More On What Is Coming4/30/2020 The light, viral expression and tech will effect food production. Viral expression will spike up high in the fall leading to meat plants getting shut down from "contamination" - we have already seen this Article - 900 Workers At Indiana Meat Plant Test Positive "As pork, beef and chicken plants are being forced to close, even for short periods of time, millions of pounds of meat will disappear from the supply chain," he said in a statement posted on the company's website Sunday. "As a result, there will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed." As they are the feed crop farms will have to destroy their crops, this is already happening. As meat availability declines the run on food will increase leading to a second disruption in the supply chain. We will also start to see import and export restrictions increase with the intention of keeping the virus from spreading. Very few people realize just how many products are imported especially from china. The economy has been negatively effected in a number of ways Too many to count or explain but the economy itself is like a tree with many branches and the truck of that tree is the currency itself which is been hit very hard as inflationary policy is on a massive swing upward with more on the way. My suggestion get assets that are geared toward survival (not sports cars ect) and don't be cash heavy as the value of this cash will erode quickly once the inflation starts to hit. If you have the ability to be debt structured this would be a wise move. Sounds strange but in an inflationary market debt is wiped away along with cash. Use debt to set yourself up with survival assets. As the effects truly show themselves come fall and winter you will start to see acts of desperation linked to the declining food supply. There will even be a shortage of people to work the various jobs required to make things happen. This food and money scarcity will inevitably result in acts of violence and burglary that will only be contributed to by the tech effects of the increased power grid. Increased wifi will make peoples actions and reactions even more volatile. This will cause a control system and martial law to be set up in order to protect people. Things Like Riot Control Acts and other legal acts that allow for extreme restriction under extreme circumstances. Large cities will be hardest hit small communities will grow food and exchange with each other to survive. This will be a regression into past barter systems as the dollar will collapse. So in some locations things will be pretty much the same. The restrictions will not be strictly enforced. These will be the fringe 20% the mainstream 80% in high population ares will be stuck. Many think that they will have the ability to leave and go to a more remote location later on. this is not the case. Flights will be restricted, boarders will be locked. Currently California is doing a beta test to see how people respond to not being able to go to beaches and parks. There will be economic bailout and assistance programs put in place at first. An example would be 6 months of 2 k a month for citizens in a low income bracket and business bail outs. Small businesses will suffer and the larger dependence on corporate structure will increase. The 2k will create a bump for a little while but will result in hyper inflation. This will cause the housing market to collapse and those with equity that they can't access will lose it. The elderly and senior citizens will be particularly hard hit as they will see saving evaporate. The younger generation that has gotten accustomed to certain comforts will have a difficult time and no one will be worried about what sign to put on a bathroom or any of the other problems people created when things were good. We will see some form of hyper inflation. essential commodities and products will show this. Essential product prices will increase and non essentials will decrease. This will allow the gov to deny inflation. They will say the price of food has gone up but the price of dvd players has gone way down so inflation is pretty low. This has always been the case as certain goods become obsolete while essentials rise. We have a had modest inflation but not it takes 2 working people per home instead of one. We will see alcohol consumption increase. Social isolation, stress and hardship of any kind will require people to numb themselves more and will lead to less critical thinking but more mental illness. The inability to sleep will also contribute to intoxicants along with sleep aids. Many people will believe that if things get bad they will simply be able to leave. As we can see in Gallup New Mexico. The outbreak has gotten high numbers there so all roads are shut down along with many other extreme restrictions. They have engaged The Riot Control Act. We will see this on a larger scale in New York City and LA in the fall. Leaving will not be an option then. Gallup NM Article This graph of the Spanish flu is a pretty accurate blueprint for the Corona virus in terms of trend. I believe we will see even more actual deaths than the Spanish flu produced once the technology roll outs are launched in the fall. The peaks and valleys will ultimately be very similar. Here is my predicted timeline: -Technology upgrades (5g, Starlink satellites, etc.) are being installed and and expanded now and will be activated in September/October 2020. The effects of this will hit 3-12 weeks later and ramp up from there. I would expect a substantial increase in the amount of viral expression in the winter of 2020. -The