Welcome To The Internet3/31/2021 I have written a massive amount of information on this blog site. Some of it is rather obscure so at this point I hope to keep it simple and offer up some simple truths and practical steps to try. It's important to keep in mind that the long term agenda is trans-humanism (once the population is reduced down to the desired level of 500 million to 1 billion). This is essentially a merging of human biology with technology. Why is this the case? Control. The best slaves are the ones that think they are free. Freedom under conditions is simply enslavement. Free speech unless you say something offensive is a simple example of this and we are seeing it play out now. Nano tech, Musk's neural links, and virtual reality spaces are all forms of trans-humanism. Technology advertised for health monitoring benefits can actually be used for health control. I could go on and on about this but ultimately the 5g and vaccine agendas are both tied to trans-humanism. Unless you want to be a guinea pig for this potentially disastrous agenda, do not get vaccinated under any circumstances. These new mRNA vaccines contain nano-tech substances such as hyrdo-gel that will require regular booster shots, which will actually be software updates (no different than required periodic updates for a computer or cell phone). In time, your biology right down to the cellular and DNA levels will be owned because they'll contain patented products. It is likely that the nano-tech distorts a person's magnetic field and essentially turns them into an EMF transmitter, like an antennae for tech. At some point in the near future, "vaccination passports" will be required to travel and attend social activities. If you have not already moved out of the cities and especially the states of CA and NY, now is the time to do so with urgency. Become as self-sufficient as possible and make it a priority to learn skills that will help you increase your independence from this house-of-cards system. This is easier said than done because we are at a point where not opting for convenience is very costly. Unplug from the net and remove wifi from your home environment. Embrace natural food and living. Do not get caught up in a polarized, divide and conquer mentality that consumes so many people. It is more important than ever to remain calm and centered. Many who know about what's going on are frantic and angry; working against their desired outcomes. Tempting as it may be, do not look to an external savior. Religion and the "Jesus is coming back to fix everything" mentality keeps people from having personal responsibility for their own lives. Remove addictions. This includes alcohol, drugs, weed, caffeine, processed food, sugar, porn, TV, social media, etc. It is crucial that you are clear-headed. Like it or not, we are all living in an increasingly toxic EMF soup (to some degree or another, depending on where you live). This toxic EMF environment exacerbates any existing addictions exponentially and also creates a dopamine-driven feedback loop that can cause you to feel rewarded when engaging in destructive, addictive behavior. Can you walk the narrow path? Can you reject scientific atheism for a Gnostic perspective that sees gods and devils as archetypes? Can you look inside yourself for salvation. Can you make the sacrifices needed to reject the appeal of the trans-humanist agenda? Can you see the pluses and minuses of all positions and not get polarized? One way or another, you'll find out eventually in this life. Very few can. The world is drunk and easily controlled. The material world is a big casino. It can not be saved or fixed because it is designed to keep you here. You are here to learn how to leave or to stay repeating the same addictive behavior over and over until you've had enough. Leaving this realm is the narrow path. Religion, technology, politics, government all keep the game here going. Remember, there is an equal and opposite cost for every choice and even refusing to make a choice. Look into yourself to discover what you are really drawn to. When you see the sun setting don't just stand there screaming at the sun for leaving. Wisdom is knowing when night is coming. It will be cold. Go get your jacket. Next Blog
Health Blog LibraryAuthorRob Alexander is on a journey to learn not just about health but everything else. Archives
February 2024
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