Alcohol In The Modern Age4/6/2019 ,The brain and heart are the most mitochondrialy dense parts of the body. Mitochondria are where electrons are converted in more complex material substances. In other words in the brain and the heart light is converted into you. These are the places in the body that are the most electro-magnetic as all light is electric. That being said, our hearts and minds (mitochondria) are under attach in a new way from competing frequencies. Wifi and blue light are both tech-based unnatural frequencies that disrupt the light frequencies expressed in the brain and heart. Simply put, unnatural frequencies reduce the amount of light you contain and reduce the function of the brain and heart. What does this light story have to do with Alcohol? Everything. Spirits Lurk In The Dark But Run From LightAlcohol stops the stopper of dopamine in the brain allowing dopamine to flow, and this is what makes you feel good. All the other affects are brain damage. Alcohol does not interact well with hydration. Water is created through the transfer of light (electrons) in the mitochondria to act as the conductive battery for charge within the cell. As alcohol disrupts these systems, charge (light/natural frequencies) decline and so does the function of the brain. The wifi and in some places 5G (up to 93 GH) is competing with our brain function. The alcohol has not changed but the environment of the brain exposed to the alcohol has. This means the affects of alcohol are far more damaging than they have been historically. Stress and sleeplessness are on the rise but so are mental/emotional disorders aka brain malfunctions. Alcohol (traditionally referred to as spirits) distorts our ability to function neurologically more than ever. Our brains, when functioning properly, can tell the difference between the material world and the conceptual world being the non-physical place where our ideas and imagination reside. As alcohol in the modern age is consumed new types of affects will take place as drinking is often described to as truth serum. The truth of a person's fears will become far more real to them. The line between drinkers and non-drinkers will get more clear as drinking in excess will cause so many new problems that many will get sober and others will fall deeper into addiction. The brain's ability to light up removes much of the dark thoughts and fears as it can tell what is a real threat or imaginary (hypothetical) one. The what if's are often what haunt people this may be what if a monster comes to get me or what if my partner cheats, what if we can't pay that bill or whatever makes you lay awake at night. Fears are powerful but not deadly unless you are fooled by them. Drunk people are easily fooled. "They can't kill you but they can convince you that they can kill you." Terence Mckenna The archetype of shining a light in the darkness and removing the shadows from the mind to be clear and see the truth from a lie. Alcohol and other substances that alter brain function including THC will start to result in hysteria, mania and paranoia in a new way. This is a result of tech's EMFs that are changing the brains ability to communicate with itself. The time for intoxication is over. We must protect our hearts and minds as suicide, mental illness, and any number of other brain issues are and will continue to rise. Be clear and boost your mitochondrial function (light expression) in any way you can. Article on the damaging Affects of Alcohol continuing even after the drinking has stopped. -----> Here Remember that inflammation is time chaos in the body and light cycles establish proper circadian clocks in the brain. Every time you here the word inflammation think light and time. When the brain looses track of time it looses the ability to distinguish reality from our fears. If you have ever seen a person having alcohol or drug related mental illness it is disturbing and not a fate I would wish on anyone. And yes, the effects of tech especially wifi can induce these states of mental illness through mitochondrial dysfunction even when not in the presence of negative substances like alcohol. I stopped drinking 11 years ago. I stopped because I lost track of reality. My fears began to engulf me. I am so glad to have had those horrible experiences that scared me sober back then as it was not a 5g world at the time. Get clear and deal with your fears proactively as the frequency environment changes the fears will come out one way or another. Young people are also very affected by all this as suicide rates rise. Light up your heart and mind. Darkness always runs from light and this blog is all about light retention and if you are paying attention it is also about light creation to affect not only yourself but those around you electro-magnetically. Shine bright friends, the world is changing and the outer light is setting as our inner light is rising but only for those looking in to see it and those will be able to harness its frequency (charge power). Look to it.
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February 2024
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