Your body is mapped out in your brain. This explains fantom limb pain. Because the brain is mapped, each part of the body can be moved in connection to its spot on the map. This is fractal, meaning that a smaller version of the whole is contained within it; like Russian dolls. This is an example of fractal intelligence. The idea that every fractal level up and down is infinite and only perceived relative to the observers' point of reference and that by looking closely at any one fractal level you can learn something about every fractal level since the universe is a fractal sequence of variation and repetition. Learn to recognize the repetition and you have the ultimate cheat code in understanding all the different levels. Most people don't like this too much since it's not personal enough and anyone who starts down the path of fractal recognition finds themselves in a fractal loop that goes on forever. You can visualize what I'm referring to if you search "Fractal Zoom" on youtube. You will see that an image starts to zoom in and at some point it zooms back out in a cycle visually representing diving into a deeper fractal level. I have been interested in fractal intelligence for years as I see that it allows me to understand the world optimally as all of nature from your veins, to rivers, to the branches of a tree are all fractally structured. I will not go too far into this cheat code as part of me feels like the true depths of it are off limits to most. It is easy to understand surface fractals but it is another thing to, in a sober state allow your brain to break down the standard limits of perception and go deeper and come back again. I often find it difficult to blog about things without making too much reference to fractal intelligence as it is the presupposition for all me thoughts. If you are interested in fractal intelligence send me a Message. Now let's dive into Cognitive Regression. There is you, then your brain, then the parts of your brain, and down even lower to brain cells, to mitochondria (the power house/engine within the cell), and then electron chain transfer within the mitochondria, and then the electron. This fractal journey is the path to the subatomic. Electrons are electric, so it's not just a clever name. Each electron has a magnetosphere (its own magnetic field) because electricity or spark is always expressed within a magnetic field. When magnetism and electricity get together they give birth to various frequencies. These frequencies can also be called quanta, and this is where we get quantum physics. Another fractal explanation is that quantum physics powers physics, physics powers chemistry, and chemistry makes up your standard biology. If you want to enhance a brain, increase its electrical charge. This literally means increase the strength and number of electrons moving in the mitochondria that power the brain cells that make up the brain which is a mini map of you, that then powers you. To decrease brain function just do the opposite and reduce its charge. How do we reduce brain charge? Simple: expose the frequency emitting electrons within a brain to a multitude of competing dissonant frequencies in the outside environment. The more frequency competition there is, the less able a coherent thought has to be optimally understood and expressed. What I'm really saying is that unnatural frequencies from artificial LED lighting and wifi and smart tech frequencies are causing a global neurological regression. Of course this regression is more pronounced in areas with the most wireless technology in them, such as large cities. We are and will continue to see see people suffer most in high tech areas with high populations. We are the frogs in boiling water and are witnessing and experiencing a massive neurological regression taking place as fast as wifi and 5G are growing. You can't see the frequencies coming off your tech since they are not visible to your eye, but this does not make them any less real. This is a slow boil and you can look to smaller creatures like bees, birds, and even dogs as their smaller systems are affected first (because it's fractal). High tech cities are like the canary in the coal mine. Keep an eye on people in those areas and take note of what you see and hear. I spoke with someone the other day who shared that her 35 year old son-in-law just had a major stroke. The docs have no explanation as to what was the cause and he had no precursors. A few days later I was at a birthday party and my girlfriend's friend in her late 30s was describing an unexplainable stroke she had a few months ago. A friend just this morning tells me he's headed to another funeral as everyone seems to be getting cancer around him. He's in LA, wired up tight with 5G. This is a frequency story, and until we as a society pick up on the clues, strokes and heart attacks will continue to skyrocket because the heart and brain are electromagnetic and are reaching their limits of conflicting frequencies from the growing wireless tech environment. At night the brain sends a natural frequency spectrum to the dividing cells in your body, telling them what to become. If the cells don't get the message they become the wrong cancer. I could keep going but the real take-away is that before a person has a heart attack or stroke they will see a lot of these now common illnesses: anxiety, depression, addiction, confusion, the inability to sleep well without substances, cognitive decline a wide variety of neurological signs that the person is fading. You will start to see mental illness increase since every thought you have is electro-magnetic. Each person has to decide for themselves what to do with this information. Many reading this blog won't even make it this far as it requires too much neurological margin so they'll return to a lighter blog about how to make the best keto muffins. Others will listen but not know what to do so they'll try to ignore it. A few will take action and thrive in the face of this massive neurological regression we are all facing and witnessing together. Wanna know what to do? Its spcific to you.
