1 Year and 112 Blogs Later.....8/19/2019 1 year ago on August 29, 2018, I started this blog. The first post was an update about losing weight, starting at 212 and eventually dropping down to 166, which is probably too light for my frame but I wanted to see how light I could get. I have now leveled off at 180 and feel like I've really learned and mastered how my system works. Intermittent fasting has been a fantastic tool in my process. Looking back through the blog I realize I've learned so much. The early posts are somewhat embarrassing and I disagree with a lot of the things I thought back then. Specifically, I am far more geared towards nature and only consuming natural substances. I no longer take many of things I suggested early on. It is exciting to go back and see some of the deeper realizations I have come to understand since I began. Some of my favorite blog posts are: The Neuro Genesis Series Health - Mom And Dad Are Splitting Up Magnetic Feminism - The Canvas Life Is Painted On Many people in the health world are affraid to admit when they change positions. This often keeps them from learning new things. I have been committed to learning over the past year so I don't get stuck repeating things off of incorrect information & sources. Here are some things that have changed for me from some of my earlier blog posts. - I am no longer supplementing with a lot of the supplements I initially pushed like lithuim oritate. - Deuterium is way less of an issue and is harder to measure than I thought when I first got exposed to the info. - I have not taken my second telomere test yet and my first results were dismal - most likely from infant trauma and years of heavy smoking, drinking and metal poisoning. I will get them retested this fall (one year out) to see the results. - I did a blog on vitamin C. I made the case that the less sugar you eat the less vit C you need. Last week I was introduced to the work of Doris Loh. She does an amazing job of explaining the electron donor effect of ascorbic acid in the body and using it as a powerful tool to establish redox and fight the oxidation effects of wifi and 5G. I was convinced to start taking 6 or more grams of ascorbic acid every day in incremental doses. She even addressed the deuterium concern. This is a big change from my blog so I'm happy to make this update. This blog started with me on a 6 month weight loss program I put together to get myself out of a rut at 212 pounds. I got all the way down to 166 last December (2018). I was proud of this but was too light at 166 so I set out to pack on some muscle. I was killing it, and then hurt my back. This set me back for a few months, but I'm back at it now. For the past several months I have hovered around 180 and am now increasing my strength. I feel like I have been able to figure out what my body responds to and can loose weight or gain strength when I want. I highly doubt I'll ever go back to the fat person I was before I started the blog a year ago. There is so much mis-information out there about weight loss and I am happy to have tools like intermittent fasting, carb cycling, lifting, fasted cardio, split days, and other tactics to recover like magnesium baths, the magnetico sleep pad, and nature. One of the biggest changes I have made that I can't emphasize the importance of enough is quitting caffeine. It has now been 11 or 12 weeks, (I've stopped counting). My sleep has improved but more importantly my anxiety has greatly diminished. I used to have very anxious thoughts and was constantly using caffeine to spike me up followed by intense crashes. Way too many highs and lows. I am very happy about how this has progressed. I have done some talks that can be found HERE. Thanks for being part of my process.
David Goggins is destroying the idea that everyone should get a star. This inspiring story of abuse converted into strength will motivate you but hopefully more than that it will show you that there is no excuse not to be better every day. I have overcome a lot in my life and most recently quitting caffeine and continuing to push my own mental and physical boundaries found this book at the perfect time. I got the audio book and strongly encourage you to do the same. In between the chapters David and the reader discuss what has happened, giving additional incites, stories, and also getting to hear the voice of the man that has done so many amazing things. David Goggins has come from low places to become a navy seal, a world record holder, and an ultra marathon runner along with many other accomplishments. Beyond all that lies his greatest accomplishment: mastering his own mind. This book gives 10 challenges as to how you too can become hard and start to do things that you may have talked yourself out of in the past. The first Challenge is to publicly state your bad hand. To write out where you came from and here is mine. Rob Alexander 20 hrs My Bad Hand:
Now: 11 years sober, fit, and confident. I now write a weekly blog about health topics and addiction. I am glad to have this book and to hear everyones success stories. Stay Hard #CantHurtMe _______________________________________________ Update- Thanks for all the comments and encouragement. This group is filled with amazing people. I am more committed than ever to continue to push harder despite what others may say about it being "extreme". Fell free to friend request me or reach out. So glad to know there are others out there going hard as this path is not one many people walk. Share your challenges and your victories! So many people are over coming obsticles based on this "no excuses" mentality that the book portrays so strongly. After posting My Bad Hand on a facebook group based on the book, I got hundreds of likes and so many very encouraging comments....zero negativity. Here is the group link. If you get the book or audio version and are on FB I encourage you to join and see the amazing things people just like you and me are doing everyday. In my life I have often been called extreme and after reading this book I don't feel extreme or alone in my thirst for self-mastery. I have the motivation to do something everyday that I didn't want to do. For me this book was right after a long withdrawal from caffeine, the last of my chemical addictions (10 weeks today) But I have been pushed even harder. Keeping up with my running and lifting, cold showers, and intermittent fasting, stretches, breathing techniques and a number of other protocols that feed me in my self-mastery quest. But above all I am challenging the thinking that says "why more?". I already do a number of healthy things that a "normal" person would think are too much and not balanced enough. This book reminds me who I am when no one is watching and where I came from. I don't want to give away too many details from the book as I am hoping that you go and read or listen to it for yourself. There are so many fake people in the health and wellness world. I have been amazed at some of them using religion, steroids, a marketing machine, or any number of other tools to give the impression that they are someone you should listen to. This has turned me off of so many products, people, and programs. Finally a person like David Goggins shows up and says "I'm not special and neither are you". Push your self toward your passion. For me my journey of self-mastery involves my mind and body as I continue to learn about the the things that make me and everyone else tick and I hope to share more people like this with you....if I can find them.
