Why I Eat Meat7/10/2019 I try not to get into facebook debates as the platform lends itself to defensive arguments instead of knowledge-seeking conversation. I did however, see a post about veganism that I commented on. I'm not against veganism. I think anyone should be free to eat anything they want. However, I am against the idea that any one diet should be everyone's diet. So in response to a comment I wrote This...... Why I eat meat. (a post to a vegan) I am a former vegan. I pushed the religion and even opened a vegan health cafe. I have said and heard all the arguments. I was sick and got sicker until I found out my “vegan guru” had been eating fish and eggs the entire time. In an act of desperation for my health I ate an egg. Within minutes my brain started to click on. Fish even better. After 20 years of no red meat I ate beef. I was terrified like the vegan god would send me to hell. Flesh eating murderer. Then I started learning about health. Diets are based on light environments. If you are at the equator in the sun you can be a vegan but the further north you go the less carbs are available and the worse the effect of carbs on the body. I am not anti-vegan but vegan in the right context. I do not think Native Americans of Inuits where less spiritual for eating meat. They where entrenched in their environment. One with nature; circle of life type stuff. I am against a push toward universal veganism for the same reason I am against a push toward universal meat-only diets. There is no one-size-fits-all diet but veganism in the wrong environment is dangerous. I am healthier than I have ever been and I eat more meat than I ever have. This is not random. If you wear nearly no clothing, spend your life outdoors in India at an equatorial location subjected to little to no Wifi, then I encourage a vegan lifestyle. If you are reading this on a computer surrounded by Wifi and florescent/ LED lighting from above and on your screen, and fully clothed when you are rarely outside, then you may want to have another steak. There are important substances found in animal products - most notably DHA which needs to be converted from plant form into the usable animal form. B-12 along with animal fats are also important. Iron contains more electrons than magnesium, meaning that red (iron-rich) blood is a better electron source than green (magnesium-rich) plant blood. Veagnism must be reserved for high light, equatorial environments. This is how it has always been historically and you'll be hard pressed to find a super healthy vegan that doesn't also have a great tan. The light environment should determine the diet and the more indoors we are the more meat is required in order to maintain the same level of health. I think we forget this because we have the convenience of accessing foods from all over the globe because of technological advances, but don't be fooled. Veganism has the potential to be a first world, out of touch with nature, egotistical belief system and is promoted by the sugar and processed food industries for profit. Any vegan should watch the Lion King. I went to the movies yesterday and saw a preview of the new Lion King and it was a happy reminder. The circle of life. Everything in nature is cooperating and competing. Eating and being eaten in perfect balance. The further we get away from this the more we will try to draw arbitrary lines about when consciousness starts and stops. With eyes? With a face that looks like yours? Or is life always changing no one part more or less important than another? How much life is in a plowed field. Are cow souls more important than gopher souls? The Vegan "guru" that started me down my sick vegan path once said "if they had to kill the animal they wouldn't eat it." But standing there in the vegan cafe looking around at the "superfood" powders from all over the world I responded "if you had to grow all this stuff you wouldn't eat it either, you'd need a steak."
The rise of the carnivore diet is a testament to the effects of veganism as many people who were vegan have reintroduced meat into the diet and have had amazing health recoveries. It will be interesting to see how this progresses. I am not against veganism but I am against misinformation that may lead to a person getting sick from following a diet that they shouldn't due to their environment. If you follow this blog then you know my focus is on increasing charge for health. Everyone should get off processed food whether it be vegan or not. Marshmallows are vegan. Meat alternatives are filled with gmo plants and quality always matters. Remember the answer to every question is "it depends." Learn about your environment and your body. Don't fall for bad studies paid for by sales people or marketing cranking out bad info to keep you confused and buying useless products. Please share this blog and subscribe to my mailing list for updates on talks and new blog posts. There is a new blog posted every Friday.
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February 2024
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