Here are some simple suggestions: - Work with me and "rent my brain" To get the specific information you need to know in order to survive and thrive in this rapidly changing environment. Or keep asking your doctor, nutritionist, chiropractor, ect if they know anything about the info contained in this blog, increasing wireless radiation exposure, or even just circadian biology. I don't charge much and the information about altering your environment and habits will be a huge benefit. I put this information out there but if people don't read it or take the opportunity to work with me I simply move on. I have done my part. Motivated people will get results and everyone else will be left wondering what happened. -Get a Magnetico This is the one thing that everyone should get. They are not cheap and they are worth far more than they cost. Ask me why. -Get an EMF home assessment by Bryan Hoyer. Info found in my STORE. - Quit all your substance addictions. This includes caffeine, nicotine, drugs of any kind, alcohol, ect. The age of intoxication is gone. The effects of these substances in the worsening wifi world are increasingly different and more destructive than they were in the past. I have many more suggestions for you but this is a start. I have made these action steps and others a top priority in my life. Wireless tech never sleeps. Now is the time to change and learn. Everyone must take this seriously or keep thinking things are "strange". I don't think they are so strange but rather predictable. Please share this with others. There are so many desperate people out there that are getting info about chemistry-based/nutritional solutions from people who know nothing about physics or quantum physics.
Magnetic Theory In The PM7/12/2019 This was a blog I posted in the My Thoughts Blog but I also wanted to present it here. This is an interesting idea about the effect of magnetism on sleep. Click HERESleep In The Modern Age6/14/2019 People are not sleeping and as a result they are not healing. The modern world is making it harder than ever to sleep. You might think it's stress making your mind race and your ears ring at night. In a sense it is true, but is more likely a result of the stressors you can't see that are relatively new to our environment. There are a million reasons why people aren't sleeping but here are some big categories to look at: -Light -Tech (wifi) and non-native EMF -Substances -Reduced charge I was Light - The modern tech light environment is telling us to wake up because it is largely excitatory blue light. Street lamps, home lighting, business lighting, and even cars now use predominantly LED lighting with stripped frequency for higher efficiency. The cost of higher efficiency is damage to our biology. We are constantly in front of cell phone, computer, and TV screens but don't seem to realize that light is information as far as our biology is concerned. I have done numerous blogs and talks about light so please check those out. Tech - Tech is another major theme of this site. It is so very difficult to get people to understand what frequencies really are, how they affect us, and how the amount of exposure has grown exponentially. All non-native (unnatural) electromagnetic frequencies (nnEMF) have an effect on or natural frequencies. Our natural frequencies are most active as we sleep in order for our cells to repair. The process of frequency (information) that's expressed over a spectrum to our dividing cells requires a lot of power or charge. So much that we can't be moving around during this process...and this is a major reason why we sleep. All "smart" tech or wireless tech, smart meters, cell phones, wifi, and on and on are affecting us in ways we can't imagine. I was just talking with a client who is receptive to the idea that EMF pollution is an issue and she asked about the signals we are exposed to. I told her to go to the wifi section of her computer and see how many signals her computer (receiver) is picking up. Her jaw dropped as it had not occurred to her that she is being bombarded with all those signals 24 hours a day. Don't get overwhelmed, just allow that feeling to motivate change. The worse the tech environment is, the more we have to do right which is why I'm writing this to you now. Substances- Caffeine - I did a blog about coffee about 2 weeks ago. I since ended my love affair with chocolate and am now 100% caffeine free. In my blog post I explained why caffeine in the modern world has a very different effect than it once did, even just 10 years ago. I have shared my caffeine-free experience with several others and it is amazing how many "I only have one cup" or "I just drink black tea" comments I get as an excuse to continue. It takes weeks for the blood flow to return to normal after just one cup of coffee. Go off 100% of caffeine for a month and you'll be amazed at the withdrawal symptoms you experience. No one with sleep or anxiety issues should be on caffeine. Melatonin - This is a hormone and when you take it you won't make it internally. If you are taking melatonin please consider going off. If you are on caffeine and on melatonin, this will create a snowball effect of problems down the road. Supplementation shouldn't be taken so lightly as it impedes your body's natural ability to produce what is needed in real time. THC - Although it may help you initially fall asleep, any form of THC keeps you from getting into the deeper states of sleep. It can cause major issues to your REM. If you regularly take THC try going off and start a dream journal. I'm confident you will see what I mean after 3-4 weeks of consistency. Alcohol- Any form of alcohol (yes, wine too) is bad news for sleep. The effects of this drug do damage on so many levels especially in the modern tech world we live in. I don't think I need to embellish much