The limits of human potential are unknown. We have so much inside us that we don't have the energy to power or the knowledge to unlock. Play the slow game and learn or do one more thing every day. Seek out people that celebrate your victories instead of discouraging your process. They are rare but worth it. Quit your addictions to substances, thinking, and laziness. Set a high standard for yourself and others. This will make your life one of quality even though it may be lonely at times. The crowds typically won't do the hard things. If you find yourself doing what everyone else is doing then you have to go harder to be exceptional. Self esteem is earned. The Biggest Tree In The World8/13/2019 Angela and I recently took a trip up to the Sequoia Forest here in California. This forest is home to a famous grove of massive trees. The one we are standing in front of is called General Sherman, and it is the largest tree in the world. Yes, in the world. There is no way to describe just how large this tree is, and pictures don't do it justice. These massive Squoia trees have red, fuzzy bark. We both commented on how they look fake, almost like cartoons compared to the much smaller "normal" sized trees in contrast. It is hard to imagine a living thing that has been sustaining life for over 2,000 years. I was amazed at how clean the air was and how cool it was walking through the forest. I was so happy to see these trees considering so many aspects of nature we often take for granted are fading away at an increasing rate. We must do what we can to protect these amazing natural antennas. What most people don't realize is that trees are literally natures' wifi. Not only do they create oxygen and alter temperatures, they also absorb negative frequency and put off natural frequencies that benefit human health on a sub-cellular level. As wifi and 5G explode all around us in our modern world, they bombard us with destructive frequencies. Now is the time to surround ourselves with as many trees as possible. If you don't believe that trees interact with negative frequencies then take a moment to realize that trees must be cut down around 5G towers because they disrupt (or absorb rather) the powerful 5G signals. The trees depicted above are from the far past and present. Ancient trees that have lived thousands of years and would continue to thrive if left to themselves. Now I will show you some other, not so wonderful trees of the present and future. Nature is being hacked. We are being fooled as the solution to our problems is now the problem itself. Real trees are being cut down and replaced with these fake trees or are hijacked and used as towers to blast unnatural frequencies into the environment and at us, all to power our prevalent wireless tech addiction. Our tech comes with a price. This reminds me of that Dr. Seuss story The Lorax. The story is commonly recognized as a fable concerning the danger that corporate greed poses to nature,[not verified in body] using the literary element of personification to create relateable characters for industry (as the Once-ler), the environment (the Truffula trees) and activism (as the Lorax). - wikapidia Trees will continue to be cut down in urban areas since they are an interference to the tech agenda. They compete with 5G, and here's the kicker: so do we. Trees are hard-wired to the earth and act as receiver-transmitters of frequency. We are nature's wireless receiver transmitters. Humans are electro-magnetic and all the frequencies we are exposed to are effecting our natural frequency, especially when we sleep which is when the brain sends out a spectrum of frequency that communicates to the dividing cells throughout the body of what to become. In other words, unnatural frequencies make us age faster. They stress your cells and any illnesses that you are predisposed to will manifest in your body at a much younger age.
