dead plant. Part of the reason that people aren't jumping on this is because it isn't a simple concept like eat juicing is healthy (which is a misunderstanding at best) but take the time to really learn it. If you understand that boosting unidirectional magnetism will increase every aspect of your health from the mitochondria to the cell to your brain to you. Ok heres the secret the absolute only way I have found to increase unidirectional magnetism is with what is called a magnetico sleep pad. It is not a device that plugs into a wall. it is not a bi polar magnet it is a unidirectional pad that can be as strong as 20 gauss (40x stronger than .5) I don't promote much of anything these days because I know that chemistry comes from physics so anyone selling thing in the chemistry world either doesn't know or doesn't want to (I'm not saying chemistry doesn't matter I am just putting it in its rightful place under physics on where to start for health. What does the magnetico do? It boosts all your bio chemistry ....yup every bio chemical function is improved. I could start listing off stuff but its a very long list. I will say that when people say they need more energy they think of chemicals but really need more actual electro magnetic energy. For me the big stand outs. I have bad mitochondrial function so no matter how healthy my chemistry was I didn't have the energy to get the benefits. For example the cells charge is maintained witha sodium/potasium pump that is electromagnetically charged. When charge is low this pump shuts off and the cell (as an emergency survival mechanism) open up a calcium channel with it comes positivly charged toxins into a cell. This why one person gets toxic and another doesn't both may be exposed to the same toxin but one has low charge and the other doesn't. After years of struggling with toxicity issues and trying everything under the sun no one ever told me this. I got a magnetico and I never have to use the word detox again. This id just one example as detox products are so prevalent in the market. The other major piece is wifi. If you know what happens when you sleep certain cells in your brain send out a spectrum frequency to your dividing cells telling them what to become. When you have nnemf (non native electromagnetic frequency aka wifi signals) around you when you sleep the cells can't make out the signal. People are starting to pic up on this and getting away from wifi is a great idea except that the entire world is upping the wifi and 5g is just the next level of this. What does it mean? It means we will not heal, we will age faster, our brains will not work as well, ect. We will have a faster internet connection for a shorter life. The magnetico boosts the strength of you signal so that you can compete with the wifi. Wifi is bad no matter what but the magnetico is the only real natural way I have found to help with this (I have considered so many options and would love to discuss this more with others) I could go on and on about this so if you have made it this far and have more questions please contact me and ask. The magnetico isn't cheap. It will last the rest of your life with no additional cost. I am not a wealthy person and I made this a real priority and I can tell you that of all the aspects of health I have come across the only thing (besides natural light and other aspects of nature) is naturally increased uni directional magnetism using a magnetico. If you are reading this thank you so much for getting this far. This really is the most important health tool I have ever found and I wanted to use it for a prologed period of time and really test it out for myself. i am so glad I did. I hesitantly sign up to be a reseller. I want people to get the 15% discount I offer but didn't want people to think I was just pushing a garbage product like so many others. I believe in magnetico and believe that in the future people with one will live and everyone else will, well, try to live. Click on the this link for the discount or say Rob Alexander and call in. You can try for 6 months if you don't like it send it back. Please consider this for you and your family. My hope is not only that you will get a magnetico but help to promote real health solutions in an industry filled with deception. Link For DiscountHealth Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.