here as the effects of alcohol are pretty well established and known at this point. If you want to experience your true sleep potential, get off all these substances 100% for at least a month. Low charge - So many things including all forms of prolonged stress and aging reduce the body's charge. The simplest explanation of aging I can think of is reduced charge potential. The best solution for this besides the info above is a 20 gauss Magnetico sleep pad. I have done a number of posts on this as well. They aren't cheap but if people knew the true benefit it has on sleep and overall health, they would find a way. Magnetico offers interest-free financing on 6 payments over 6 months and I can offer you 15% off with my discount code: ROBA. So many of my friends, family, and clients have purchased one and have all been very grateful they did. You can check them out at the link below. Magnetico Sleep Pad I had to do a sleep post. I am getting next level sleep in a way I have never known. Here is a list of some of the things I do
I kill the breakers in my bed room at night. I sleep on a magneticio sleep pad . I use only candles and salt lamps in the house at night. I wear blue-tech (blue blocker) glasses when driving or exposed to screens at night. I am 100% sober from alcohol, THC, caffeine, and any other mind-altering substances. I use incline bed therapy (raising the head end of the bed up 6") I keep a lot of indoor plants in my home. I have no wifi in my home, out Internet is hard-wired. I turn all devicess and cell phones off or on airplane mode at night. I am now in the process of putting up a custom bed canopy that will shield me from any EMF signals while I sleep. The pre-made canopies on the market are unfortunately not high quality and I don't vouch for any of them. I got a very specific fabric from Sheilded Healing and had it sewn into a canopy. This is a very unique hack and I am very excited to take my sleep, (which has been really amazing) to the next level. I plan on doing a video and blog post on this as soon asI have it all put together. Tech does not sleep and if you are wired in it, neither will you. The best way to get healthy is to get truly restorative sleep and unfortunately I think that's a very rare thing these days. Make it a priority. If you need help with your sleep environment or if you know someone who is struggling with sleep, please share this and/or schedule a consult today. I'd love to help. Consulting Those aren't my teeth but they could have been. The cause of my illness was right under my nose. This is a story of metal alloys in teeth and its affect on health. I have a long history of health struggles and these struggles revealed to me that dental health has heavy implications and is commonly overlooked. I was raised in the inner city of Rochester New York, we didn't have much money or understanding of health back then. I was taken from my mother at birth and passed around until I was adopted. My birth mother was not well when she had me and we get our mitochondria (light converters of the cells) from our mother. It's safe to assume I have poor quality mitochondria compared to most and am therefore prone to low charge. One of the things I remember most from childhood was the dentist. I would get fluoride and metal fillings and I reacted so fast and so violently that I would shake uncontrollably and my parents would often have to pull over on the way home so I could vomit. I became very overweight and depressed. I lacked energy and felt bad. Fast forward to me as an adult in California after having a life of various low charge issues from, obesity to addiction, depression. With good intentions, I went on a vegan diet (a low charge diet if not in an equatorial region with lots of time outside in the sunlight). I was trying to get healthy and read about the dangers of metal in teeth. I went to a dentist get the metal extracted. The dentist drilled them out and I got sick. Very sick. Over the next 3 years I had massive health issues with my brain, heart, kidneys, gut and so many other issues. I found myself divorced after a 10 year marriage and many people who knew me thought I was a hypochondriac. I was blacking out and lucky had a friend crash at my place one night who was able to help me after a particularly bad fall. My brain wasn't working well and I started making preparations for my death as I knew that was coming quick if things continued as they were. I have always been a very cognitive person and the feeling that my brain couldn't function was unbearable. I couldn't make sense of things and I still have very blurry memories of this time. What had happened? The dentist that drilled the metal out failed to protect me from the exposure. He didn't drill all of the metal out left some of it exposed directly to my nerves and then covered it up with composite fillings, so I had no idea. Off gassing from hot and cold foods and beverages was going directly into my nervous system. I was being poisoned. I went to a new biological dentist who exposed this unfortunate truth. He asked me "who's trying to kill you?" He safely extracted the remaining metals and from there I began a path of healing that has taken several years. I thought I was going mad when I was sick. "Mad hatter" historically comes from hat makers who went insane. Mercury and other heavy metals were used in the hat making process at the time and was later discovered to be the cause. In the modern age metal exposure is still bad but far worse is how these deadly toxins interact with wireless frequency. Metals conduct and pick up frequencies just like an antenna. Non-native EMF from tech causes metals to leach more aggressively and has worse effects on low charge people. The more metals from any source we contain, the worse the effect of wireless tech will be. Our tech is depleting our electromagnetic charge so fast that issues that were bad before are now deadly. So many diseases are rooted in low charge (aka mitochondrial issues). Everything from depression and sleeplessness, to joint pain and gut issues. This blog is about boosting charge first for overall health and then dealing in chemistry second. This is a relatively unique idea since both mainstream and alt health fixated on chemistry and deficiencies. The real deficiency is not raw materials but electromagnetic charge needed to power the repair process. Solutions