What can you do? -Surround yourself with as much nature as you can. Take off your shoes. -Make getting away from tech a priority in your life. -Hack your home environment to be a safe-haven from all the electro-smog. I can help - Please Contact me if you would like more solutions and details about how to navigate these difficult times. The world is changing fast. Many people will acquire illness like cancer, mental illness, heart attacks, strokes, and sleep issues. There are things you can do but very few in mainstream or alt health know much about frequency and how it actually affects health over prolonged periods of time. As we were driving to the Sequoias, we saw some massive cell towers along the highway in some rural farm towns. We also noticed the billboards in these areas. I kid you not they were for medical help, suicide hotlines, and emergency med-stops. This does not surprise me but many will drive by and not notice that the towers are the reason these areas are suffering from so much illness and suicide to the point of warranting these types of billboards instead of advertising the typical car dealership or fast food chain. It will probably take time and unfortunately many casualties before people start to see what I see. For some it will be too late. I only hope that I can do what I have to in order to hold out until this craziness stops and I hope those tress can withstand the abuse of our tech and 5G. Your body is mapped out in your brain. This explains fantom limb pain. Because the brain is mapped, each part of the body can be moved in connection to its spot on the map. This is fractal, meaning that a smaller version of the whole is contained within it; like Russian dolls. This is an example of fractal intelligence. The idea that every fractal level up and down is infinite and only perceived relative to the observers' point of reference and that by looking closely at any one fractal level you can learn something about every fractal level since the universe is a fractal sequence of variation and repetition. Learn to recognize the repetition and you have the ultimate cheat code in understanding all the different levels. Most people don't like this too much since it's not personal enough and anyone who starts down the path of fractal recognition finds themselves in a fractal loop that goes on forever. You can visualize what I'm referring to if you search "Fractal Zoom" on youtube. You will see that an image starts to zoom in and at some point it zooms back out in a cycle visually representing diving into a deeper fractal level. I have been interested in fractal intelligence for years as I see that it allows me to understand the world optimally as all of nature from your veins, to rivers, to the branches of a tree are all fractally structured. I will not go too far into this cheat code as part of me feels like the true depths of it are off limits to most. It is easy to understand surface fractals but it is another thing to, in a sober state allow your brain to break down the standard limits of perception and go deeper and come back again. I often find it difficult to blog about things without making too much reference to fractal intelligence as it is the presupposition for all me thoughts. If you are interested in fractal intelligence send me a Message. Now let's dive into Cognitive Regression. There is you, then your brain, then the parts of your brain, and down even lower to brain cells, to mitochondria (the power house/engine within the cell), and then electron chain transfer within the mitochondria, and then the electron. This fractal journey is the path to the subatomic. Electrons are electric, so it's not just a clever name. Each electron has a magnetosphere (its own magnetic field) because electricity or spark is always expressed within a magnetic field. When magnetism and electricity get together they give birth to various frequencies. These frequencies can also be called quanta, and this is where we get quantum physics. Another fractal explanation is that quantum physics powers physics, physics powers chemistry, and chemistry makes up your standard biology. If you want to enhance a brain, increase its electrical charge. This literally means increase the strength and number of electrons moving in the mitochondria that power the brain cells that make up the brain which is a mini map of you, that then powers you. To decrease brain function just do the opposite and reduce its charge. How do we reduce brain charge? Simple: expose the frequency emitting electrons within a brain to a multitude of competing dissonant frequencies in the outside environment. The more frequency competition there is, the less able a coherent thought has to be optimally understood and expressed. What I'm really saying is that unnatural frequencies from artificial LED lighting and wifi and smart tech frequencies are causing a global neurological regression. Of course this regression is more pronounced in areas with the most wireless technology in them, such as large cities. We are and will continue to see see people suffer most in high tech areas with high populations. We are the frogs in boiling water and are witnessing and experiencing a massive neurological regression taking place as fast as wifi and 5G are growing. You can't see the frequencies coming off your tech since they are not visible to your eye, but this does not make them any less real. This is a slow boil and you can look to smaller creatures like bees, birds, and even dogs as their smaller systems are affected first (because it's fractal). High tech cities are like the canary in the coal mine. Keep an eye on people in those areas and take note of what you see and hear. I spoke with someone the other day who shared that her 35 year old son-in-law just had a major stroke. The docs have no explanation as to what was the cause and he had no precursors. A few days later I was at a birthday party and my girlfriend's friend in her late 30s was describing an unexplainable stroke she had a few months ago. A friend just this morning tells me he's headed to another funeral as everyone seems to be getting cancer around him. He's in LA, wired up tight with 5G. This is a frequency story, and until we as a society pick up on the clues, strokes and heart attacks will continue to skyrocket because the heart and brain are electromagnetic and are reaching their limits of conflicting frequencies from the growing wireless tech environment. At night the brain sends a natural frequency spectrum to the dividing cells in your body, telling them what to become. If the cells don't get the message they become the wrong thing...like cancer. I could keep going but the real take-away is that before a person has a heart attack or stroke they will see a lot of these now common illnesses: anxiety, depression, addiction, confusion, the inability to sleep well without substances, cognitive decline a wide variety of neurological signs that the person is fading. You will start to see mental illness increase since every thought you have is electro-magnetic. Each person has to decide for themselves what to do with this information. Many reading this blog won't even make it this far as it requires too much neurological margin so they'll return to a lighter blog about how to make the best keto muffins. Others will listen but not know what to do so they'll try to ignore it. A few will take action and thrive in the face of this massive neurological regression we are all facing and witnessing together. Wanna know what to do? Its spcific to you.