election in Novemeber will increase volatility as the two poles of the country are so divided that it doesn't matter who wins, the other side will rise up and some states will reject it. If trump wins again you will see New York and especially California take drastic measures to rebel and assert power. -Deaths in the winter will justify martial law and boarder shut downs, preventing people from getting out of the state they are in to avoid spreading. We have seen this already in New York. -The majority of deaths will happen between Halloween 2020 through April 2021, with a third wave the following fall/winter 2021 that will not be as bad. -This time next year we will have an "optional" vaccine with restricted travel and public interaction for those who opt out. Maybe not optional. Florida has already stated that it can require vaccination if it sees fit. "A spokesperson from the Florida Department of Health cited the statute when asked what factors would come into play the department's decided to order vaccinations. "The state health officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health. ... During a public health emergency any order of the state health officer shall be immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under s. 381.0012," the spokesperson said in an email." From Article Here Article states that this is not a fact that Florida will as there is no vaccine but does establish that it can. I'm sure other states have similar abilities. -There will be financial payouts to the hall monitor types for reporting anyone who is not complying with enforced social distancing and other restrictions. Essentially snitch money for the public good. This will happen by June next year. -Expect a major economic restructure in a year and a half. The possible shift to a digital global or semi global currency. At the very least a conversion to fully digital currency. -We will see a an interesting shift toward states merging into cooperative regions. For example: California, Oregon, and Washington as a west coast alliance to try to pull/ control more resources from the government that will inevitably result in some type of US restructuring that will move up to the country level resulting in globalism over the next 10 years. -Starlink will become the control grid and those not conforming will be cut off from the tech supply and as we know addicts will do anything for the wifi drug they are hooked on. -Virtual reality will become more prevalent and tech will increase over time, furthering trans-humanism. Don't believe me? Here is an article on the future of flights. "He believes biometric screenings, like using facial recognition systems to ID and check in passengers, will cut down on unnecessary human interactions, speed up the airport process and reduce crowding." ..... Systems like Global Entry, which involve fingerprint identification, may pivot to retinal scans to reduce high-touch surfaces in airports. Although people have concerns about privacy, Kelly is of the opinion that protecting health should come first. “Privacy is out the window. The government knows what it wants about you,” he said. “The question now is, ‘Do we want to risk dying due to a virus over privacy concerns, or do we want to actually have efficient and safe airports?’” Don't loose hope. Those in small numbers that choose to opt out of the system without disrupting it will be allowed to do so. Much like the Amish have been allowed to hold onto their technology-free way of life, there will be some that regress into nature, simplicity, and self-sufficiency. They will not be very effected much like the Amish are unaffected by the the mainstream population. The people on the fringe 20% of the bell curve will be mocked by the 80% until they find themselves in a position that is more simple. This is a time when people will show their true colors. You will find out if those close to you are actually supportive and loving or if a claim of love and support is really rooted in neediness and manipulation. Anyone attached to a house, technology, environment, and in some cases even loved ones who live nearby will find that they will lose them as the health effects will be so vast. Prepare to lose whatever you cling to most now so that if it happens you are prepared. I always say: plan for the worst, hope for the best. I know I'm a broken record on this message, but get out of New York, California, and large cities. Make sacrifices to ween yourself away from technology. Trees and snow will be some of your greatest allies. If I took you back and broke down what has happened since 9/11, you would be amazed to realise just how normal and good things have continued to be. The world keeps turning and we all want some normal mixed into our crazy lives. If you are by yourself use this time to go inward. Meditate and calm the inner storm so the outer storm can die down as well. Get a cat or dog. An animal friend can be very helpful during these times. If you have a family you can still wake up and tell the people you love how special they are. Be silly and be grateful for what you have now. We have become so spoiled and it is time to get back to simplicity. The less attached you are to the old normal the more comfortable you will be in the new normal. The less you will suffer through these times of great change. Life can still be good. There is always a storm going on somewhere, even when the sun is shining on you. Enjoy what you have in each moment. Next Blog
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February 2024
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