As always reduce or remove as much wireless tech from your life as possible, especially in your home and sleep environment. Turn off all smart devices and cut breakers at night before bed. If you have metal fillings in your teeth and you want to get it removed, use a dentist who will: -Use a dental dam to block the exposure -Use an air hose over the nose to breath (most of the metal particles in the air from drilling are inhaled straight into the brain) -Use a vacuum to suck the metals from the mouth and air -My dentist even opened the window in the office Learn about charge in connection to toxicity. Here is a short blog post where I explain how some people get toxic and others don't ...One has low charge and the other doesn't. Toxicity Blog Get a Magnetico Sleep Pad Long before I knew anything about the quantum aspects of health I stumbled upon the magnetico. I was still having issues with metal poisoning and Dr. Bonlie who created the magnetico was a dentist who had also been metal posoned. He explained that the only real way to detox a brain (as the cells don't divide) was to use magno-chelation which increases the charge of the cell so the positively charged toxin can be expelled through the blood stream. I had tried every detox I could find including NAC to high dose Vit C. Only when I got the magnetico did I really find relief and over the past few years I have learned everything I can about magnetism to understand how this powerful tool gave me my life back. I share this often with my readers because I know how it works from personal experience. Dr. Bonlie did testing and found that fillings do not off gas when on a magnetico. Getting metal fillings removed can be dangerous and expensive and if I could pick between removal and getting a magnetico I would make the make the magnetico the priority. It also does many other beneficial things for increased charge and health. In the wifi world we live in the magnetico is a must. Check out Resources & To Do Lists for more helpful info or remember My Brain Is For Rent. I am happy to work with you to ask the questions and find solutions that may be missed by others stuck on chemistry. Nutrition, diets, detox, supplements, fat loss, muscle gain, longevity, energy, sleep words often used and seldom understood. I have tried so many different products, diets, devices, ideas in health. There is only one thing besides nature (light ect) that has impacted my health dramatically enough for me to really promote it and try my hardest to educate people about it. You see there is you, you brain, you cells, your mitochondria (which power the cell and electron chain transfer in the mitochondria and then you've hit the sub atomic and we are talking about the land of physics. Don't get lost just know that the deeper you go the everything above it is effected much like going from the leaves of a tree down to the roots. If you know that then when it comes to health you wanna start from the bottom and climb up. Now stay with me I'm trying hard to pack a lot into this and not go too long. The magnetism on earth goes in a cycle (everything in nature goes in cycles which if you realize that the when becomes very important all of a sudden) anyway the nature cycle of magnetism is very low. In fact it is nearing the end of its cycle. At the end there will be a pole shift. There have been nine that we know of so far. This isn't expected to happen for 400 years so don't freak out but freak out a little bit since as magnetism declines so does the charge on the electron. What that means is that life declines with it. In fact when charge declines in studies animals gorge themselves on food to try to make up for it. Right now the earths magnetism is about .5 gauss which is a unit of magnetic measurement. around dinosaur times it was about 300 gauss (ever wonder why they got so big and the environment could sustain them) Like I said I'm keeping this as simple as possible. I have been on this health quest for quite some time and have tried so very many different things. Every pill, diet, gimmick, device I could find until about a year and a half ago. This was when i finally started getting into mitochondrial health. If you follow this blog then you know about mitochondria but I'll try to do a refresher just in case. this is a simplification. The deeper you go into the body the more you effect every level above it. There is you your organs (lets use the brain as an example) your cells your mitochondria (the thing that powers your cells) your electrons The at carry light as charge and tell you time ok so in the mitochondria there is what is called electron chain transfer and this where what I will call physics (light, magnetism ect) takes the leap over the chemistry where the charge converts to ATP (chemical energy) and powers your cells, which power, your brain which powers your body which powers you. Ok I know thats a lot but it no differnt than tracing aa tree from the leaves back to the roots. So everything in your body depends on this process. It is very very important. If that wasn't enough now I'm going to tell you about magnetism. When most people think of magnets they think of a refrigerator magnet or a small magnet. In magnetism there are two types. Bi polar (two sides) Uni directional (one