Here are some simple suggestions: - Work with me and "rent my brain" To get the specific information you need to know in order to survive and thrive in this rapidly changing environment. Or keep asking your doctor, nutritionist, chiropractor, ect if they know anything about the info contained in this blog, increasing wireless radiation exposure, or even just circadian biology. I don't charge much and the information about altering your environment and habits will be a huge benefit. I put this information out there but if people don't read it or take the opportunity to work with me I simply move on. I have done my part. Motivated people will get results and everyone else will be left wondering what happened. -Get a Magnetico This is the one thing that everyone should get. They are not cheap and they are worth far more than they cost. Ask me why. -Get an EMF home assessment by Bryan Hoyer. Info found in my STORE. - Quit all your substance addictions. This includes caffeine, nicotine, drugs of any kind, alcohol, ect. The age of intoxication is gone. The effects of these substances in the worsening wifi world are increasingly different and more destructive than they were in the past. I have many more suggestions for you but this is a start. I have made these action steps and others a top priority in my life. Wireless tech never sleeps. Now is the time to change and learn. Everyone must take this seriously or keep thinking things are "strange". I don't think they are so strange but rather predictable. Please share this with others. There are so many desperate people out there that are getting info about chemistry-based/nutritional solutions from people who know nothing about physics or quantum physics. I reluctantly quit coffee and then caffeine entirely. Yup, chocolate, mate, tea all of it. Tomorrow I will be 8 weeks 100% caffeine free. I have no doubts about the negative effects of caffeine and have been so happy to see the benefits to my health. My anxiety is largely gone, my sleep is deep, my energy is stable and I'm past the body aches and getting back into working out. The workouts are different as I'm not on stimulants I can have a much more controlled and stable experience. My body composition seems different in subtle ways. I feel like I am healing at a very deep level and it is hard to explain.
I have been 100% drug, alcohol ect free during this process and it has been a true test to my thinking not having a substance as earlier in life I was a heavy drinker and smoker as well as a fat over eater. This has been the first time in my life I have been completely free of any any addictions. No unnatural nootropics, no nicotine, nothing. In some ways it has been amazing and in other ways it has been really frustrating. It has been hard on my moods. I find myself longing for something to help get me through my long days. Wishing I had some distraction from my hard moments. At the same time I feel my nervous system repairing and that I am far less effected things in my environment. In some ways I feel like I can be more strong in myself. I think my nervous system can handle more as I am not spending several hours a day in a parasympathetic dominant state. I miss the ritual of it but how quickly I forget the shakes and racing thoughts. It has allowed me to see just how addicted people are to any number of substances. My strict intermittent fasting has helped me to see this even more clearly. So many health issues that people have make sense when viewed through the lense of addiction. how many people are worried about toxins in their food while drinking caffeine which the liver has to work so hard to process out. When I quit drinking or did my weight loss I really believed that my success would be impressive to others. I wanted to be inspirational overcoming so many obstacles. This was my ego hoping for a reward for my effort. Last year I lost 45 pounds and got very light, I posted my before and after pics. I thought people would see how fat I was or how I grew up fat or learn about my alcoholism and I would end up on Oprah or something. I was wrong. I'm a grown man and I have done my changes for me. There is no prize waiting for you beyond your own self respect. Self respect comes from self discipline and my self respect is worth more to me than anything else I have. I will admit I have had the hardest time with the chocolate. I miss it and that is definitely what seems to call me the most often. I tell myself I can have chocolate again, just not today. I have said it every day. I still get a sensation in my head like the caffeine head ache about every other day. This doesn't hurt and I'm guessing that my brain is continuing to acclimate to the increased blood flow. If you are trying to quit any substance stick with it. It is both important for your health but also for self mastery. No one not even me would have believed what I have over come. With all these physical addictions gone I hope to focus those resources on my inner addictions and weaknesses. Which seems like an even greater task. I see why most never get past the physical struggles as the inner work is like standing in front of a mountain that has to be moved one handful at a time. But I look back at who I was and am so proud of the things I have learned and who I have become. My progress keeps pushing me further and further toward my goal of self mastery and truly being aware. you8 don't know who you really are until you are standing with no crutches. As always my favorite quote (I don't know the source) "You never know if the problem you face is fundamentally unsolvable or if you are one step away from solving it." The quote haunts me as the failures and things I have given up on may have been so close to complete so keep going. How sad to quit right before you strike gold. I'm going to keep going. Health Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.