Understanding And Reacting To COVID - 193/17/2020 My website has a wide variety of different topics, but one of the primary topics I've focused on is attempting to help people understand that our modern technology, specifically wireless tech and even more specifically how the launch of 5G, is incompatible with human health. I have written countless blogs on this. I have tried to make the case that nutrition and exercise will not offset the negative effects of tech, especially where 5g is involved. I have tried my very best to warn people about the effects of tech, and my conscience is clear. So what does this have to do with the Corona Virus? I was shown this 10 minute video of Dr Thomas Cowan's take on the situation today and I hope that you will take the time to watch it to the end. Virus Video This new virus is rooted in tech from what I can tell. It is rooted in the launch of 5G. Not just 5G but the global increase in electromagnetic frequencies from wireless technology. Can Anyone deny that never in human history has man created so much frequency in the global environment. no one really knows what the effect will be. I do know that it will reduce charge potential in all living things because we are powered by natural frequency and the completion with unnatural frequency will take it's toll. It is affecting the elderly most. Aging is a reduction in charge potential over time. A dead body and a living body are made of the same chemicals, only one has electromagnetic charge potential and one does not. You will find it in large cities, hospitals, and airports not because a virus is being transmitted from a lack of hand washing but from the type of tech that exists in these places. The frequencies that come off this tech and the sheer amount of it causes cellular toxicity that de-structures water molecules in your body. Blog Viruses Are The result Of Illness Not The Cause Please check out some of my old blogs to get up to speed on the effects of wireless tech. 5G and other wireless tech is altering intercellular water which is created inside the mitochondria. This alteration removes conductivity and as a result decreases your body's charge. What happens when charge declines? You get closer to death. The roll out of 5G in Wuhan China triggered the first expressions of the virus. Simply put, viruses are an expression of a toxic overload, they are not a thing passed from one person to another. They are not even contagious and the only way you can get a foreign virus inside your body is through ingestion or injection. Chicken pox is a contagious disease can be passed from person to person, and the resulting viral expression (known as varicella) from that disease is not the cause but the symptom. The Corona virus is not a disease. It is a viral expression from cellular toxicity. From what? Radiation toxicity from EMF and 5G as the world turns up the manmade electrification of the earth. This is EMF radiation toxicity that causes a viral expression. It is correlative and has nothing to do with hand washing because the toxin results from non-native frequencies, not human contact. I predicted a while ago that as EMF increases, it will have a massive impact on flights because EMF is progressively more damaging with altitude. So is it any coincidence that we now have flights being cancelled all over the globe? I realize they're using the virus as the excuse but it's an interesting correlation because if the 5g switch is in fact being turned on it would undoubtedly compromise flights. People are worried about pollution from oil and other chemicals while completely missing the fact that nature is being radiated with toxic frequency and this is by far the greatest pollutant on the planet. But since people can't see it they don't understand it and easily put it outside the realm of possibility. This is a dangerous mistake. My partner has taken hundreds of pictures of the toxic frequency I am talking about over the years. Here are some originals from her archive. It is now so bad that you can typically see this frequency for yourself at some point every single day anywhere on earth if you're looking for it. When you go deep into a cell past chemistry you will see that all illness has to do with the removal of electrons causing a disruption. Much like how a complex orchestra has many different instruments and notes, if you remove one note or instrument instead of another you get a different sound that disrupts the entire song. In this same way different frequencies and chemical toxins that are subatomic at their core level with a positive (toxic) charge, aka charge disruptors, cause imbalance and illness in the body. This is why vitamin C in the proper doses is so versatile because it serves as an electron donor to replace lost electrons. Why are Italy and Spain are getting hit so hard? They are small countries with dense populations. Italy 5G Article What can you do to react to the virus? Boost Your Charge To Do Lists If you live in a highly populated area or a 5G location you need to relocate if you want to stay healthy. You are essentially living in a radiation microwave (hence the insane fires we now have regularly in high tech ares like LA and San Francisco. Take vitamin C through out the day - not as a nutrient but for a steady supply of electrons. Doris Loh Get a Magnetico Sleep Pad No excuses - It is only $50 shipping until the end of this month (March 2020) and you get 15% off if you use my code: ROBA Educate yourself of the effects of wireless tech. Wifi Hertz Definitions Blog EMF - What Is It? Move - Relocate to a low population place with a power grid that can't support advanced tech. Animals that don't migrate don't live. Don't let your fixed conscious mind over ride you instincts. Anxiety and a feeling of distress are often a result of you subatomic,ic particles being shaken by electromagnetic frequency. Often people go directly from its too soon to react to its too late to react. Don't be the frog in boiling water Check Out the STORE for solutions Ask me about a bed canopy - most sold online are a waste of money. It is not cheap or easy but is a very strong tool. My Talks -
Technology will only increase and this virus will increase along with it. It is time to take drastic steps for you and your loved ones. Everyone who says "I can't afford a magnetico, I can't move, I won't shut off my breakers at night, I won't take vitamin C every couple hours" will simply have to face the reality of their unfortunate priorities. Nothing will ever be the same because tech is only going to get worse. Free up your money and remove your attachments. Grieve the life you had and move on. People will not connect illness to tech any time soon. Instead they will push for more tech as the solution. Unfortunately frequency effects us all as 5g and EMF are far worse than second hand smoke. Look out for the inability to sleep. Sleep requires so much of the body's electrical charge that it requires your waking systems to disengage, but it provides an opportunity for your body to repair from damage such as EMF exposure. While sleep drugs and alcohol can sedate a person, they prevent your brain from entering the proper sleep cycle and do more harm than good. Sleep In The modern Age What to look for? My guess is that right now not many people are dying and of those dying they are not young people but everything is shut down. You will see trees get cut down and transmitters go up. Ask yourself why trees are coming down with a shut down. They just cut the trees down around the power grid terminal near my house. The colleges are going to get wired up while they are empty. Soon you will start to see deaths and not just deaths of old people as the dial gets turned up. Look for trees getting cut down. As tech increases, they have to go because they interfere with the signals. Stay close to nature like your life depends on it. Also look for towers and transmitters. New construction will be built with a power grid that can be built up to meet future demand where old construction will have to be upgraded. As populations shift areas with new construction will have much greater exposure. If you are in a residential area that is having a large population surge expect an equal and opposite dip in health in that area. I have done my part by putting out this blog. The rest is up to you. It is also not the time to go vegan or vegetarian. Eat beef and fish and avoid alcohol. Time will tell the story. This blog is my mental savings account so that as tech increases and more "mysterious" illnesses pop up I will be able to show people that the solutions and information was there, free, all along. Suffering precedes change and I don't expect the tech addicts to change any time soon. I believe many will have to die from their addictions. Although easier said than done these days, keep your stress to a minimum as it also reduces charge. Stress in The Modern Age I have provided a number of different videos and blog posts to assist in understanding the current situation.
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