Your heart and Mind are in a battle for your life decide to help or hurt them.The world is filled with Wifi and its only getting worse. With that said the closer you are and the more non native electro-magnetic frequencies (nnemf) you are exposed to the worse the affects. Remember that the brain and the heart are the most mitochondrial dense parts of the body. Simply said, these are the most electro-magnetic. This means they are powered and programmed with natural frequencies being emitted on the subatomic level from electrons, your little emf devices in the body. Perhaps now you can start to understand that anyone having stress, anxiety, sleep, cancer or any health issue most commonly reserved for the elderly should really think before they put active tech on the body. As we age our charge declines resulting in many health issues. In the modern world charge is declining at a rapid rate meaning everything from diminishing bone density to heart attacks and everything in between. Charge at night is required for the repair frequency to be expressed which is why low charge people have increased negative health affects at night. Anyone wearing a "smart" device especially in their ears or on the heart is either suicidal or knows very little about health. Our tech has to be understood in the context of our natural bio tech being the electro-magnetic aspects of health. Anyone even remotely worried about healthy food choices with a smart watch on is not very smart. The affects of tech and fake light historically have been very subtle but now the levels of tech exposure are so very high that the affects will be much more obvious. This is even more important when you sleep. If you have ringing in your ears this is a frequency issue (mitochondria). Unplug Wifi at night, put phones on airplane mode, and avoid cordless phones. These put off a massive amount of dissonant frequency. Don't for a second think that just because the device is in another room that it won't affect the device that is you. If you can get a signal then you are being affected by that signal. Tech is changing fast and it doesn't sleep. What was true 5 years ago isn't as relevant anymore. When tech hits critical mass, meaning when frequency saturation happens, we will know. Our biology can only handle so much. How much? Look around and pay attention to brain malfunctions. I'm talking about psychosis. Look for mental/emotional issues. All our thoughts are electr-magnetic. Look for people who work in tech, electrical, planes/airports, dense populations, or high elevations off the ground (skyscrapers). We must realize that the tech that wasn't once as dangerous is dangerous today because of the now excessive amount of frequencies in the environment. And be careful of your intoxicants like weed, alcohol. This is an important time to be clear-headed as the thought frequencies in your head are more volatile. Do not put a Wifi device on your head and expect to not have serious negative health affects. Do not strap a Wifi (microwave ) device to your wrist where you check your pulse. The iron in your blood intersects with frequency and this distortion will be shuttled through out your body. I had a conversation with someone wearing a Wifi watch who can't sleep. I told her the reason why and her response was "but how will I count my steps?"!!!
I'm not here to save anyone. People respond to this truth one of two ways: Why they can change or why they can't. I will not waste time or energy on anyone who approaches this with reasons not to change. If the response is what about my.... I will say nothing at all. This is not for you. If this message doesn't click for you keep up all the tech but if you spark for this information and want to understand the world we live in then tune in. Lets learn together about how to navigate this new environment. Those of us that light up- will be visibly different from those that don't as the tech exposure affects health expression in the body.
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February 2024
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