See & Hear Wifi To Make It Real4/19/2019 How do frequencies work? In this blog I have tried to shine a light on this issue. Wireless devices transmit a frequency into the air and the receiver picks up that frequency and allows the information to be re-expressed. Sounds great and this why all our "smart" tech is smart because it is all synced up together and talks to other "smart" tech. Whats the problem? Your brain and body are conductive, making you a receiver. You pick up all these frequencies and your body, which was the first smart device, talks to itself with frequency. The competing unnatural frequencies of tech communicate the wrong messages to the body and therefore disrupt its processes. These unnatural frequencies from wireless tech overlap creating a microwave oven. This dehydrates our cells, reducing the water that functions as the conductive battery for charge which powers the body. All your thoughts are electromagnetic and the more electromagnetic disturbances there are in your environment the more difficult it is to be clear, focused, calm, etc. Sleep is completely distorted by the frequencies and light put off by our tech. I could go on and on about the affects of Wifi but essentially all our biochemistry is affected. The more competing frequencies, the worse our health will be. Herein lies the issue. The more frequencies, the worse the effect. The closer you are to the transmitter of the frequency, the worse the effect. The further off the ground you are, the worse the effect. I recently had Brian Hoyer of Shielded Healing come out to my home for testing. He brought an impressive amount of equipment with him. I live in the outskirts of a small town in a residential neighborhood with lots of trees. His equipment revealed how real the effects of frequencies really are. Normally these effects are subtle and not witnessed by our 5 senses. He picked up the phones, the dirty electric in the walls, and a spike pulsing every 5-10 seconds from a receiver antennae on a city building nearby. The pine trees where able to absorb a lot of the negative frequency. He was even able to pick up my wireless mouse on my computer which I hadn't even thought about. Or brains are frequency devices. Brian was able to touch his equipment and pick up radio stations and all kinds of other frequencies with his body. We are exposed to this every moment of every day. So much of our society makes sense if you understand the affects of tech. Light is a visible frequency that also interacts with the body so if you're worried about Wifi you should also be concerned about fake light.
I will say hearing the dissonant frequencies and seeing the spikes was a bit traumatizing, but I have chosen knowledge as power over ignorance as bliss. The sleep environment is most important and a sleep canopy is coming soon. My magnetico sleep pad is also a big help. Another great hack is killing breakers at night which cuts down a lot of the dirty electricity running through the walls. Brain offers a number of tools to help with these issues but the best tools are simply shutting off the tech and getting hard-wired devices. If you are in a big city with 5G then you may have to be more drastic and move. If you are in an area like me then making the home a priority is key. We still pick up frequencies from our neighbor's smart meter, Wifi, ect. It is impossible in the modern world to avoid Wifi altogether and things will only get worse so investing in tools now is a wise move. Don't wait until signs of illness show and your health hits critical mass. Please feel free to connect with me if you have questions. This info is vague because every one's environment is different. If you are on the Central Coast of California, I do offer walk-throughs to help identify some of the basics. I also know Clint of is can help people get hardwired and set up locally as well. Take this seriously and realize that Wifi is far-reaching and goes through walls and beyond. The faster we adapt to the tech world the better we will be but like anything it comes at a price. Tech is convenient and deadly where nature can be inconvenient and life-giving.
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February 2024
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