side) I would say that, at least for me the only magnetism I had heard of was bi polar. The earth has poles and has a magnetosphere except it is so big that we ar only ever exposed to one side of the magnetism at a time one side = uni directional. If you put a magnet on your wrist it is small enough that it wraps around and you get exposed to both sides (bi polar) In healing magnetism is very misunderstood because bi polar and uni directional magnetism have very different effects but are both magnetism. This is like in haling and exhaling could both be considered breathing but are very different from each other and if confused will cause problems. Small magnets acts like acupuncture. Its bi polar so one side pulls energy (electro magnetic energy) to the other side this is healing if done like acupuncture for no more than an hour a week. But no one leaves an acupuncture pin in all week long and no one should use some brace or something for healing all week long and no one should sleep on a bi polar mattress all night long. Short term benefit but long term cost. How does nature do it. Uni directional. In fact nasa when they look for life on other planets looks for three things. Light, water and magnetism because theses are the three aspects of physics required to give life to chemistry. Mars for example has light from the sun, so water in the form of magnetism. Its a dead plant. Part of the reason that people aren't jumping on this is because it isn't a simple concept like eat juicing is healthy (which is a misunderstanding at best) but take the time to really learn it. If you understand that boosting unidirectional magnetism will increase every aspect of your health from the mitochondria to the cell to your brain to you. Ok heres the secret the absolute only way I have found to increase unidirectional magnetism is with what is called a magnetico sleep pad. It is not a device that plugs into a wall. it is not a bi polar magnet it is a unidirectional pad that can be as strong as 20 gauss (40x stronger than .5) I don't promote much of anything these days because I know that chemistry comes from physics so anyone selling thing in the chemistry world either doesn't know or doesn't want to (I'm not saying chemistry doesn't matter I am just putting it in its rightful place under physics on where to start for health. What does the magnetico do? It boosts all your bio chemistry ....yup every bio chemical function is improved. I could start listing off stuff but its a very long list. I will say that when people say they need more energy they think of chemicals but really need more actual electro magnetic energy. For me the big stand outs. I have bad mitochondrial function so no matter how healthy my chemistry was I didn't have the energy to get the benefits. For example the cells charge is maintained witha sodium/potasium pump that is electromagnetically charged. When charge is low this pump shuts off and the cell (as an emergency survival mechanism) open up a calcium channel with it comes positivly charged toxins into a cell. This why one person gets toxic and another doesn't both may be exposed to the same toxin but one has low charge and the other doesn't. After years of struggling with toxicity issues and trying everything under the sun no one ever told me this. I got a magnetico and I never have to use the word detox again. This id just one example as detox products are so prevalent in the market. The other major piece is wifi. If you know what happens when you sleep certain cells in your brain send out a spectrum frequency to your dividing cells telling them what to become. When you have nnemf (non native electromagnetic frequency aka wifi signals) around you when you sleep the cells can't make out the signal. People are starting to pic up on this and getting away from wifi is a great idea except that the entire world is upping the wifi and 5g is just the next level of this. What does it mean? It means we will not heal, we will age faster, our brains will not work as well, ect. We will have a faster internet connection for a shorter life. The magnetico boosts the strength of you signal so that you can compete with the wifi. Wifi is bad no matter what but the magnetico is the only real natural way I have found to help with this (I have considered so many options and would love to discuss this more with others) I could go on and on about this so if you have made it this far and have more questions please contact me and ask. The magnetico isn't cheap. It will last the rest of your life with no additional cost. I am not a wealthy person and I made this a real priority and I can tell you that of all the aspects of health I have come across the only thing (besides natural light and other aspects of nature) is naturally increased uni directional magnetism using a magnetico. If you are reading this thank you so much for getting this far. This really is the most important health tool I have ever found and I wanted to use it for a prologed period of time and really test it out for myself. i am so glad I did. I hesitantly sign up to be a reseller. I want people to get the 15% discount I offer but didn't want people to think I was just pushing a garbage product like so many others. I believe in magnetico and believe that in the future people with one will live and everyone else will, well, try to live. Click on the this link for the discount or say Rob Alexander and call in. You can try for 6 months if you don't like it send it back. Please consider this for you and your family. My hope is not only that you will get a magnetico but help to promote real health solutions in an industry filled with deception. Link For DiscountHealth Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
This website does not provide medical advice.
The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.